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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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Mission Controller 3.1

Build Your Own Contracts In Career Mode


@linuxgurgamer is taking over MC2 for me and bring it back.  Wish him well. :)

Updated For KSP 1.12.   Final Version of KSP so hopefully final version of Mission controller.  No longer Active Updating this mod.  If bugs happen I will fix though.  Report as PM to me be best way.


Quick Summery Of What Mission Controller Does.

1. You can Build your own contracts in game using the Mission Controller Mission Builder.. All in game.  Want to send 6 kerbals to Duna?  Well make a contract and than send it to the Finance committee and see a company pick up your mission and pay you!

2. Satellite missions.  Mission Controller has its own satellite missions that give you a lot more investment into doing them.  Set up your satellites to your customers demands..  Than launch them into space, if you set up your satellite correctly you get paid!  The missions themselves include many tpyes, including Setting up a Network of Satellites.

3. Mission controller has its own science parts!  Ion Scanner and Spectrometer Scanner.  And a Repair panel.

4. Repair Contracts.  Sending up all those satellites and than forgetting them?  Well mission controller fixes this issue by giving you repair contracts from customers to fix deployed satellites.  

5. Repair Station contracts: Those stations also can have issues arise.. Now you can get contracts to EVA on your station to conduct repairs.. Just like real life NASA and International Space Station!

6. Rover Missions + Early Campaign missions to help offset early game.

7. Disable vanilla Contracts for they don't show up, to help clean up your contracts.. Than bring them back later if you want!

8. Revert have you down.. Does it feel like cheating?  Well mission controller has its own revert button that cost you money to use.. Don't feel guilty about using revert ever again.  Its based off % cost of your total vessel cost!


For Support:

They moved the Output_Log.txt file to a new location in 1.4.  Its now located in. C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program.

I need this file to check what is causing issues.  Please upload but don't paste contents into the forum is much to large of a file.  


  Reveal hidden contents
  Reveal hidden contents
  Reveal hidden contents



I will not provide support if you don't follow these simple instructions.  To many mods out for KSP for me to be chasing things that might not be related to Mission Controller 2. 


GitHub Download KSP 1.12 KSP Version. (MCE 3.2.0)  (Updated 6/25/2021)

CKAN Supported Should Show 3.2.0

Source Code


Mission Controller

1. Fixed an Issue with Frequencies not updated in flight, without reloading flight scene.
2. Changed Satellite Contracts to completely use Default KSP Orbits + Orbit checks.. This results in much more variety and accuracy in readings. Also, should make all satellite contracts 100% fool proof in Types of orbits. Meaning 100% compatible with any type of mod planets or Increased size of the game world.
3. Added the ability for all satellite contracts to have a % chance to be launched to another Body other than Kerbin.  You must first visit other Planetary bodies (IE Discover) before contracts will be able to be sent.. IE Mun,Minmus,Duna etc.  Only Kerbin based Contracts will have ground stations though.  
2. Changed Orbital Research Orbits same as satellite. Same reason.
3. All these changes has made the average Orbital Height much higher for all missions. Making them a little more difficult. Increased payout of Contracts to compensate for this.
4. Added new ModuleManger .cfg patch file that was made by KnotaiG.  Now all probes including modded ones will have MCESatelliteCore added to them. Allowing
all of them to be used as MCE Probes.

Mission Controller
1. Added ability to change Probe MCE settings in flight.  Its strange but only easy fix I could find to allow other mods like Hangar mod + Extra-planetary launch pads to be able to launch MCE probes.  The probe can only still be used once though.. So once you transmit you contract settings, the probe settings is no longer under your control.
2. Up the Contract Payout multiplier from 3X to a max of 10X.  This should allow for better payouts for larger type worlds with bigger planets.  For instance a Navigation contract at KSP default size at 10X low orbits now pay about 600K.. So should be enough to compensate.
3. Fixed Revert cost not showing.  At some point I did a quick fix on this that I forgot about that disabled it.  So now revert cost again are % of total ship cost + fuel.  you can set the Multiplier for this in In game settings.. Default is 10% of cost of the vessel to Revert.
4. Fixed Issues with Repair Contract Payouts. They should be much better payouts at higher orbits now.

