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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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17 hours ago, malkuth said:

Like above Communatron 88-88 is stock.

And the issue with the solar panels might be they are using something other than .. ModuleDeployableSolarPanel which is also stock Module for all solar panels. 

Thanks for your reply. My bad. Still in career mode the 88-88 is a highly expensive antenna that is required on a start mission. Tiros is coming very early on mission pool. Maybe should be enough to require an lower antenna.

Solar issue I cant detect which mods is screwing the solar. I suspect Surface experiment Pack.

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3 hours ago, boborene said:

Thanks for your reply. My bad. Still in career mode the 88-88 is a highly expensive antenna that is required on a start mission. Tiros is coming very early on mission pool. Maybe should be enough to require an lower antenna.

Solar issue I cant detect which mods is screwing the solar. I suspect Surface experiment Pack.

Yes, ill look into the contracts were written well before the New Network Com system, and the changes to the Antenna. Use to be pretty cheap. :)

Is it stock solar panels that are having issue?  If so then that a tell tale sign someone is using a new Module for solar panels.. If its only on certain ones then most likely the part maker is using his own version.  And didn't want to mess with the stock options.

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Been hard at work making the new GUI.  Also made some changes.

Not sure when I broke it but I noticed I broke the Revert Button?  So its fixed now, and now the revert cost is based of % of vessel cost.. And not a fixed cost.  Of course you can change % in settings.

Localization will be a multi Release thing.. Right now the UI will have it and the custom contracts.

New custom contract in the pictures.  Working on testing right now but hopefully I can get a Dev Version out for testing soon



Edited by malkuth
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On 11. 07. 2017. at 7:23 PM, malkuth said:

MCE only looks for the ModuleDeployableSolarPanels Module to tell if its a solar panel.. So as long as a mod doesn't replace it with some new name it should work..


Looks like boborene was right about this, I have encountered the problem with solar panels as well. I would provide a save but its a highly modded game and the situation seems to be easy to reproduce. Tiros 7 mission is not recognizing stock OX-STAT panels (partname: solarPanels5, filename: radialFlatSolarPanel.cfg) and a number of fixed and deployable mod panels. OX-STAT is stock and uses ModuleDeployableSolarPanel (as do the mod panels, such as those from bdb).


I noticed you write ModuleDeployableSolarPanel in plural (ModuleDeployableSolarPanels). This is probably just a typo in your post but if its not and MCE checks for plural this might be the cause of the problem because ingame the module is written in singular.


Pretty sure this wasn't an issue in my last playthrough (in 1.2.x).




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2 hours ago, Vrana said:


Looks like boborene was right about this, I have encountered the problem with solar panels as well. I would provide a save but its a highly modded game and the situation seems to be easy to reproduce. Tiros 7 mission is not recognizing stock OX-STAT panels (partname: solarPanels5, filename: radialFlatSolarPanel.cfg) and a number of fixed and deployable mod panels. OX-STAT is stock and uses ModuleDeployableSolarPanel (as do the mod panels, such as those from bdb).


I noticed you write ModuleDeployableSolarPanel in plural (ModuleDeployableSolarPanels). This is probably just a typo in your post but if its not and MCE checks for plural this might be the cause of the problem because ingame the module is written in singular.


Pretty sure this wasn't an issue in my last playthrough (in 1.2.x).




I'll check it out. Keep in mind that if something changes it with mm you can't go by what .cfg file says.  Most people use mm to change things which is done during loading.

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So quick test in my TestWorld that only has MissionController.  Seems to work on my end.  But I would still like this issue fixed if you guys can figure out the Mod that is causing this issue and changing the ModuleDeployableSolarPanel ill write it into the Mod to accept it.  


If you notice in my Dev version I already got rid of the Antennae that borerene noticed. 

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14 minutes ago, malkuth said:

So quick test in my TestWorld that only has MissionController.  Seems to work on my end.  But I would still like this issue fixed if you guys can figure out the Mod that is causing this issue and changing the ModuleDeployableSolarPanel ill write it into the Mod to accept it.  


If you notice in my Dev version I already got rid of the Antennae that borerene noticed. 

Ok, ill go through my gamedata.




Got it in one. You even hinted at it in your first post regarding the issue.

 Its Kopernicus.


