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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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How could I update this mod with all the progression I made? Where are save files?

Edit: Okay, I found it, but it`s clearly unacceptable that I`m not notified where it is before doing update.

It`s not very hard to kindly point that out, right?

Hi its listed many times in this Forum Thread were certain things are, but I understand that sometimes a lot of people don't want to surf 100s of threads to find things. So I added the information to the MCE Manual.

Also when you update MCE its never stated to delete you MCE folder. I have never ever suggested doing this, or listed at any time to ever have to do this. MCE can be installed directly over an existing MCE Folder without any issues. This is because your save files are a UniqueName.sp file and can never be overwritten (MCE does not ship with an .sp files). A lot of Mod authors want you to delete their folders because they are part files. And a lot of times Part files change, or get new Models. In those cases folders are moved and things change, so they need a fresh start for new folder structures. This is not the case with MCE. MCE mostly is just .dll files. .dll files can be overwritten without any of those issues.

If you ever need to delete your MCE folder I will clearly warn you before hand.

Also I work by myself on my free time for free. I make this mod for free, and give it to you for free. And all the documents. I'm not perfect and never will be. If information is missing, I would appreciate a more grown up response. Thank you.

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Hi, sorry if this was answered or google easily, i honestly couldn't find anything, but can i change 24 hour period for contracts or it is hardcoded into .dll? i enjoy this mod very much, but either 24 hour period doesn't work right or i'm unpatient and demanding :D

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First I would like to thank HellDiver he is making some pretty awesome new Models for MCE that will replace the Repair Bay, ObitalResearch and RoverResearch parts in MCE. They are looking pretty dang awsome! Not sure if I will release them when done, or wait until .24 is done. I have some work on my end to make them work in unity and MCE so might be a .24 update thing. But I will post pictures once things get rolling on my end. So thanks again HellDiver.

I have also done some more gameTime with the New .72 Default Price values in MCE. (IE KSP config Part cost) and have noted that even the updated prices I suggest people use for MCESettings.cfg file might still be way to easy. I highly suggest going down even more to .6, .7 and .8. Unless of course you like it, then leave it the way you want. So hard to balance things to everyones taste. So remember you have to MCSettings.cfg file where most things that are in MCE can be changed to your taste.

I have been also trying to come up with some more contract missions, and coming up dry. I can't think of anything. So if you guys have any ideas on new contract missions give me a shout and I will see about adding them.

Believe it or not I was working on a way to make the Contract missions more editable. Because even though I don't play RSS I can see how the contract system is not very friendly toward RSS or adding more Planets like planet factory. I ran into some snags trying to get it all to work though, and the work flow was becoming to much. So I dropped it for now. And with .24 coming out soon, I didn't want to put weeks of work into something that would be obsolete in 1 week. Hopefully .24 version will be more friendly for this kind of thing!

I know I keep changing things but I was thinking that once .24 comes out that I might release a quick version that is basically .73 (or whatever version is out at time) and calling it MissionController Classic. The only thing that will change is the money will be .24 version.

Then I can start working on the new version of MCE. Not sure though matters how much work has to go into changing the Budget! Might be more than I think! Also classic MCE would be Sandbox friendly still.

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If you go back a few pages I make some suggestions for random contracts involving stations. Let me know what you think.

Repair Stations and Resupply stations?

I could do something with stations idea. But resupply would have to be generic. Because there is so many mods that use so many resources. What 3 types of Life Support mods etc.. Be hard to make it mission specific. The station one is good though, would require some editing though to make it Station Specific. Thinking like international space station repairs. Those guys are always having to fix something on that thing. LOL. Maybe different classes of repair parts to make it interesting.

When they do work on ISS they usually have to weight for a Supply Vessel to give them the new parts. Then they do the EVA and fix. Interesting idea. And its one of those things that can migrate to the new .24 system when it comes.

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Believe it or not I was working on a way to make the Contract missions more editable. Because even though I don't play RSS I can see how the contract system is not very friendly toward RSS or adding more Planets like planet factory. I ran into some snags trying to get it all to work though, and the work flow was becoming to much. So I dropped it for now. And with .24 coming out soon, I didn't want to put weeks of work into something that would be obsolete in 1 week. Hopefully .24 version will be more friendly for this kind of thing!

Hi Malkuth. I don't know if you saw the RSS compatible contracts config I posted earlier in the thread? Originally I Was hoping for a way to simply have a planetary scale value that would be applied to the atmosphere of the planets, and in fact I started modifying the code to allow one. However after working with it and talking with Nathan, I came to the conclusion that it isn't that simple due to non-linear atmosphere scaling.

I think simply providing a custom random contracts config like I did is the best way to support RSS for now.

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Just use the repair panel and repair part canister, make a mission to launch a repair panel part or something. Then later random contracts can pull any "station" class vessel with a repair panel. Make the docking goal on this one ( I still think the docking goal for the satellite repair is unnecessary if you can avoid it) , move over the repair parts and blam. The only real difference would be maybe science and payout.

Can you make your random vessel check look at stations specifically as defined by the vanilla game?