Mission Controller

1. Added First Stages of A Manual To KSP you can find it in the Mission Controller Folder called "Mission Controller Manual"  This is first stage of maybe adding
in game manual.  If someone wants to help with this it be great!  Added Directions for How To Do Mission Controller Satellite Contracts, How To Change Module + Satellie + Frequencies in VAB for Satellite Contracts and how to Finish Mission Controller Satellite Contracts in Game!  More to come soon.

2. Redid the UI for Changing Module Types, Satellite Types when Doing Mission Controller Satellite Contracts.  Much easier now to select and read what your chaning when selecting Satellite Types and Module Type in the VAB when Setting up for these types of contracts!  Module and Satellite types are now Push Buttons when you right click on any Non Manned Probes.  All probes are in vanilla game are Populated with Mission Controller Modules using Module Manager.  You can add your own Modded probes via Module Manage by using the "MCESatelliteCore".  Example located in MCEProbePatch.cfg in Parts Menu of Mission Controller.

Mission Controller 3.1
1. Update for KSP 1.10

Mission Controller 3.0  Finance Missions Update (Custom Contracts)

KSP 1.8 Update For Mission Controller.
1. No longer have Historical Missions in this version of Mission Controller.
2. Custom Contracts have been renamed to Finance Contracts.  Use these to have companies finance your own Missions.. Want to build a station on Mun?  Well fill out the contract for Building stations, and send it to the companies to Bid on.. Someone will offer you a contract soon for your Mission!
3. Added new Finance Contracts (work in progress, will add more)
4. Did a lot of work on Satellite contracts.  And SVM20 helped me fix the random altitude for all planets, including modded ones and modded universes like RSS etc..  So hopefully no more contracts that hit the atmoshpere of planets!
5. Work on the UI and got rid of old refrences to code that does not exist anymore.  Including the Older Historical Missions.
6. Reworked the Research Contracts for Orbit Scanning and Lander Scanning.
7. Repair Contract Reworked to actaully show up again. (seems this one has to be fixed all the time).  Using KSP randomness now for this mission instead of custom code.
8. Updated code for KSP 8.0 Using NetCode 4 etc, and all new refrences for Unity.

This update is still a work in progress.. If you see any issues (and you will) please report them via either the Forum page (page me) or Github issues.
1. Fixed spam for Core Freq change, and slowdown issue after accepting contract.
1. updated for KSP 1.6
2. No longer have MCE core parts, the Default KSP Automated cores now have the Fuction built into them all.  All core parts depriciated.

1.Recompiled for KSP 1.4 and 1.5.
2.Updated MINI AVC with Linuxgurugamers newest version.

Version 2.0.1 Released.

1. Removed Orbit helper from Mission Controller.  This feature is available in other mods like Kerbal Engineer, and MechJeb.. No need for any more spam.
2. Updated for KSP 1.4.2. 
3. Fixed links in the AVC module for this forum page.

Please note there is a bug in 1.4.2 thats adding Contract Spam.  This is not connected to Mission Controller or any other mod.  It happens it Vanilla too.  Please don't report these to me because your sending me on a wild goose chase I can't fix, nor have time for.. Thanks.

You can download the new version from the front page.

Mission Controller 2.0 In-Game Contract Builder Edition is ready!!
1. Redid the Windows and options for Older custom contracts. Enjoy the new better to see UI.
2. Added Civilians to some of the Custom Contracts.  Now bring civilians with you.  And yes they show up just like the stock game contracts.
3. Rebalanced the mission payouts.  They now pay a little less.  But don't worry they still pretty good.  And to help the payouts the better your reputation the more you will get payed.
4. Othter small bug fixes.
5. Add back in AVC Version Checker for Version 2.0.