This is the relevant module manager file:



    // This will replace all instances of ModuleDeployableSolarPanel with the Kopernicus version
    // that has proper support for multiple lightsources
    // If you want to keep your ModuleDeployableSolarPanel, add "useKopernicusSolarPanels = false" to the MODULE node
    // That will stop Kopernicus from replacing it
        @useKopernicusSolarPanels,* ^= :F:f:
        @useKopernicusSolarPanels,* ^= :A:a:
        @useKopernicusSolarPanels,* ^= :L:l:
        @useKopernicusSolarPanels,* ^= :S:s:
        @useKopernicusSolarPanels,* ^= :E:e:
        @name = KopernicusSolarPanel


As you can see, Kopernicus offers its own solution to the problem but if its not too much work it would be nice to have MCE support for this.

Edited by Vrana
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14 minutes ago, Vrana said:

Ok, ill go through my gamedata.




Go it in one. You even hinted at it in your first post regarding the issue.

 Its Kopernicus.


This is the relevant module manager file:



    // This will replace all instances of ModuleDeployableSolarPanel with the Kopernicus version
    // that has proper support for multiple lightsources
    // If you want to keep your ModuleDeployableSolarPanel, add "useKopernicusSolarPanels = false" to the MODULE node
    // That will stop Kopernicus from replacing it
        @useKopernicusSolarPanels,* ^= :F:f:
        @useKopernicusSolarPanels,* ^= :A:a:
        @useKopernicusSolarPanels,* ^= :L:l:
        @useKopernicusSolarPanels,* ^= :S:s:
        @useKopernicusSolarPanels,* ^= :E:e:
        @name = KopernicusSolarPanel


As you can see, Kopernicus offers its own solution to the problem but if its not too much work it would be nice to have MCE support for this.

Its not Kopernicus  don't think.  Just tested it on my end.  Any idea what your using for a Mod that is actually using Kopernicus?  10X kerbin? or a new solar system mod?

Anyway I think Kopernicus only changes the contents of ModuleDeployableSolarPanel and not the name.

Edited by malkuth
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2 minutes ago, malkuth said:

Its not Kopernicus  don't think.  Just tested it on my end.  Any idea what your using for a Mod that is actually using Kopernicus?  10X kerbin? or a new solar system mod?

I use OPM 1.3 maintanence version by Galileo.


I might be reading it wrong but doesn't:


        @name = KopernicusSolarPanel


change the name of the module to KopernicusSolarPanel?

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30 minutes ago, Vrana said:

I use OPM 1.3 maintanence version by Galileo.


I might be reading it wrong but doesn't:


        @name = KopernicusSolarPanel


change the name of the module to KopernicusSolarPanel?

All right I added support for Kopernicus Solar Panels.  So released a Dev version of Mission Controller.  Current one I'm testing.



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On 16. 07. 2017. at 5:28 PM, malkuth said:

All right I added support for Kopernicus Solar Panels.  So released a Dev version of Mission Controller.  Current one I'm testing.



I have been playing with the dev version. It seems to work fine but i finally got another Tiros(NOAA-N) mission and...





OX-STAT not recognized again. Seems to be the same for any other solar panel i throw on it. I don't know if you are still tackling this problem, malkuth, but if you are let me know how i can help.


I guess its possible there is another mod modifying panels? In case someone reading this can recognize one i am including a list of that games gamedata. Otherwise i will try going through it again.


Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        2.7.2017.     13:34                000_AT_Utils
d-----       11.7.2017.     10:24                000_FilterExtensions
d-----       11.7.2017.     10:24                000_FilterExtensions Configs
da----        2.7.2017.     13:31                000_USITools
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:26                AirplanePlus
d-----        8.7.2017.     14:30                ASET
d-----        6.7.2017.     11:44                AviationLights
d-----        2.7.2017.     15:13                B9AnimationModules
d-----       14.7.2017.     13:03                B9PartSwitch
d-----        2.7.2017.     15:18                B9_Aerospace
d-----        2.7.2017.     15:16                B9_Aerospace_HX
d-----        2.7.2017.     17:48                B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings
d-----        2.7.2017.     15:03                BahaSP
d-----        2.7.2017.     17:50                blackheart
d-----       14.7.2017.     13:03                Bluedog_DB
d-----        2.7.2017.     19:40                BonVoyage
da----        2.7.2017.     21:19                Chatterer
d-----        1.7.2017.     20:16                Coatl Aerospace
da----        2.7.2017.     13:27                CommunityCategoryKit
d-----       14.7.2017.     13:05                CommunityResourcePack
d-----        2.7.2017.     13:34                ConfigurableContainers
d-----       13.7.2017.     22:50                ContractConfigurator
d-----       11.7.2017.     13:15                ContractPacks
d-----        2.7.2017.     13:27                CryoEngines
d-----        2.7.2017.     13:27                CryoTanks
d-----       13.7.2017.     22:27                CTTP
d-----       13.7.2017.     22:49                CustomAsteroids
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:34                CustomBarnKit
d-----        2.7.2017.     13:27                DeployableEngines
d-----        9.7.2017.     17:58                DistantObject
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:26                DMagicOrbitalScience
d-----       14.7.2017.     13:03                DMagicScienceAnimate
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:27                DMagicUtilities
d-----        2.7.2017.     13:27                DynamicBatteryStorage
d-----        2.7.2017.     21:19                EasyBoard
d-----        2.7.2017.     15:09                EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
d-----       13.7.2017.     22:49                FerramAerospaceResearch
d-----        2.7.2017.     13:27                Firespitter
d-----        2.7.2017.     13:46                GroundConstruction
d-----        2.7.2017.     13:28                HeatControl
d-----        2.7.2017.     15:17                IncredibleMachines
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:29                InterstellarFuelSwitch
d-----       10.7.2017.     16:43                JanitorsCloset
d-----        2.7.2017.     15:04                JoolianDiscovery
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:25                JSI
d-----        3.7.2017.     13:04                Jso
d-----       13.7.2017.     22:32                JX2Antenna
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:27                KAS
d-----        2.7.2017.     13:28                KerbalAtomics
d-----       17.7.2017.     19:18                KerbalEngineer
d-----       16.7.2017.     10:15                KerbalFoundries
d-----        2.7.2017.     17:49                KerbalHacks
d-----        8.7.2017.     14:07                KerbalJointReinforcement
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:26                KerbalKonstructs
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:26                KerbinSide
d-----        2.7.2017.     21:19                Kerbonov
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:27                KIS
d-----       13.7.2017.     22:47                Kopernicus
d-----        2.7.2017.     21:28                KSO
d-----       17.7.2017.     19:18                KSP-AVC
d-----        5.7.2017.     18:00                KSPRescuePodFix
d-----       17.7.2017.     19:03                KSPWheel
da----        2.7.2017.     15:02                KWRocketry
d-----       11.7.2017.     15:57                Lionhead_Aerospace_Inc
d-----        2.7.2017.     17:47                MagicSmokeIndustries
d-----        2.7.2017.     17:49                MainSailor
d-----       16.7.2017.     17:31                MissionControllerEC
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:25                Mk2Expansion
d-----       17.7.2017.     18:47                MMS
d-----        8.7.2017.     14:07                ModRocketSys
d-----       13.7.2017.     22:28                ModularFlightIntegrator
d-----        2.7.2017.     19:47                NearFutureConstruction
d-----        2.7.2017.     13:28                NearFutureElectrical
d-----        7.7.2017.      9:59                NearFutureLaunchVehicles
d-----        2.7.2017.     13:29                NearFutureProps
d-----        2.7.2017.     19:47                NearFuturePropulsion
d-----        2.7.2017.     19:47                NearFutureSolar
d-----        2.7.2017.     19:46                NearFutureSpacecraft
d-----        2.7.2017.     15:02                Nereid
d-----        2.7.2017.     21:18                OpenCockpit
d-----       13.7.2017.     22:47                OPM
d-----       13.7.2017.     22:27                OPM_Textures
d-----        2.7.2017.     15:01                OPT
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:28                PlanetaryBaseInc
d-----        2.7.2017.     21:36                PreciseManeuver
d-----        2.7.2017.     17:58                ProceduralFairings
d-----        2.7.2017.     17:48                ProceduralParts
d-----        2.7.2017.     15:03                QuizTechAeroContinued
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:24                RCSBuildAid
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:25                RealChute
d-----        9.7.2017.     21:13                SCANsat
d-----        2.7.2017.     15:09                scatterer
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:26                ScienceRelay
d-----       11.7.2017.     13:16                SETIcontracts
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:25                SHED
d-----        2.7.2017.     15:13                SmokeScreen
d-----        3.7.2017.     13:05                spacetux
d-----       30.6.2017.     14:38                Squad
d-----       17.7.2017.     19:03                SSTU
d-----        2.7.2017.     13:29                StationPartsExpansion
d-----        2.7.2017.     15:09                StockVisualEnhancements
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:24                Strategia
d-----        2.7.2017.     17:49                StretchySNTextures
d-----        2.7.2017.     14:28                SurfaceExperimentPackage
d-----       10.7.2017.     17:38                TakeCommand
d-----        2.7.2017.     15:19                ThrottleControlledAvionics
d-----       17.7.2017.     18:53                TokamakIndustries
d-----        8.7.2017.     14:00                Trajectories
d-----        2.7.2017.     21:18                TriggerTech
d-----       12.7.2017.     19:49                TweakScale
da----        2.7.2017.     13:27                UmbraSpaceIndustries
d-----        2.7.2017.     15:04                UniversalStorage
d-----        2.7.2017.     18:17                WaypointManager
d-----       14.7.2017.     14:47                WildBlueIndustries
-a----       18.7.2017.      8:51            467 FinalFrontier.dat
-a----        2.7.2017.     14:27           8704 KSPModFileLocalizer.dll
-a----       10.7.2017.     17:38          78336 ModuleManager.2.8.1.dll
-a----       17.7.2017.     19:22       18799239 ModuleManager.ConfigCache
-a----       17.7.2017.     19:22        1132435 ModuleManager.ConfigSHA
-a----       17.7.2017.     19:22           8882 ModuleManager.Physics
-a----       17.7.2017.     19:22          29942 ModuleManager.TechTree


