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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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I'm having a little trouble with the commercialization pack.

I've built the station per spec and i'm on '05 - Setting up for business day'. I've completed all the objectives 1 and 2 and landed on Kerbin with 9 kerbals aboard but it won't acknowledge that I've finished the mission.

Note, the description says I have to be docked for a day, which i did but it resets the MET when I undock. Any ideas?

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  rosenkranz said:
I'm having a little trouble with the commercialization pack.

I've built the station per spec and i'm on '05 - Setting up for business day'. I've completed all the objectives 1 and 2 and landed on Kerbin with 9 kerbals aboard but it won't acknowledge that I've finished the mission.

Note, the description says I have to be docked for a day, which i did but it resets the MET when I undock. Any ideas?

Those missions are a little buggy right now because of the strange docking behavior of Mission Controller. Im in process of fixing these for the work correctly. And will post an update on them soon. Sorry about that, I made the missions way to complicated and Mission Controller just doesn't like it, it seems. Also make sure your using the most current version of MC. I separated the docking from all the other Objectives. But keep in mind that when you dock the vessel.. You have to still be in compliance with the previous objectives.. (I learned this while testing the missions a few days ago)

Edited by malkuth
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  The Jedi Master said:
If I install it, does it have to be used on every save? Or is the Career Mode button implemented?

Also its just like any other plugin. Its not actually part of the base game.. It has its own UI windows were everything happens. And it does not implement in any way, any use of the career mode button in the base game.. Again its all its own seperate plugin. It also has its own save file, that does not interact with your persistent save file from the Base Game.

Plugins are very limited in what they can do within the base game.. Which is why they all have there own GUI.

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  p1t1o said:
I agree, the price of jets should be adjusted, even with TOTAL recovery, you only get 85% back. If you dare to use a single SABRE-M (costs over 1.2million...) that means it will cost you upwards of 200K at least!!

I know the SABRE is a super awesome engine, but for that price I can launch a fleet of boring disposable rockets. Flying and recovering spaceplanes is fun, but THE RENT IS TOO DANG HIGH!!

Thats pretty much how it works in real life anyway. Disposable rockets are cheap and its the reason they are used the most. Only five spaceplanes have succesfully flown to date and they are really more like rocket gliders(Space shuttle).

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  Artophwar said:
Thats pretty much how it works in real life anyway. Disposable rockets are cheap and its the reason they are used the most. Only five spaceplanes have succesfully flown to date and they are really more like rocket gliders(Space shuttle).

Yeah, true, but this is one of the areas where I'd like KSP not to reflect reality exactly. With costs like this, mission controller totally precludes the use of spaceplanes, and considering how much effort has gone into "reclaiming" reusable components, it makes little sense to ignore an entire facet of the game for the sake of "realism" (not that jet engines are so many orders of magnitude more expensive than rocket engines in reality anyway).

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I smashed together a simple but big SSTO spaceplane and came up with a 500k figure for total cost. It could probably be done cheaper. If you recover all but 15% of that on a successful landing then you are only losing 75k per mission on parts. That seems ok and a goal to aim for once you have a solid bankroll.

I really don't think it should be any kind of priority for the devs to look at compatibility with fantasy parts such as B9 engines and to try, just now, to balance for spaceplanes. I have enjoyed using MC to make me construct the cheapest and most efficient rockets possible with high reuse factor. This is an interesting change of pace from vanilla KSP.

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I find a really efficient way of doing things is to make a cheap LV capable of taking up multiple things like satellites and probes. Then you can complete multiple missions with just the one launch. I believe this is similar to the way some real space companies work whereby they will have many parts to their payload to save on costs.

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I see many of you uses space planes and air breathing engines, i opted for grasshopper design, its not the cheapest, but it gets 20t into orbit quite fast and is all recyclable (except the boosters do not get aoutorecycled although it should.. bug?)

pre-launch with ~20t payload


After successful landing:


the cost per launch is around 100k but i consider it acceptable for 20t payload.

Edited by Tsuki
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Hey, This is really great mod. I have only one little question. Im making my own mission Pack because no pack meets my requirements. Can I make Mission which requires completed more than one mission?

Simple example: I want to separate in one moment mission choosing and once I complete them all I can continue in next set of mission. Is this possible? How to type it?

Or, is there anywhere some complete manual of all orders and variables?


EDIT: Cant just find out what these are and what 1/0 sets

splashedValid = .... Does it mean that landing rocket is not broken?

throttleDown = ... This is probably that throttle has to be shut if true (default) and can be active if false. Right?

nonPermanent = what is this at OrbitGoal?

Edited by Khalashnikovf
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  Stargate525 said:
With Spaceplanes... You could build a refueling rover on the launch pad, run it over to the plane, and refuel it via docking port or KAS. Makes the whole thing reusable, without ever needing to recycle it.