Missio Controller 1.6.1 Update For KSP 1.4.1 (And Making History Expansion)
1.ixed an issue where you would get strange Heights that were still within a planets atmosphere for Contracts in Modded worlds were the world is bigger 2.than Standard Kerbal. IE.. RSS, 10X Kerbin etc... Should be much better now.
3.Fixed issue where MCE was not detecting Transmitters via RemoteTech changing default Coms.
4.Fixed wording in the Custom Contract for Crew Numbers.
5.Fixed issue with Custom Landing/Orbit contract window not coming up.
6.Compiled For KSP 1.4.1 and Making History Expansion Pack.

Mission Controller 1.5.0 Update.
1. Fixed crash issue with KSP 1.3.1 update.

Mission Controller 1.4.5 Update.
1. Fixed a bug where MCE Buttons would not show up on New games, and sometimes older games. If this problem persist please report it to me ASAP.
you might get duplicate buttons when you load up the New version. Once you do a scene transition IE from SpaceCenter to VAB this should correct itself.. And never come back.. If does Report please.

Mission Controller Update.
1. New Gui Using the new Untity Assets and Kerbal Space Program PopupGui
2. All settings are now located in KSP settings menu. (Intergrated)
3. New Custom Contract Land and orbit. (This is first step towards a new type of custom contract)
4. Repair Contracts no longer use MCE random.  You should get them more often now using KSP Contract weight system.
5. Started the first stage of Localization.
6. MCE Revert is back.  Use this revert for a non cheaty version that now cost you a % of your ship cost to use.  Can be turned off/On in settings.
7. Other minor fixes to other Contracts.  I have also started converting MCE Contract Paramenters and contracts to using any new Default Paramenters that Mirror my old versions.  

Mission Controller Update.
1. Fixed Research Core Science Not working.
2. Fixed Weather Core Science Not working.

Mission Controller Update.

1. updated for KSP 1.2.
2. Changed out a good portion of the Satellite contracts to use the
default KSP Orbit Goal, instead of the old MC2 AP and PE goals.
Now you get KSP orbit in game Representation of orbits, just like the
default Satellite contracts.
3. The Communication Core has a 2nd role as Direct Communications link. Equal to the Communotron-16.
4. The navigation Core has a 2nd role as a Relay Communications Link. Equal to the HG-5 Relay System.
5. The Communication Core and Navigation core are now located in the Communications Tab.
6. The Weather Core, Research Core, Mass Spectrometry Tube, Ionization Chamber are located in the Science Tab.
7. The Repair Panel is still located in the Utility Tab.
8. The weather Core can now do science, and give you science points.

Version 1.3.7 For KSP 1.12
1.Recompiled for KSP 1.12 with AVC Updated.
2.Fixed an Apollo-Duna fail load on TargetBody4.
3.Fixed KEOSync Orbits for Satellite network contract. Should have the right values now.
4.Fixed Rover Waypoint Drive Contract showing up multiple times in contract list.

version 1.3.6 For KSP 1.11
1. Fixed issue with some more errors in Contract Save and Load configs.
2. Fixed issue with lower res games having issues with GUI Screens. (hopefully).

[b]Version 1.3.4 (KSP 1.1 Update)[/b]

