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[0.22] GPWS for Jets/Planes v1.2 Hear yourself land! or crash!


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Outdated video:

Scott Manley video starting from 1.45 (HUD display is not my MOD!!!!)

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Just like commercial airliners your spaceplanes will have GPWS installed in your landing gear!! Yes you heard right, right into your landing gear!

This mod basically adds GPWS and uses the default landing gear. This will add a couple of warning sounds if you are losing altitude rapidly and have a chance to crash into the terrain. The warning sound is probably something you are familiar with! "WHOOP WHOOP PULL UP!!". Mod will also announce altitudes during a landing starting from 1000 to 10 meters.

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Simply extract the ModuleManager.dll and GPWS folder to your KSP_Win/GameData folder.

Thanks to Athlonic for the help. Checkout his plugin in here:


Thanks to IvanTehFennec for the sound files!

No additional parts needed thanks to the excellent "ModuleManager" plugin (included) from Ialdabaoth.

( credits and updates here : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...-modding-needs )

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How to use:

Just try to crash. You will hear the sound of the system warning you to pull up. You don't have to listen the advice!

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Change Log


*Initial Release


*Changed "WHOOP WHOOP PULL UP" sound

*Added altitude announcements for 1000 500 and 100 - As these are for landings and approaches you should be descending to hear these announcements.

*Added "TOO LOW TERRAIN" (If you go too fast on the runway this warning will be announced i will fix this soon)


*Added 50 40 30 20 10 altitude announcements (be gentle at the runway approach, dont try to land like a rock falling from the sky)

*fixed weird doppler effects


Upcoming Features:

ALL GPWS sounds.

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Download Link:






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Edited by Cryphonus
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Looks awesome! Does it change the Stock Wheels to modified Wheels, or are there other wheels in the addon?

It does the change automatically when you copy the folders in the .zip file, thats all you have to do!!

Edited by Cryphonus
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tbh i would rather have MOAR landing gear instead of this. with modular wheels broken we have little to nothing for landing gears that work now

I am not so good with part modelling, i need someone to tutor me probably, never modeled a part before. I agree with you about the lack of landing gears maybe devs will add another one with 0.22 who knows.

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I assume your plugin makes use of a part module..hence the need for ModuleManager?

I am asking if said module can be added to the landing gear manually and still work...I don't use ModuleManager.

It will probably work that way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aah great to see a old plugin like this being remade! :D

I've been trying to get the old one from over a year ago to work which I did.. until 0.20 came out and it broke again. xD

This great, love to see the upcoming features!

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Any way you can switch to WAVs? ogg is awful quality, and in my game it sounds like complete garbage. It modulates like hell, and is really quiet. I have a full suite of HQ GPWS sounds from Boeing if you need/want them for use. That way you don't have to scour crap-tier addons on Simviation to find them.

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Any way you can switch to WAVs? ogg is awful quality, and in my game it sounds like complete garbage. It modulates like hell, and is really quiet. I have a full suite of HQ GPWS sounds from Boeing if you need/want them for use. That way you don't have to scour crap-tier addons on Simviation to find them.

A badly-recorded .ogg does not mean that .ogg is a bad format through-and-through.

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Still, WAV would be a better choice, and since I could give Cryphonus some HQ sounds, I think it'd be a good choice.

Somehow i didnt receive a notification about the replies here. Since IvanTehFennec (thanks again!) gave me some quality sounds i will try to replace them with the current one and implement other sounds "soon" :)

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Somehow i didnt receive a notification about the replies here. Since IvanTehFennec (thanks again!) gave me some quality sounds i will try to replace them with the current one and implement other sounds "soon" :)

Woohoo! More sounds!

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Updated to v1.1. Enjoy! I will be adding more when i have the chance.

If you don't mind I can do a video with a Boeing like craft later on, If I get myself to do it I'll link you it. :) I plan on making the flight computer hate me.

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Any idea why the sound sounds distorted? It's frequency/pitch seems to change with your descent rate. What gives?

I noticed that too and i have no idea, i am simply loading the file and play it over unity. I will try to find the solution for that.

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