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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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That contract is not random. Also pretty sure you can set the height in settings.cfg file for that. Unless I forgot to add it. I will check it out once I get a chance.

I got one later that wanted an orbit of between 32 and 35km. And then a three star with a 90km-ish orbit. It seems that the number of stars affects how high the orbit is.

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Your mod is awesome, I really enjoy playing with it. But you have one little grammar mistake in OP.

Word "Voskhod-2" (ÒþÑÂхþô-2) is with one letter S. Hope, you'll fix it.

Fixed it. :)

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I got one later that wanted an orbit of between 32 and 35km. And then a three star with a 90km-ish orbit. It seems that the number of stars affects how high the orbit is.

Check the config file. The agena contract uses the Satellite settings for its ApA height.

So in nut shell.

For max ApA and max PeA

contracSatelliteMaxApATrivial is the and lowest it can go.

contracSatelliteMaxApATrivial + contracSatelliteMaxTotalHeightTrivial is the max number you will get.

Make sure the ContractSatelliteMaxApATrivial is not set below 75000.

Because Min ApA and Min PeA is decided like this.

ContractSatelliteMaxApATrivial - contracSatelliteBetweenDifference

Again this is in the config.cfg file. I checked the official version and the numbers are set correct.

Unlike the other satellite contracts Agena only uses 1 setting. The other satellite contracts can be effected by Contract Rating.

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Since I installed this mod I don't seem to receive a lot of the stock contracts or contracts from the Fine Print mod anymore. Is that supposed to happen? I still get 'science data from x', but all the various testing contracts seem to just be gone.

EDIT: Scratch that. Had a poke around in the config files and think I found the setting for it

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Since I installed this mod I don't seem to receive a lot of the stock contracts or contracts from the Fine Print mod anymore. Is that supposed to happen? I still get 'science data from x', but all the various testing contracts seem to just be gone.

EDIT: Scratch that. Had a poke around in the config files and think I found the setting for it

Yes you can turn them on and off. At least the Rescue ones and the Part Test. You can also turn on and off any of the MCE contracts for you can fine tune what type of contracts you want.

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New preRelease for testing is released on my GitHub Page.

Remember my GitHub page usually houses my PreReleases. All Official releases are always Stored on CurseForge and KerbalStuff.


Warning this is a pre release. This is not an official Tested version. Once this version is tested and everything is where I want it, then it will be released as official 1.09.1 Version. Until then feel free to test this with me and help squash bugs. Its pretty stable, usually don't release unstable Prereleases but things can happen, like you Archives being wiped.

1. Changed around Satellite contracts. The old satellite contracts start out as always after researching Flightcontrol and ScienceTech. But after you research Adnvanced Flight. The old contracts are replaced with the new advanced version that have Random Science Parts added, and pay a little more.

2. Added new civilian contract Landing Expedition.

3. Added new random system for Repair, and civilian contracts. Its a weight Based system. works a little better then the older system and is more Tidy.

4. The new contract Satellite Advanced system we have 2 new contract types added to the Advanced Contract.

A. Advanced contract with random Inclination and Eccentricity with 2 Random parts.

B. And advanced GeoSync orbit with 2 random parts.

5. you can now turn off both Civilian Contacts and all Historical Contracts. In the past Civilian contracts were tied with Satellite. And the historical you could not turn off. As of now that has changed.

Updated with version 1.09.02 Few bug fixes I found while playing.

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I`m having trouble completing a mission. I just have to launch a sat with power and an antenna and when I do so the criteria are not met.

I suspect it is because the antenna I use is a RemoteTech one, the Communotron 32.

Do the RT antenna count towards missions?

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I`m having trouble completing a mission. I just have to launch a sat with power and an antenna and when I do so the criteria are not met.

I suspect it is because the antenna I use is a RemoteTech one, the Communotron 32.

Do the RT antenna count towards missions?

What contract is it, don't remember having a requirement for antenna on the older contracts that require Power.