1.Fixed the issues with APA and PEA in most contracts I hope. 
2.Only the Satellite Network Contracts have a set value for KEOSync orbits now.. All other contracts can have random values to help spice it up a little. 
3.Messed a little with the randomness of Repair Contracts. 
4.Worded some of the missions a little different. 
5.MCE should work with RS and other Solar System modification mods that change the size of kerbin and other bodies.
6.Adjusted some prices to make Contract Payouts a little less
7. Increased Repair Contracts again.
8. Fixed a few mission Description problems
9. fixed a lot of possible NRE issues, especially at part load and MCE modules.
11. .fixed an issue with Repair contracts and a possible NRE when the Check for Repair Part doesn't pass.
12. .fixed issues Up to and including all Apollo Historic missions I could find. I still have more work to do on finding any issues with the later historic missions.
13. .Searched for in code errors that have been around and trying to squash them. These don't cause many problems in game but might help reduce More NRE issues.
14. Added new contract Land Rover, and Drive Rover.  This is a WIP project and might not work totally correctly yet.  But the mission has two parts, Land your rover on (Duna is only planet this release) specific waypoint.  The waypoint is represented in the Map view during the game.  You do have a small margin or error for the LZ.  But you have to be pretty close when landing the rover.  The next part is a 2nd contract that adds a new waypoint for you to drive your rover to.  This one is pretty self explanatory.  Again this contract is a WIP.  I have not had much time to test it out and any possible issues.  I will continue to work on it as I get time though.
15. Added Mini AVC to Mission Controller to help control possible version conflicts.

[B]version 1.26[/B] 
Fixed issue where Repair Contracts not showing. Had to get rid of the ability to choose your own Chance percentage in config file.  This is a quick fix to get them to show up again until I can look into changing this later.

[B]Version 1.25[/B]

1. Fixed the Great potatoes Bug mystery.  Satellite contracts had a strange requirement for a Potato?  This was not an intentional feature.  What happened was that I have always used a default mission objective from default KSP contracts.  That is the satellite has Power and is new.. This was from the fineprint contracts that ship with the game now.  When 1.05 for KSP came out the contract. Parameters for fine print were MOVED to a new location and some renamed.  I found what I though was the new name for Satellite has power and is new.. But I guess it is not the case.  Sorry for lack of checking on that one, that part is my fault.

2. I  raised the default error of margin for APA and PEA from 1000 to 5000.

3. Shipped the up-to-date config file with new version.  The older version had an older config file.. Was not a big deal the config file rewrites itself if its not correct, but still rather have the right one for you can edit the config file before starting for the first time.

[B]Version 1.24[/B]
1.05 compatible changed a few things that made MC2 not work right in 1.05 of KSP.  All should be good now.

[B]Version 1.22[/B]

1.Fixed the Issue with Low and High Frequencies not being able to be selected.
2.Added a Margin Of Error for Low and High APA values in config file.
3.Added Payment Modifier in the Config File for contracts.
4.Satellite Contracts should no longer have random parts for Mission Controller.

[B]Version 1.2 Released[/B]
1. Completely redid satellite contracts. Satellite contracts now require new parts! They are also very different and use Frequencies to communicate with ground stations to complete contracts. Most missions require KeoStation Orbit and to keep target ground stations in line of sight at all times.
2. Single delivery Contract Missions.
3. Network Contracts: Construct a 6 satellite network above kerbin. This is the big daddy contract of MCE. Pays well, but takes time and knowledge to complete.
4. Lots of code clean up no more Kerbal Insurance. (out of scope for this mod now)
5. Brand new Parts for satellite contracts. Communication Core, Navigation Core, Weather Core, and Research Core. Check the forum page for info on new contracts and how to complete them. In game explanation is also pretty thorough if you don't like to read. LOL.

[B]Version 1.21 Released[/B]
1. Fixed the duplication bug of Historical Contracts.  Only 1 should show up now in your contract list.

[B]Version 1.12.3 [/B]

1.  All part textures converted to DDS format.
2. Fixed Apollo-Duna Orbital Mission Transmit Science from ground.  Suppose to be transmit science from Space.
3. Fixed payout for Apollo-Duna Orbital Mission.  Was way to much.
4. Fixed Apollo-Duna payout for Build Station.  Was way to much.
5. Other small fixes forgot about.

