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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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  malkuth said:
Sure easy enough to do for the resources I will add an option soon to add more types.

As for the station. Have not really been too concerned about adding more station contracts since FinePrint has this pretty well covered and is going to be stock next version anyway. Or are you thinking along the lines of more historical type contracts like soviets space station and the ISS?

Well I do love the historical contracts, starting simple & building on what you learned in the last one. But more to the point AFIAK right now Fine Print doesn't support RSS altitudes and you do:cool:

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I also like the historical contracts.

I hate admitting this but I`ll most likely only use those when I next update. I don`t like to send up loads and loads of craft because it slows the game down too much so if each contract will require a separate launch I`ll most likely turn most contracts off and just keep the historical ones. I suffer from contract bloat as it is, less would be more.

Will there be an option to only have historical contracts?

Will the historical contracts keep on until we have to land a kerbal on the Mun and a rover on Duna? (that would be sweet)

I also like the repair/resupply contracts and will probably keep those. Do they only apply to satellites that have been launched in a previous MC contract or could any satellite with a repair panel be used?

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  John FX said:
I also like the historical contracts.

I hate admitting this but I`ll most likely only use those when I next update. I don`t like to send up loads and loads of craft because it slows the game down too much so if each contract will require a separate launch I`ll most likely turn most contracts off and just keep the historical ones. I suffer from contract bloat as it is, less would be more.

Will there be an option to only have historical contracts?

Will the historical contracts keep on until we have to land a kerbal on the Mun and a rover on Duna? (that would be sweet)

I also like the repair/resupply contracts and will probably keep those. Do they only apply to satellites that have been launched in a previous MC contract or could any satellite with a repair panel be used?

let's see you can only play historical contracts yes. You just have to turn off the other contracts in settings.

When final official 1.09 is released repair contracts will work with old crafts. But catch, the new repair contracts don't require you to Dock with satellites and can be done in Eva only. But with older ships launched before 1.09 you have to take control of the satellite and do the checkSystems stage while in control. You then can go back to Eva and finish off the rest of contract. If you have Kerbal Attachment system installed you can just take the repair panel off and place it again and should update the module.

A new repair contract is also available repair station which requires you to do Eva on one of your space stations and fix some issues. I even pulled some of the contract histories from actual iss Eva repairs. All random descriptions think 7 in all to make the contract just a little more interesting.

Same with repair satellites about 7 new histories or descriptions about what's wrong.

Edited by malkuth
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I've got a bug to report. When playing in science mode, I was unable to hire Kerbals -- I would hire a Kerbal, add him to the "available" stack, see the message in my "inbox" that indicated that the hire had been made, but not find the Kerbal in question when stacking up a rocket for launch, and when I returned to the Astronaut Center, he was still prepared to be hired. I could purchase him multiple times and repeat the process. I had wondered if this was because it was trying to make me hire him for funds, which aren't involved in science mode, so I dropped the price to zero, but the same sequence of events occurred (except the messages said that I had hired him for zero funds). Removing MC2 resolved the issue.

I haven't had any issues of this type when playing in sandbox mode (with MC2), so I think it's related to that. EDIT: I started a new career save and was able to hire Kerbals without difficulty.

Unfortunately, I didn't think to grab the log before restarting the game (without MC2) and I run a lot of mods, so I have some work to do to narrow down the cause, but I want to get this report to you before I forget any details.

EDIT: I put MC2 back, tested it (and then did the same with *only* this mod present, with identical results), and found NullReferenceExceptions like this in the log (there were two, which I assume correspond to the two times that I tried to hire a Kerbal in this test):