And what part is not completing.

But, some contract parts do not take effect until you get into orbit.

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I am trying to do a contract that says bring your vessel to a target eccentricity of 0.35 to 0.45 I can't find to much detail on what this means. Can anyone show me what this type of orbit would look like? Or give more detail then wiki gives? Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks

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I'm having an issue that's driving me quite insane, and I'm sure it's 100% user error, I just can't figure it out. I'm trying to do the skylab missions, but long story short, my skylab that i sent up in the first mission is no longer. Now I keep getting mission #2 in my available contracts, but no way to complete it. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling a fresh download, I've tried starting a new save, I've tried designating a new station as "skylab" nothing works. PLEASE HELP!

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I'm having an issue that's driving me quite insane, and I'm sure it's 100% user error, I just can't figure it out. I'm trying to do the skylab missions, but long story short, my skylab that i sent up in the first mission is no longer. Now I keep getting mission #2 in my available contracts, but no way to complete it. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling a fresh download, I've tried starting a new save, I've tried designating a new station as "skylab" nothing works. PLEASE HELP!

Ok so you have to reset the Skylab contract for it shows up again. I will try to make this as easyas possible.

1. Open up your persistent file for your save in. \Kerbal Space Program\saves

2. When you load up you persistent file NotePad will do. Select Edit then Select Find.

3. When the Find Tab pops up place this is the search box (copy and paste). skylab1done

4. You should go to a line of text that looks like this. skylab1done = True.

5. Change the True to False.

6. skylab1done = False.

7. Exit save. Load up the game and you should have Skylab1 contract back after a few cycles of the contracts, and other skylab contracts should go away.

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I am trying to do a contract that says bring your vessel to a target eccentricity of 0.35 to 0.45 I can't find to much detail on what this means. Can anyone show me what this type of orbit would look like? Or give more detail then wiki gives? Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks

Eccentricity The orbital eccentricity of an astronomical object is a parameter that determines the amount by which its orbit around another body deviates from a perfect circle. A value of 0 is a circular orbit, values between 0 and 1 form an elliptical orbit.

These are pretty easy to do if you have MechJeb or Kerbal Engineer. Just read the Eccentricity readout for these mods and place them between .35 and .45.

If you don't want MechJeb or Kerbal Engineer then I have a small tool in settings called "Flight Help On (Apa,PeA,Orbital Period)"

this will give you a reading for ApA,PeA,Orbital Period and Eccentricity.

Do note that Eccentricity goes both ways. When you take off your at about .98 Eccentric. Once you get into orbit that will shrink to about .14 or so. Its AFTER you get into orbit that Mission Controller is checking your Eccentricity. Don't get confused by the numbers when your on your Ascent.

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Tried inclinarion 90, then inclination 0, no results. Orbital period definitely is between 59 and 1d

This is a bug that will be fixed in official version 1.09 when I get it done. The problem is that the Mun doesn't have an orbital period of 6 hours. This contract is not suppose to show up for the mun at all.

To fix this now though you can ALT-F12 select contracts. You will see a list of all current contracts select COM to finish it up and get paid. ;)

This is the Preview version correct? That contract is not available in the official version.

I will be releasing a new preview version later, but still needs a lot of testing and this bug will be squashed. But still only be a preview version since Not sure ready for primeTime yet with Official 1.09.

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Updated my GitHub with a new Prerelease version 1.09.04.

Many major changes to the way Repair contracts are done. Read the Readme for 1.09.04 carefully to understand whats needed.

This is only a pre-release and is not an official version. If you don't mind a few bugs, and to help test out a future version of Mission Controller then feel free to download. If this kind of thing really bugs you then stick with the official 1.08 version. Thanks.

GitHub Pre-Release Page.

Little note on some of the changes and Why done them.