With this update make sure to delete your Old MissionControllerEC folder completely.  Or you will get duplicate part textures!  DDS and PNG.  Bad idea.
[B]Version 1.12.2[/B]

1. Removed the need for any future RSS config files. Mission Controller 2 will figure out the Orbits of all bodies on its own.. (I hope)
2. Removed Civilian Contracts.
3. Fixed Repair Contracts. The contracts no longer have SpareParts as requirement. (forgot to remove last time)
4. Fixed Repair Contracts. The descriptions for the contracts now should read new method for Repairs.
5. Did a small pass on some of the contract payouts. This might take awhile as I get a look at what contracts are paying and bring more changes.
6. Removed some other legacy code no longer used.
7. Added Supplies From USI Life support to the Custom Resupply Contract.

ChangLog 1.12.1

1. KSP 1.0 Version compatible.
2. No more hire Cost (1.0 has it)
3. Civilian Contracts Turned off (possibly removed next version since 1.0 has civ contracts)
4. No more in editor Parts reader (1.0 has some sort of System)
5. No more dependencies. (you only need mission controller now to run MC).
6. Another Revamp of Repair Missions. No longer require SpareParts or any type of resource. All you need now is a Kerbal Engineer to fix satellites. Or stations.
7. Added Apollo 17 (Minmus)
8. Added new expanded Apollo Missions with 9 new single contracts covering the Set up and landing on Duna.
9. Rewrote the Orbit Research and Landing Research Contracts to be more NASA Like.
10-. The parts have had a overhall pass and renamed. They reflect Real World Early Tech found on early Probes. Orbital Research Is now Ionization Chamber and LanderResearch is Mass Spectrometry Tube. (will be save friendly transfer)
11. Most other contracts that remain have been been made more Realistic in explanations.. Like historical missions.
[B]Version 1.11.0 Mission Controller For .90.[/B]

Please delete your whole MissionControllerEC folder before installing this update.

1. Added 2 new Historic Contracts Covering the United States TIROS Program (Television Infrared Observation Satellite) (3 Contracts)
  And the United States Mariner Program. Mariner 2 (Eve) Mariner 4 (Duna) Mariner 10 (Eve and Moho) and Renamed Mariner 11 and 12 (Voyager 1 To Jool System).
2. Added the ability to Add your own resources to the Station supply Contracts.  These Resources can be changed or added in the config file. What it looks like.
		Item = LiquidFuel
		Item = Oxidizer
		Item = MonoPropellant
		Item = XenonGas
		Item = Food
		Item = Water
		Item = Oxygen
		Item = Kibbal


You can either change the Item or Add a whole new one like this.


		Item = LiquidFuel
		Item = Oxidizer
		Item = MonoPropellant
		Item = XenonGas
		Item = Food
		Item = Water
		Item = Oxygen
		Item = Kibbal
                Item = NewStuffAdded (has to match the resource name in the resource.cfg files of mod, or game)




Edited by malkuth
Version 3.2.0 Final Version Of MCE (KSP 1.12)
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  MK3424 said:
Great! now the mission control building is actually usable!

Well you can pretend to use it..The mod does not make it available since it does not yet have a way to goto it in unity that I know of.. If it did I would almost certainly add it to the mod..

This mod has actually been around since .20 before the new buildings though. :)

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Would be cool to add support for Modular fuel system and realistic fuels. This would give more flexibility to balance price and performance.

I also kinda liked Hard mode since it essencially forced me to use RLVs - on Medium I could get away with expendables and still profit.

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  lammatt said:
7zip says "unsupported compression method"

and it doest extract.

Might have to download it again.. Works on my end.. anyone else having this issue? I use 7zip too.

Would be cool to add support for Modular fuel system and realistic fuels. This would give more flexibility to balance price and performance.

I also kinda liked Hard mode since it essencially forced me to use RLVs - on Medium I could get away with expendables and still profit.

I could always add hard mode back.. Its basically set to medium mode now which was the default mode.. Some things have changed in the way the code checks parts though from the original.

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Glad to see someone taking the toarch on this one. I did a couple mission packaged for the old version.

