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Lets see your Kerbin landers :o

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oh. I am hoping to one day make it so it can take off again after planet landing. but currently it hits the deck rather hard haha. i need to make a better parachute or something. but i would have to make my own model. It can already take off again form kerbin and get into a very shallow orbit but that is it lol. perhaps after school is out this semester i will make my own parts for a better lander thing.

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Hi Everyone...

Behold... my heavy lander....

Yes, I know what your thinking 'OMG its huge!' but the truth is that try as I might I kept 'crashing' my original 'traditional' landers, so I developed something with a slightly larger foot print.

In reality this is a true 'Womble' design. (If you to young to know about the Wombles, have a quick look at YouTube)

I\'ve used bits from the original release and from lots of different mods people have publish on these pages.

Whilst we currently have only one planet/moon to land on (excluded the Kerbal) I\'m convinced the heavy lander, with launch vehicle, can take of from Kerbal, land on the Mun, and then travel to another planet/moon for a second landing prior to returning the crew safely to Kerbal.

I love you thoughts on it (both good & bad).

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Hi Everyone...

Behold... my heavy lander....

Yes, I know what your thinking 'OMG its huge!' but the truth is that try as I might I kept 'crashing' my original 'traditional' landers, so I developed something with a slightly larger foot print.

In reality this is a true 'Womble' design. (If you to young to know about the Wombles, have a quick look at YouTube)

I\'ve used bits from the original release and from lots of different mods people have publish on these pages.

Whilst we currently have only one planet/moon to land on (excluded the Kerbal) I\'m convinced the heavy lander, with launch vehicle, can take of from Kerbal, land on the Mun, and then travel to another planet/moon for a second landing prior to returning the crew safely to Kerbal.

I love you thoughts on it (both good & bad).

Wombles lol

Welcome to the forums!

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