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at MissionControllerEC.MissionControllerEC.hireKerbals (.ProtoCrewMember pc, KerbalType pc1, KerbalType pc2) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EventData`3[ProtoCrewMember,ProtoCrewMember+KerbalType,ProtoCrewMember+KerbalType].Fire (.ProtoCrewMember data0, KerbalType data1, KerbalType data2) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ProtoCrewMember.set_type (KerbalType value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalRoster.HireApplicant (.ProtoCrewMember ap, Double UT) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at CMAstronautComplex.HireRecruit (.UIScrollList fromlist, .UIScrollList tolist, .UIListItemContainer dragObject) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at CMAstronautComplex.Vbutton (.POINTER_INFO& ptr) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at (wrapper delegate-invoke) EZInputDelegate:invoke_void__this___POINTER_INFO& (POINTER_INFO&)

at UIButton.OnInput (.POINTER_INFO& ptr) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AutoSpriteControlBase.OnInput (POINTER_INFO ptr) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UIManager.DispatchHelper (.POINTER_INFO& curPtr, Int32 camIndex) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UIManager.DispatchInput () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UIManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

If you want, I have the full log set aside for uploading, but I think this is the most relevant piece.

Edited by Kerbas_ad_astra
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Version 1.09.2 Finally Released!

Many Huge Changes in this version. Please read carefully! And understand.

If you install this version and had a previous version of Mission Controller in your game, your Saved contracts in your Mission Controller Archives are going to be wiped.. Almost guaranteed. If this is an issue I suggest not installing MC or waiting for a new game. This will not hurt your game. You just won't be able to see your old contracts you did anymore. On the bright side it sure does clear up your Persistent file when this happens. :)

1. First new contracts Added.

A. New Repair Contract. ISS type contract that has you EVA from one of your random Space Stations and conduct repairs. The contract infomation as a bonus is actual ISS missions conducted in the last few years and generates a random reason for the EVA Fix to the Repair Panel. (Repair Panel Required on Stations for contracts to show).

B. New Civilian Contract. Bring civlians to either the Mun or Minmus for an expedition. Time based contract.

C. New Civilian Contract Random selection from you list of space stations to bring civilians on an expedition to your stations. Time Based contract.

2. The old repair contract has been completely redone. You no longer need to dock with the satellites and can do the whole repair from outside the satellite. (on older vessels launched before 1.09.2 you will have to still do the CheckSystems while in control of satellite)

3. Repair Parts has been removed and I am now using Community Resource Pack SpareParts. The same parts used in colonization and dangIt! All values updated to use new resource.

4. CIT Kert is now included with Mission Controller. This mod gives you the ability to transfer Resources while on EVA and is about the only way to do Repair Contracts. Highly suggest using KAS. Repair Can and Repair panel both have Module Grab added to them.

5. Huge rewrite of all contracts and how parameters work. I have totally bitten the bullet and decided to take a look at how some of the other contract mods fix the issue with contract goals being completed by the incorrect vessel. The short answer is that their really IS NONE! But decided to use the method that FinePrint uses to at least reduce this issue! So hopefully it helps. Won't fix it completely.

6. After playing around with fineprint method I decided to add another check. FinePrint uses this to some extent but I expanded it to Mission Controller Needs. All parameters (or goals in contracts) now require a Brand new Vessel that is launched after you accept a contract. This method itself solves about 75% of the issues with number 5. Only goals that are not contract types these don't effect is Repair Contracts and a few Time Parameters. Other than that pretty much if you don't make a new vessel for every single contract then it won't work! Just a warning!!

7. Massive overhaul of how Contract Save info is loaded. Before I just used the Kerbal Space Program Node Method. This method works but is not very pratical for saving any contracts that might have load errors, and causing strange lock up issues. My new method (not really new both FinePrint and Dmagic use similar controls) pretty much will reduce I think about 75% of the load errors that could happen but most likely won't.

A. For instance if I add a new parameter to a contract in a later version, this should help your end from doing silly things like clearing out your Archives! Only way Archive wipe will happen now is if the whole contract is GONE!

8. Oh While EVA your kerbal can now hold on his own 1 Spare Part.. Goes with repair contracts and how you can transfer Spare Parts from its container to Repair Panel.

9. Fixed a massive amount of small bugs to many to list. Most likely added more in the process. :)

10. Before I was using the default Kerbal Space Program Landing Parameter to do landing goals. This parameter is not very good so I wrote a new one. Which gives me much more control over when its fired. So should pretty much completely get rid of the goal being fired while launching.