I also had trouble with "unsupported methods" but after installing a bunch of ancient decoders I managed to extract it. As this is f/oss, here is the file in rar format (more common than zip imho).

MissionControllerextv0.11.rar -

For ubuntu users wanting to extract the original zip, run this...

$ sudo apt-get install p7zip-full unp rar unace lha unrar unzip

Edited by Sandworm
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  Sandworm said:
Glad to see someone taking the toarch on this one. I did a couple mission packaged for the old version.

I also had trouble with "unsupported methods" but after installing a bunch of ancient decoders I managed to extract it. As this is f/oss, here is the file in rar format (more common than zip imho).

MissionControllerextv0.11.rar -

For ubuntu users wanting to extract the original zip, run this...

$ sudo apt-get install p7zip-full unp rar unace lha unrar unzip


indeed... windows explorer can extract the archive no problem while 7zip cant...

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I might be missing something, I apologize if I am, but is there a way to see the new cost for all the parts? I keep having the problem of placing a part thinking it will be 1700, but then it turns out it's really around 50,000. Is there a list of prices somewhere?

Otherwise excellent mod

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  BEADGCFmyLife said:
I might be missing something, I apologize if I am, but is there a way to see the new cost for all the parts? I keep having the problem of placing a part thinking it will be 1700, but then it turns out it's really around 50,000. Is there a list of prices somewhere?

Otherwise excellent mod

hi in the old version nobody replaced the old code of checking the actual cost of parts in the game and came up with a new formula that no longer uses the part cost from the Game.. The reason is because they make no sense.. And to also help support mods that you might have in the game that usually ignore the COST part in cfg file. In this update we also adjusted the formula to make the prices make a little more sense.. But we still don't use the ingame prices... IE the prices you see when you use mechjeb or Kerbal Engineer. Its all based off of a Math Formula now.

Also fuel cost are separate from the cost. So when you see the parts list talking about command pod cost etc.. Even though the formula is basing its cost of the command pod folder.. Its not using the actual cost of the parts in Kerbal Space Program.. Its all pretty complicated math.. And nobody had pretty good reasons to go with it.

Also with the new formulas.. Command Pods and Science Stuff is the most expensive things you can put on other then engines. Command pods adds about 5K per seat for kerbals. But the mission payouts should be enough to put a pretty nice vessel together and still make plenty of profit. Regular Engines like liquid are pretty decent.. But exotic engines like Nirva engine cost about 40K.. Which I have a feeling is the part your talking about that cost 1700 in the game.. Its a balance thing. :)

Edited by malkuth
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Here is the post by NathanKell about the cost changes he made that are in this mod now.. We will adjust the cost as we go... 70 million for mechjeb seems a little steep.. (I don't use it so I had no idea) :)

So, while I love this mod, I had real trouble with the cost balancing. Trusses shouldn't cost 10x as much as probe cores, for instance. Further, heavier items that do the same thing should cost _less_ than lighter ones in many cases, for example five Z100s vs a single Z500. The energy density is higher so the cost should be too.
Finally, in the real world the payload makes up the majority of the cost of the mission. Satellite example: $100m for the payload, $40m for the LV.
So I went ahead and rewrote the cost function to (1) consider part category and (2) consider part modules, and in doing so tried to make particularly command, utility, and science items cost far more, and structural far less. For most parts (3) I consider mass-efficiency: Reactors (treated as big RTGs) will be per-unit-of-generated-electricity more expensive since they're more efficient than the stock RTG. Same goes for fuel tanks, solar panels, batteries, etc.
This means, most importantly, that mods that add overpowered components (compared to stock) will have those components cost way _more_, not way _less_ as it stands now.
I did keep some cost for mass (i.e. construction labor and structural parts) but that is under different multipliers for different kinds of parts.
I tweaked nobody's formula for engines so that gimbal and atmo Isp are taken into account and so that mass-efficiency plays a role: the more mass efficient an engine is for its performance, the more expensive it will be--so if a mod adds an LVT-45-alike that masses only 1 ton, it will be more expensive, not the same cost (MC's current engine formula) or _less_ expensive (MC's engine formula + MC's mass formula). Jets (and the Kethane turbine) are also now included, at at 1/20 price ratio. That works out, because high-performance jets are actually more expensive than rocket engines, IIRC.