Thanks for the idea, now i might use my tow-plane setup, as the space-planes are usually expensive:



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Heya malkuth. I've finaly got around to test the new MC and i've got two suggestions for the next release:

- configurable costs via a config file (mostly asking for editable fuel and engine-performance costs)

- ability to add custom fuels (i'm using Hydrazine and N2O4 as LF+OX replacement along RP-1 and some other fuel types currently not included in MFS)

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New Version Out .19

Its been a long few weeks trying to work some things out but I finally think I have a pretty good version up that will make a lot of people happy.. So its here.. Version .19. I would like to thank Azadam and Aontas for there help.. Azadam helped clean up some of the stock missions. And Aontas Brought us the New Mission Goal LaunchGoal.. Thanks Guys.

The new Version is available on the front page and spaceport.. Good Luck.. And if you find any bugs.. Please report them. Test out the Docking Mode... Its been changed.. ;) (not sure for the better)

Changes in .19

1. Finally Mission Controller Has Saved Windows Postion. Mission controller will finally remember your windows postions even after a restart.

2. Azadam was nice enough to update the Stock Missions Descriptions and other fixes to the Mission File.

3. Aontas added a new missions Goal LaunchGoal. Now using LaunchGoal you can launch from any Body. And have it a mission Goal.

4. New KerbalNauts Window. This is a work in progress but now you have a way of charging your space program for the Kerbals you hire. At this time it is not connected with the HireButton in the AstroNaut complex (can’t seem to find a refrence to it). But you do have the choice to use the HireButton to charge your Space Program. The price of HireKerbals is Editable from the New KerbalNauts Window.

5. Kerbal Insurance has been moved to KerbalNaut window.

6. Updated the DOCKING GOAL. I did not change much but the change I did use now uses the actual in game DOCKING to tell when you do dock. It still uses most of the legacy code though for the The Rest of the code. Seems to work with the testing I have done. Not sure if its better though.

7. The silly long messages for Reset Space Program And Rewind have been removed.

8. New Mission Controller InGame Icon has been added.

9. New Random Missions. A new Pack has been added that takes advantage of the Random Missions Option in Mission Controller. Every Mission in Random Missions has Random Mission Goals.. After you play the mission you can Use the NEW RANDOM MISSION Button in Mission Packages to get a new set of values for the random mission. All are repeatable.

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I enjoy doing these missions just to see how low I can get the cost of the mission, but really, even on hardcore mode the payouts are way too much considering how cheap most of the missions are to fly. One example, I just completed the "04 - Launch Image Recon Satellite" from the Civilian Space Program pack and got paid 54,600 (in hardcore mode with optional objective) and the mission only cost me 2,967 and took 6 parts.

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  AncientGammoner said:
I enjoy doing these missions just to see how low I can get the cost of the mission, but really, even on hardcore mode the payouts are way too much considering how cheap most of the missions are to fly. One example, I just completed the "04 - Launch Image Recon Satellite" from the Civilian Space Program pack and got paid 54,600 (in hardcore mode with optional objective) and the mission only cost me 2,967 and took 6 parts.

Most of your high cost come from Manned Missions.. And using Mods helps make it a little harder. With stock KSP everything is easy if you think about it. ;)

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But the payouts aren't designed around minimalist designs. My probe launches aren't super-efficient, but the launch platform I'm comfortable with typically costs around 20k. That's a 30k payout. I need to launch TEN satellites to run a non-mission launch to my Duna base.

That seems fine to me.

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I spent somewhere north of 200k on a launch vehicle to get 3 strings of 3 com sats up (9 sats total) for a total payout of 450k (250k net). Really depends on how you do it. You could launch em all one at a time but I like the challenge :)

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I'm having some trouble with the random mission pack. The inclination goal is not able to be met on some of the missions. I think I figured out why, when I looked at the mission package for the random missions:

maxInclination = RANDOM(0,15)
minInclination = ADD(maxInclination, 5)

I think its the wrong way round and the plugin is getting stuck trying to make the minInclination greater than the maxInclination. Sure enough when I changed the mission package to:

minInclination = RANDOM(0,15)
maxInclination = ADD(minInclination, 5)

It worked perfectly and I was able to complete the mission.

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  Snillum101 said:
I'm having some trouble with the random mission pack. The inclination goal is not able to be met on some of the missions. I think I figured out why, when I looked at the mission package for the random missions:

maxInclination = RANDOM(0,15)
minInclination = ADD(maxInclination, 5)

I think its the wrong way round and the plugin is getting stuck trying to make the minInclination greater than the maxInclination. Sure enough when I changed the mission package to:

minInclination = RANDOM(0,15)
maxInclination = ADD(minInclination, 5)

It worked perfectly and I was able to complete the mission.

Ok Ill get a quick fix up I have a few things Im fixing now to add to it all. :)

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  AncientGammoner said:
I enjoy doing these missions just to see how low I can get the cost of the mission, but really, even on hardcore mode the payouts are way too much considering how cheap most of the missions are to fly. One example, I just completed the "04 - Launch Image Recon Satellite" from the Civilian Space Program pack and got paid 54,600 (in hardcore mode with optional objective) and the mission only cost me 2,967 and took 6 parts.

Install FAR and DeadlyReentry :)

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