11. Many more things I just can't remember. Good luck and have fun!

You can download the new versions from the front page. I will be working on new instructions for the contracts soon.. But for now I'm taking a break unless someone finds a massive make me cry bug!

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  Kerbas_ad_astra said:
I've got a bug to report. When playing in science mode, I was unable to hire Kerbals -- I would hire a Kerbal, add him to the "available" stack, see the message in my "inbox" that indicated that the hire had been made, but not find the Kerbal in question when stacking up a rocket for launch, and when I returned to the Astronaut Center, he was still prepared to be hired. I could purchase him multiple times and repeat the process. I had wondered if this was because it was trying to make me hire him for funds, which aren't involved in science mode, so I dropped the price to zero, but the same sequence of events occurred (except the messages said that I had hired him for zero funds). Removing MC2 resolved the issue.

I haven't had any issues of this type when playing in sandbox mode (with MC2), so I think it's related to that. EDIT: I started a new career save and was able to hire Kerbals without difficulty.

Unfortunately, I didn't think to grab the log before restarting the game (without MC2) and I run a lot of mods, so I have some work to do to narrow down the cause, but I want to get this report to you before I forget any details.

EDIT: I put MC2 back, tested it (and then did the same with *only* this mod present, with identical results), and found NullReferenceExceptions like this in the log (there were two, which I assume correspond to the two times that I tried to hire a Kerbal in this test):

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at MissionControllerEC.MissionControllerEC.hireKerbals (.ProtoCrewMember pc, KerbalType pc1, KerbalType pc2) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EventData`3[ProtoCrewMember,ProtoCrewMember+KerbalType,ProtoCrewMember+KerbalType].Fire (.ProtoCrewMember data0, KerbalType data1, KerbalType data2) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ProtoCrewMember.set_type (KerbalType value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalRoster.HireApplicant (.ProtoCrewMember ap, Double UT) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at CMAstronautComplex.HireRecruit (.UIScrollList fromlist, .UIScrollList tolist, .UIListItemContainer dragObject) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at CMAstronautComplex.Vbutton (.POINTER_INFO& ptr) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at (wrapper delegate-invoke) EZInputDelegate:invoke_void__this___POINTER_INFO& (POINTER_INFO&)

at UIButton.OnInput (.POINTER_INFO& ptr) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AutoSpriteControlBase.OnInput (POINTER_INFO ptr) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UIManager.DispatchHelper (.POINTER_INFO& curPtr, Int32 camIndex) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UIManager.DispatchInput () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UIManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

If you want, I have the full log set aside for uploading, but I think this is the most relevant piece.

I keep forgetting about this mode. I have to add a check to this. Sorry about that. Can I ask though something in science mode is it worth even having a contract mod without funds? Should I completely disable Mission Controller 2 in these other modes?

Edited by malkuth
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  malkuth said:
Can I ask though something in science mode is it worth even having a contract mod without funds? Should I completely disable Mission Controller 2 in these other modes?

I'd be okay with disabling MC2 in those modes, though the ability to carry small amounts of SpareParts might be handy for resupplying stations (unless Kerbals can do that with KERT and CRP alone). I had only installed it to make sure that my system could load it in addition to my other set of mods, for when I get into career mode later.

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  Kerbas_ad_astra said:
I'd be okay with disabling MC2 in those modes, though the ability to carry small amounts of SpareParts might be handy for resupplying stations (unless Kerbals can do that with KERT and CRP alone). I had only installed it to make sure that my system could load it in addition to my other set of mods, for when I get into career mode later.

I just threw something together and will check it out if it works. If it does Ill make the .dll available to you if you wish.. I just released 1.09 which does not yet have the fix. Should keep all other functions working though like EVA transfers.

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  Kerbas_ad_astra said:
I'd be okay with disabling MC2 in those modes, though the ability to carry small amounts of SpareParts might be handy for resupplying stations (unless Kerbals can do that with KERT and CRP alone). I had only installed it to make sure that my system could load it in addition to my other set of mods, for when I get into career mode later.