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Did more testing and searching and i couldn't find another mod which changed solar panels so i went with the stripping down mods route to pinpoint the problem.


This gamedata does not recognize solar panels...

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:33                Kopernicus
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:34                MissionControllerEC
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:34                OPM
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:34                OPM_Textures
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:36                Squad
-a----       10.7.2017.     17:38          78336 ModuleManager.2.8.1.dll
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:37        2338335 ModuleManager.ConfigCache
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:37          80927 ModuleManager.ConfigSHA
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:37           8882 ModuleManager.Physics
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:37          28994 ModuleManager.TechTree


Neither does this one...

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:33                Kopernicus
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:34                MissionControllerEC
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:36                Squad
-a----       10.7.2017.     17:38          78336 ModuleManager.2.8.1.dll
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:41        1856894 ModuleManager.ConfigCache
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:41          74286 ModuleManager.ConfigSHA
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:41           8882 ModuleManager.Physics
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:41          28994 ModuleManager.TechTree


Unsurprisingly, this one works fine....

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:34                MissionControllerEC
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:36                Squad
-a----       10.7.2017.     17:38          78336 ModuleManager.2.8.1.dll
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:44        1851481 ModuleManager.ConfigCache
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:44          73963 ModuleManager.ConfigSHA
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:44           8882 ModuleManager.Physics
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:44          28994 ModuleManager.TechTree


I guess Kopernicus is still a problem.



Was also wondering, what are the requirements for starting the Skylab missions?

Edited by Vrana
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11 hours ago, Vrana said:

Did more testing and searching and i couldn't find another mod which changed solar panels so i went with the stripping down mods route to pinpoint the problem.


This gamedata does not recognize solar panels...

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:33                Kopernicus
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:34                MissionControllerEC
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:34                OPM
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:34                OPM_Textures
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:36                Squad
-a----       10.7.2017.     17:38          78336 ModuleManager.2.8.1.dll
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:37        2338335 ModuleManager.ConfigCache
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:37          80927 ModuleManager.ConfigSHA
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:37           8882 ModuleManager.Physics
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:37          28994 ModuleManager.TechTree


Neither does this one...