And about the satelite repair without having a docking goal, if you can find a way to do it, then just explain it in the description (Either dock or use KAS if you have it)

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Hi Malkuth. I don't know if you saw the RSS compatible contracts config I posted earlier in the thread? Originally I Was hoping for a way to simply have a planetary scale value that would be applied to the atmosphere of the planets, and in fact I started modifying the code to allow one. However after working with it and talking with Nathan, I came to the conclusion that it isn't that simple due to non-linear atmosphere scaling.

I think simply providing a custom random contracts config like I did is the best way to support RSS for now.

No I don't think I saw the file. My idea was to actually make it available for people to edit the Random Planet Name list. That way they can add more planets or change the names for RSS. And to edit all the varibles like max AP and Min PE. The way it is now MCE contracts are written just for vanilla KSP planets. So this way someone could edit the config file and make it work for RSS. But like I said for some reason it was not working, and the NODE system was not working correct for the way I have it written in code. (might be bad code on my part). I could do it, but I would have to rewrite the whole code system I think. And thats the work load problem.

I was hoping though. I know lot RSS guys wanted MCE to be more friendly toward RSS and even planetFactory.

The way the code is written right now is that everything is hardcoded. And everyplanet has a Max AP and Min PE set up inside. Also they have Base Pay for Money and Science. It was these things I wanted to be loaded into a config file for easy editing. And have it set up as a List or dictionary. that way people could also add more stuff if they wished. And all MCE would do is Load the List every game session from config File. And when I random mission came up for contract the contract would get the names from that config file. Its the way it works now, but the list are all internal code.

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Just use the repair panel and repair part canister, make a mission to launch a repair panel part or something. Then later random contracts can pull any "station" class vessel with a repair panel. Make the docking goal on this one ( I still think the docking goal for the satellite repair is unnecessary if you can avoid it) , move over the repair parts and blam. The only real difference would be maybe science and payout.

Can you make your random vessel check look at stations specifically as defined by the vanilla game?

And about the satelite repair without having a docking goal, if you can find a way to do it, then just explain it in the description (Either dock or use KAS if you have it)

Yup. I would have to write some sort of exception for Stations though. Right now the RepairGoal only works to check for JUST the Repair Part on any vessel. Which would mean I would also have to write an exception for satellites. So at least two new values added to RepairGoal. One that if True checks for Satellites, the other if true would check for Stations.

For Resupply I could also make a whole new goal that can check Stations and decide if supplies like oxygen or food are running low. And make a mission come up for that also. Of course again this is a mod specific goal. I use TAClife support in my games.

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Be sure to make it modular. I don't currently use a life support mod. Although I haven't ruled it out.

EDIT: I thought of another feature. Science to cash conversion for when you max out your tree. Makes science generating stations still useful.

2nd Edit: I'm noticing that no matter what, until I reload a save, random contracts do not appear. They may be available but just not visible until I reload. So every 4 kerbin days I need to leave to the main menu and come back again.

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Hi malkuth.

First al all thanks for your plugin: i simply cannot think KSP without it.

I've a question: probaby i do something wrong becouse everything runs nicely but, MCE randomly generated reparir contracts, appears without vessel name.

What happens is this: contract is generated correctly and appears under "contracts" menu. Guessing from your video tutorial, i expected to find vessel name to be repaired, but everytime vessel name is "NONE".

What am i doing wrong?

Sorry for my bad english :)


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Hi malkuth.

First al all thanks for your plugin: i simply cannot think KSP without it.

I've a question: probaby i do something wrong becouse everything runs nicely but, MCE randomly generated reparir contracts, appears without vessel name.

What happens is this: contract is generated correctly and appears under "contracts" menu. Guessing from your video tutorial, i expected to find vessel name to be repaired, but everytime vessel name is "NONE".

What am i doing wrong?

Sorry for my bad english :)


The only way this might happen is if you do not have a vessel yet in orbit with the Repair part on it. You can get the mission without actually having valid vessel in orbit. In this case the target vesel will say No Ship Available with Repair Part.

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I had something like this happen in my current game, not sure why it was going on. But you can unlock Debug mode in the settings.cfg file. This will open up a bunch of new options in the settings menu. One of them is Find Repair vessels (or simulate repair vessels forget) and pressing this will find your repair vessels and get the system running. It took me a few tries to get to work.

I will have to look into this some more eventually why its doing it.

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Hi, are you still "actively looking for models"?

Right now Hellfire has made me some new models for RepairParts, OrbitalResearch and RoverResearch already. Just have not had time yet to get them in game.

Could use a new ground tank for GroundControl Fuel tank. I was going to start work on it myself, but did not have time. But the tank I was looking for was a stardard fuel tank that you see on Airport Refuel Trucks.

Im also going to add a new module soon that will have to do with bring tourist up into space. Thinking of a pod extension to 3 man pod that will house tourist.


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malkuth, this is for you. A logo and a flag.


Here's the album.


Thats Sexy man. :)

- - - Updated - - -

WOW! They look totally sweet :) I was working on an animated orbital probe part but it would be garish and unsightly compared to them...

Excuse the first draft textures:


I can almost certainly come up with something for that if you want. I would never turn down a new part. :) Im going to need a lot of parts for when .24 comes out and have to come up with new missions.

Next couple of weeks might be slow to no development from me. I'm closing on a new house Thursday and will be busy next few weeks with moving and stuff. And I fear that .24 will come out during this time. But not much I can do.. I will be without internet for a few days too I think between move.

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