Just did a quick test and it works.

new version of 1.09.2 if you want to try it out.

Ill update the others soon with this.

Edited by malkuth
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It's great the way my favorite mod continues to evolve.

Just got a new civilian joyride contract. One of requirements was eccentricity between: 0.34 - 0.44

According to MechJeb, my orbital eccentricity is 0.345. However, MCE does not indicate that I've achieved the required eccentricity.

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  Apollo13 said:
It's great the way my favorite mod continues to evolve.

Just got a new civilian joyride contract. One of requirements was eccentricity between: 0.34 - 0.44

According to MechJeb, my orbital eccentricity is 0.345. However, MCE does not indicate that I've achieved the required eccentricity.

Have you tried to make it a little more. Sometimes the values can be different from mod to mod. matters how they round the math. I did one of those contracts right before release and all seemed fine at the time. But I use Engineer.

I just have to be sure though, but make sure your not counting the eccentricity when you take off. You have to get into orbit first then the goal for eccentricity can be accomplished. This stops the fact that when you take off your basically at about .91 eccentricity and it gradually raises until you hit orbit then resets and goes the other way.

Edited by malkuth
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Hello, I might have a little problem with this mod.

I am using version 1.01 because I find KSP 0.25 unstable with mods.

Everything is working fine except that the repair parts (repair can small in propulsion tab) does not stick on the ship.

In building mode this part have 3 green snap spots (like the TAC hexcan life support but bigger) but after launch the part fall off and become a debris.

I put it in a equipment bay and each time I'm arriving at apoapsis I see the repair can floating outside my ship :mad:

Then I tried radially fixing it outside the ship, same stuff, the repair can fall off at lift off.

Even using loads of space tape does not fix the problem, it's flying away with the struts attached to it.

So, how do you attach the small repair can in your spaceships ?


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  Skunk said:
Hello, I might have a little problem with this mod.

I am using version 1.01 because I find KSP 0.25 unstable with mods.

Everything is working fine except that the repair parts (repair can small in propulsion tab) does not stick on the ship.

In building mode this part have 3 green snap spots (like the TAC hexcan life support but bigger) but after launch the part fall off and become a debris.

I put it in a equipment bay and each time I'm arriving at apoapsis I see the repair can floating outside my ship :mad:

Then I tried radially fixing it outside the ship, same stuff, the repair can fall off at lift off.

Even using loads of space tape does not fix the problem, it's flying away with the struts attached to it.

So, how do you attach the small repair can in your spaceships ?


Its radial attach, works just like any other hexcan. In fact that is all it is. Never had an issue like this so not sure what could be causing it.

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  malkuth said:
I just have to be sure though, but make sure your not counting the eccentricity when you take off. You have to get into orbit first then the goal for eccentricity can be accomplished. This stops the fact that when you take off your basically at about .91 eccentricity and it gradually raises until you hit orbit then resets and goes the other way.

I was in orbit. In fact, my eccentricity was 0.01 when I finally orbited. I had to increase it.

New problem: the contract said I failed because I did not bring the civilians to low orbit. It even failed me on all steps I had previously passed. Then, I got another message that said I comleted the mission. More to follow...

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  Apollo13 said:
I was in orbit. In fact, my eccentricity was 0.01 when I finally orbited. I had to increase it.

New problem: the contract said I failed because I did not bring the civilians to low orbit. It even failed me on all steps I had previously passed. Then, I got another message that said I comleted the mission. More to follow...

Only way you can get a fail message is if you crash. Fail messages for everything else does not happen, because I have no code to check for it. From my test a crash can be as little as hitting the ground a little to hard and having parts on your vessel get destroyed.

If its not working the way you intend it too, then you can turn off the Craft must survive in settings.

Not sure what message your getting but if you don't have enough seats open for the civilians then the objective for civilians will be unchecked green. Once you open seats again it will go back to complete.

It works just like fineprint now. If you go to another vessel all your green checks will be unchecked until you go back to the normal vessel. This is to stop the objectives and contracts from being completed by other vessels that is not intended to be.