The first big change is the dependencies. I decide to change the RepairParts resource with the Community Resource Packs "SparParts" resource. This is the same resource used in DangIt and other awsome mods like Kerbanite, OKS, and MKS. So now if your using DangIt you can use the same SpareParts that the mod uses to do Mission Controller Repair Missions (hence the plural). Thats correct I plan on expanding the Repair Contracts in 1.09 a lot more then whats in this release. More types of repairs.. Think ISS!

The catch was... and is.. that SpareParts is not a transferable resource like the old RepairParts was! Thats an issue, because I have no existing code in Mission Controller to overcome this fact. So instead of Writing about 2000 more lines of code. I looked around and found out that community already has EVA resource managment done. Kerbal Attachment system is a prime example and is now needed to carry around the Repair Can (yes its now KAS Enabled) and for the transfers of Non Transferable Resources I decided to use KERT (Kerbal EVA Resource Transfer). And as of the latest version things seem to be working ok.

So have fun, I spent a whole night trying to get this all to work.

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Great MOD keep up the work, love the historical missions the most, some I would like to see added would be some Mun missions that you need to do with 3 kerbins and a rover or say a year long Duna mission that you need 5+ kerbins and rover, stuff like that would be cool :)

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Great MOD keep up the work, love the historical missions the most, some I would like to see added would be some Mun missions that you need to do with 3 kerbins and a rover or say a year long Duna mission that you need 5+ kerbins and rover, stuff like that would be cool :)

I will make some more Historic missions in the next few Versions. ;)

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Trying the latest preview build and the Civilian contracts still show up even when I have it disabled in the options. The Part Test and Kerbal Rescue mission disabling work fine. Is this only on my end or does anyone else experience this??

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Trying the latest preview build and the Civilian contracts still show up even when I have it disabled in the options. The Part Test and Kerbal Rescue mission disabling work fine. Is this only on my end or does anyone else experience this??

I'll take a look and see if I have something wrong when I get a chance.

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Hey malkuth,

I have a very, very small, non game-breaking bug (for the lack of a better term) to report.

I started a new career save and completed the Vostok 1. I now have Vostok 2 launched (keep it in orbit for 12 kerbal hours). While I was waiting for the 12 hours to pass, I went on to complete some other contracts.

One of the parameter for Vostok 2 is to land back at Kerbin.

When I landed one of my other craft on an entirely different contract, the Vostok 2 "land on Kerbin" parameter shows as completed.

This is not a major concern at all. In no way does it hinder my enjoyment of this awesome game and equally awesome mod. Keep up the good work.

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Hey malkuth,

I have a very, very small, non game-breaking bug (for the lack of a better term) to report.

I started a new career save and completed the Vostok 1. I now have Vostok 2 launched (keep it in orbit for 12 kerbal hours). While I was waiting for the 12 hours to pass, I went on to complete some other contracts.

One of the parameter for Vostok 2 is to land back at Kerbin.

When I landed one of my other craft on an entirely different contract, the Vostok 2 "land on Kerbin" parameter shows as completed.

This is not a major concern at all. In no way does it hinder my enjoyment of this awesome game and equally awesome mod. Keep up the good work.

Yeah I had this issue two, it's one of the major issues with how contracts work in KSP any vessel can do any contract at any time.

If I can find a way to safely make a landing contract be attached to the Vessel ID I will do it.

But in a lot of my testing many factors can really turn that idea into a bad one.

For instance in the preview versions I redid the way Repair Missions worked.. Came out pretty good. And in that case repair missions are connected to a satellite and its Vessel ID. If you dock with that satellite its vessel ID totally changes to one of the two vessel IDs. When you undock 1 vessel keeps the original ID that was choosen when the initial dock happened, and the other one gets a whole new ID thats brand new. I overcame this issue for its not an issue for repair missions... But in many cases things like this when using Vessel ID can make other objectives Not be able to be completed because of situations like this.

I even checked out FinePrint to see if maybe he had a better system. And from what I can tell its the same issue.

I could use Vessel names, or types also.. But those can be changed by an unsuspecting player... And when time comes to land.. Oppss not working.

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