Example costs:
Octo2: 2000
Small stack probe: 1200
Mk1 pod (with DRE ablative coating): 7000
Mk1-2 pod (with DRE heat shield): 29000
Science sensor: 250
Antenna: 150
Comm Dish: 750
RemoteTech SatDish 9000: 30,000 + 700 construction
LVT-45: 4000 + 100 in construction costs
SLS Bearcat (NovaPunch; 240 thrust, extra gimballing, similar Isp, still 1.5t): 5400 + 100 construction costs.
DSM Nuclear Reactor: 601,000 + 50,000 or so in construction costs
Structural parts: a few K here and there!

A couple example pictures (note that I've doubled costs for batteries and panels since then, so increase Utility by x2)--note that the total costs should be broadly comparable to where they are in stock MC

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Alright for you mechjeb users.. I found the problem.. Its not a problem with Mission Controller its a problem with mechjeb.. They have the mass set to some silly number like .0000001 which even kerbal space program can't read. (look in the description of mechjeb part and read mass... its messed up)

Change it to .05 and you will be all set.

To change it

go to \GameData\MechJeb2\Parts\MechJeb2_AR202 and open the part.cfg edit the line that says mass and change it to anything above .01.

You be all set.. you can bug the mechjeb guys to fix it if you wish. :) Ill post this in the main page as a problem too.

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Lol, I thought that the mechjeb cost (7.5million) was a deliberate penalty. I got around it by assigning the mechjeb module to a probe core.

Changing the mass might seem like an answer, but will throw the CoM on small probes.

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  Sandworm said:
Lol, I thought that the mechjeb cost (7.5million) was a deliberate penalty. I got around it by assinging the mechjeb module to a probe core.

Im not that mean. :) I promise.. :sticktongue:

Edited by malkuth
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  malkuth said:
hi in the old version nobody replaced the old code of checking the actual cost of parts in the game and came up with a new formula that no longer uses the part cost from the Game.. The reason is because they make no sense.. And to also help support mods that you might have in the game that usually ignore the COST part in cfg file. In this update we also adjusted the formula to make the prices make a little more sense.. But we still don't use the ingame prices... IE the prices you see when you use mechjeb or Kerbal Engineer. Its all based off of a Math Formula now.

Also fuel cost are separate from the cost. So when you see the parts list talking about command pod cost etc.. Even though the formula is basing its cost of the command pod folder.. Its not using the actual cost of the parts in Kerbal Space Program.. Its all pretty complicated math.. And nobody had pretty good reasons to go with it.

Also with the new formulas.. Command Pods and Science Stuff is the most expensive things you can put on other then engines. Command pods adds about 5K per seat for kerbals. But the mission payouts should be enough to put a pretty nice vessel together and still make plenty of profit. Regular Engines like liquid are pretty decent.. But exotic engines like Nirva engine cost about 40K.. Which I have a feeling is the part your talking about that cost 1700 in the game.. Its a balance thing. :)

Yeah, that does make sense.. After reading the main post, I understood that. What I was asking is, is there any way to really see what the REAL price of each part is? Other than just subtracting the total prices before and after placing the part? Like some kind of table or something? I suspect there isn't, and I think it would be a worthwhile feature to add, if it's possible.

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Well, Mechjeb should still be expensive, even if its not a deliberate penalty. The Apollo computers were incredibly expensive. Plus, it forces the player to fly the ship, at least the early missions. Maybe not 7 million, but 40 - 50k

Edited by Bloodbunny
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  malkuth said:
I could always add hard mode back.. Its basically set to medium mode now which was the default mode.. Some things have changed in the way the code checks parts though from the original.