Not much more I can do about this issue, the contract system is not very well done when it comes to multiple vessels.

Also if your having this many issues I need to see an output_log.txt file. Other then that I'm just guessing at what the problem might be.

Edit I think I know what is going on. Lets forget all the top stuff for a second and take an educated guess.

You launched your vessel. Got it into orbit and the timer went off. Hopefully you got you eccentricity set, and your objective height (you said eccentricity did not work) then maybe possibly your height fell below or what not at any rate you objectives are not longer met but the you have green checks for everything (which is normal). You switched vessels... All your green checks went goodbye. You went back to your civilian vessel and the green checks did not come back. They might not have come back because when they rechecked your vessel it was not passing the checks because you no longer were at correct height, or what not (yes it will check again if you switch vessels) this usually is not a big deal to switch vessels because if you other vessel is set up right when it comes back the green checks will come right back. If the vessel is not then they won't.

Now the civilian object has you land, if you start your landing process and you no longer have the objectives set for Height or Eccentricity then your going to be in trouble when you switch vessels during this stage. Any time you switch vessels the objectives get cleared. Don't switch vessels during a landing attempt for civilian contracts. Its a problem, but not as much as a problem as objectives and contracts being completed by other vessels.

I highly suggest only doing 1 Mission Controller contract at a time, and using 1 vessel. They are short enough that this should not be an issue.

So for hindsight.

1. Your safe to change vessels as long as your Objectives are still being met by the original vessel when you come back.

2. This is not really an issue for most contracts, unless you have a landing objective. If you try to switch vessel while you landing, when you come back your original vessel will not meet the first set of objectives anymore and the checks won't come back.

3. Don't switch vessels while trying to land.

4. Keep your vessel objectives MET at all TIMES, until you start landing.

5. Don't switch vessels while trying to LAND!

We all have a choice I can disable the switching of vessels causing the Green checks to go away for civilian contracts and you WILL GET ISSUES WITH other VESSELS completing your contracts. Or keep it this way and follow my advice.

Edited by malkuth
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  Apollo13 said:
I was in orbit. In fact, my eccentricity was 0.01 when I finally orbited. I had to increase it.

New problem: the contract said I failed because I did not bring the civilians to low orbit. It even failed me on all steps I had previously passed. Then, I got another message that said I comleted the mission. More to follow...

Sorry for my terrible spelling in last post. Typing on phone at work during break is not easy.

Anyway I updated the front page with some tips about how to complete contracts without issues.

And I will see if I can come up with a way around the civilian one next week if I have time. All the contracts are completely doable in this new version, so as long as few rules are followed should not have issues.

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Quick question from a new user: When you say:

Every single contract except repair contracts need to be done with a brand new vessel launched after you accepted the contract. Older vessels are no longer able to do contracts over and over.

This only apply to Mission Control Contract only, right? And not for other contracts like orbital science contract? Would be a pain if I have to send a new science satellite to a planet everytime I got a contract to collect data there even when I already got a few in orbit already.

Also, would this be in conflict with fine print?

Edited by RainDreamer
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Is it possible to edit contract texts and such? I can see spelling and grammar must not be your strong suit! :)

EDIT: If you'd like someone to proofread for ya, I'd be more than happy too also!

Edited by Castun
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  RainDreamer said:
Quick question from a new user: When you say:

This only apply to Mission Control Contract only, right? And not for other contracts like orbital science contract? Would be a pain if I have to send a new science satellite to a planet everytime I got a contract to collect data there even when I already got a few in orbit already.

Also, would this be in conflict with fine print?

Yes only MC contracts.

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  Castun said:
Is it possible to edit contract texts and such? I can see spelling and grammar must not be your strong suit! :)

EDIT: If you'd like someone to proofread for ya, I'd be more than happy too also!

if you know anything about programming you can go onto my github page and do a pull request and fix the spelling issues. I ran mostly everything threw word2013 before pasting them back into the code. Guess was not good enough. :)

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