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:33                Kopernicus
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:34                MissionControllerEC
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:36                Squad
-a----       10.7.2017.     17:38          78336 ModuleManager.2.8.1.dll
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:41        1856894 ModuleManager.ConfigCache
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:41          74286 ModuleManager.ConfigSHA
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:41           8882 ModuleManager.Physics
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:41          28994 ModuleManager.TechTree


Unsurprisingly, this one works fine....

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:34                MissionControllerEC
d-----       18.7.2017.     19:36                Squad
-a----       10.7.2017.     17:38          78336 ModuleManager.2.8.1.dll
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:44        1851481 ModuleManager.ConfigCache
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:44          73963 ModuleManager.ConfigSHA
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:44           8882 ModuleManager.Physics
-a----       18.7.2017.     19:44          28994 ModuleManager.TechTree


I guess Kopernicus is still a problem.



Was also wondering, what are the requirements for starting the Skylab missions?

Skylab historically was done after Apollo.  So if I Apollo has to be finished first.

As for Kopernicus.   Not sure what the issue could be now.  Ill have to look into it more.  The problem is I can't recreate it on my end so Im basically guessing.


EDIT: Oh never mind I see what I did wrong.. I actually forgot to edit the tiros contract with new info.. I changed everything else but that one.  Ill have a new Dev version up soon.

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6 hours ago, malkuth said:

Alright new Developer version out.  Almost ready for release once I get a confimation the Kopernicus issue is fixed and track down some of the OnDestroy Errors Im seeing in the Logs.

Mission Controller Dev Build

Thank you for your efforts!


The Kopernicus issue on the Tiros/NOAA-N mission is fixed.

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New Release Version of Mission Controller Enjoy.. More to come, keep an eye out on the changes to Custom Contracts coming soon.  When playing the new Landing and Orbit contract Read the contract to find out where I will be heading with custom contracts in future!

Mission Controller Update.
1. New Gui Using the new Untity Assets and Kerbal Space Program PopupGui
2. All settings are now located in KSP settings menu. (Intergrated)
3. New Custom Contract Land and orbit. (This is first step towards a new type of custom contract)
4. Repair Contracts no longer use MCE random.  You should get them more often now using KSP Contract weight system.
5. Started the first stage of Localization.
6. MCE Revert is back.  Use this revert for a non cheaty version that now cost you a % of your ship cost to use.  Can be turned off/On in settings.
7. Other minor fixes to other Contracts.  I have also started converting MCE Contract Paramenters and contracts to using any new Default Paramenters that Mirror my old versions.  

8. MCE is compatible with Kopernicus Solar panels and contract requirements now.


Download on first page.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone having an issue with seeing the Mission Controller Buttons.  Revert and the main menu.. You should see the Main Button when in Space Complex screen.. And the revert while in flight.  If so please sound off.  Didn't notice this issue until I started a brand new game and noticed they were not showing at all.  After working with the code a bit I might not have them written correctly and for some odd reason on New games they don't show up.. But on older games that had older version of MCE they do.  Odd..Still trying to figure it out myself.

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Alright I have fixed this problem you can download this new version from My Github (updated as of this Post) Or Curse (Takes a Min for them to clear it)


1. Fixed a bug where MCE Buttons would not show up on New games, and sometimes older games. If this problem persist please report it to me ASAP.

2. You might get duplicate buttons when you load up the New version. Once you do a scene transition IE from SpaceCenter to VAB this should correct itself.. And never come back.. If does Report please.

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Hello, thanks for your awesome mod :wink:

I have a little problem with a satellite contract : I can't manage to get the line of sight turn green for more than one specific ground station. It is quite problematic as I designed a craft to bring 4 Navigation Cores with the 4 associated frequencies (16.5, 17.5, 18.5 and 19.5). But no matter what I did - I tried a Keostationnary orbit, a low circular orbit, to eject the other cores - I don't understand the behavior of those lines of sight...

Any chance you can help me with this ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Minor question. Did the new contracts be added into the game database right after I'd add the mod or do I have to do something more to get it, cos I have progressed so far 1/3 of the game but I only got like 3 of those missions that came out of it?

Edited by duegia
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, 1990eam said:

Is this compatible with 1.3.1? My game is crashing upon launch on a clean install with this mod.

 1.3 so it should work on 1.1.3. I've found that sometimes if you wipe everything, reinstall KSP then add the mods things tends work. 

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