I think in hard mode you can actually just scale back all rewards, instead of scaling up costs.

And what about the second part of my post? (support for Modular Fuel)

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  Bloodbunny said:
Well, Mechjeb should still be expensive, even if its not a deliberate penalty. The Apollo computers were incredibly expensive. Plus, it forces the player to fly the ship, at least the early missions. Maybe not 7 million, but 40 - 50k

I might add an exception for it.. Because now I think its to cheap. And price it around 100,000 K is that to mean? I don't use mechjeb so it would never effect me.. Just would like everyone's opinion.. There are already some exceptions for remote Tech stuff.

And about the prices its a planned feature to expand on the financing... To list the parts separately in another finance window might be possible.

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  asmi said:
I think in hard mode you can actually just scale back all rewards, instead of scaling up costs.

And what about the second part of my post? (support for Modular Fuel)

I would have to see how it works I have never used that mod before.. As long as when it adjust its fuel cost and stuff it actually makes a part then mission controller should already support it. If its some internal type of thing that only gets added to the .craft file would make it a little more difficult to implement. I know it uses other fuels.. which I suspect is the problem now.. That should be easy enough to price in with the already existing fuels.. I will look into it as soon as possible. I also have to make adjustments for the iron cross mod and oxygen.. Which is a mod that I do use.

The rewards thing is a good idea.. The reason I took out the difficulties was because it was so hard to make missions around the old scale % that the old system used.. Basically the old system worked like this..

Easy mode was .68 % of Medium

Hard Mode was 1.5 % of Medium.

Edited by malkuth
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  malkuth said:
I might add an exception for it.. Because now I think its to cheap. And price it around 100,000 K is that to mean? I don't use mechjeb so it would never effect me.. Just would like everyone's opinion.. There are already some exceptions for remote Tech stuff.

And about the prices its a planned feature to expand on the financing... To list the parts separately in another finance window might be possible.

Somewhere more along the lines of 20-30k, maybe 40-50k would be agreeable to me.

Any chance we can get an easy/medium/hard mode? I havn't had a chance to play 0.11 yet, but in the old mod medium was too expensive for my liking, too restrictive. Easy was better without giving you too much money.

What I would really like, even if it means ignoring everything I just said, would be to disallow (or add the option to disallow) the ability to borrow money. Just knowing that I can go into the red kinda spoils the point of things for me, it dilutes the motivation.

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  p1t1o said:
Somewhere more along the lines of 20-30k, maybe 40-50k would be agreeable to me.

Any chance we can get an easy/medium/hard mode? I havn't had a chance to play 0.11 yet, but in the old mod medium was too expensive for my liking, too restrictive. Easy was better without giving you too much money.

What I would really like, even if it means ignoring everything I just said, would be to disallow (or add the option to disallow) the ability to borrow money. Just knowing that I can go into the red kinda spoils the point of things for me, it dilutes the motivation.

The money thing is a planned feature.. I plan on expanding it to something along the lines if you go into the red.... Then 25% gets taken off your Mission payouts until back into green.. To simulate paying back a loan or something...

Right now Im working on adding other fuels. So far I added support for Iron Cross mod and oxygen. What I need from people that play the modular fuel mod is to give me a small explination of what is more expensive ect. I don't play the mod but would like to add support for instance out of the three fuels in Modular Fuel Mod whats more expensive? Which is cheaper.. And which one should be Middle fuel.. Keep in mind that I won't touch the LiquidFuel values because not everyone uses modular Fuel Tanks mod.. So base it around that fuel cost. I take it LiquidOxygen and LiquidH20 replace Oxidizer? So maybe base it around that? Not sure.




Thanks save me time learning the mod and stuff and just be able to add it in real quick like.

Easy option not sure. The missions payout pretty well.. At least my mission packs do.. Medium should net you enough money.. And if you recycle.. Its even better.

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