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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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Ok Testing Done seems to work fine New Version Out .35

As always you can download the new version from front page either in .rar(dropbox) or .zip(spaceport) you can also download some select earlier versions from front page.

Changes in .35

1. New Flag system. If vessels launched in Test Mode Or Disabled Plugin. The vessel will be Flagged for the rest of the game save (forever until dead). Flagged vessels cannot finish missions, or collect recycling of any kind.

2. New Loan system. Loan system has been changed. There are now 3 levels oh loans.. Default values are. 25% Reduction(-1 to -25000), 50% Reduction(-25001 to -60000) and 75% reduction (-60001 and below). all three values can be edited in

MCconfig to your desire.

3. The Pop up window for Finished missions now have an Exit Option marked (X). Use this if you do not wish to finish the mission at this time. Also Deselects the mission from active missions.

4. Added some more missions to the Random Mission Pack. Mid Years. FIrst part of this series is station construction. 2 New missions that have you launch your station core. And 2nd missions (repeatable) that allows you to add modules to your core. Also added a new science mission for a Orbit of the sun.

Also about the mission packs. I am no longer updating or supporting the Commercialization Of Space or International Civilian Space Program mission packs. They are still in the download for legacy purposes. But I will no longer update them. My main mission pack is the Random Mission Pack, and I maintain the Default mission Pack. If anyone wants to take over COS or ICSP packs. Give me a ring, and you can have them.

Have fun and enjoy.

Edited by malkuth
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GOOD WORK thank you bro !

2. New Loan system. Loan system has been changed. There are now 3 levels oh loans.. Default values are. 25% Reduction(-1 to -25000), 50% Reduction(-25001 to -60000) and 75% reduction (-60001 and below). all three values can be edited in

MCconfig to your desire.

Ahhhhh i love it! lol

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Brilliant stuff!

This will come in handy if I want to test something as part of my little story thing without needing to disable the plugin in case of accidentally completing a mission :P

Loving the addon, I'd prefer a bit more variation in mission types and a slower build up.. In career mode these things are a LOT harder early on without the necessary science. Plus I'd rather not grind the random missions.

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So my next thoughts on things I would like to work on. I would like to expand the Mission Controller Extended research tree.

My idea is to introduce Mission Level Unlocks. I would set up a few levels of missions that mission builders can make.

So say level 1 is normal missions we all play now... Kinda low paying normal missions.

Level 2 would be Military Contracts.. (or maybe goverment contracts) These are meant to be more high paying levels..

Level 3 would be say Civilian Contracts. (even more expensive)

Now this could either work 1 or two ways. These could be just level unlocks.. So when a mission maker builds a mission he could say its a level 2 mission.. Give it a pretty good payout.. Or whatever reason he does not want in available at first.. So this way its totally Mission Maker idea.

Or the 2nd idea could be an increase to mission payouts. So Level 2 could be a 10% increase. And level 3 could be another 10% increase.

Or maybe a combination of both ideas.. Unlocks and mission payout increases.. Now I totally thinking that these types of research should cost easy 1000 Science points to unlock.. And maybe the 2nd one would be 1500 points.

Shoot me some ideas.. Its in the planning stages at this point.

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Been having a problem with the stock mission, Sputnik II using .34. Despite the fact that I did all the mission objectives it just wouldn't accept and finalize.

I've had to reset the program but since there's a new version out, I'll try that and see how I get on. Did Sputnik I alright. Although I noticed that in the description for II it mentions about gaining science points, which is something I did on the first one but not the second one.

Can't see how that would matter since on the 3rd mission there is an actual objective for gaining science, so don't know...

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  Xyd said:
Been having a problem with the stock mission, Sputnik II using .34. Despite the fact that I did all the mission objectives it just wouldn't accept and finalize.

I've had to reset the program but since there's a new version out, I'll try that and see how I get on. Did Sputnik I alright. Although I noticed that in the description for II it mentions about gaining science points, which is something I did on the first one but not the second one.

Can't see how that would matter since on the 3rd mission there is an actual objective for gaining science, so don't know...

There is no science objectives on those at all.. The pack is pretty old and I think its only a generic description about learning how rockets works and space. Nothing to do with the science in game.

MCE can give you science for a reward. But none of the Stock Missions have them. Not sure why your not getting the goals on mission 2 though. Its a pretty simple mission. And about 70% of the missions in MCE have the same orbit goals.

Also in the new version if your vessel is flagged. (from being launched in Test Mode or Disabled plugin) then you can't finish missions with those vessels. If it is flagged you will have a warning in the Main Window telling you this.

Edited by malkuth
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  p1t1o said:
Still getting problems with docking goals:
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Don't know what mission your playing. But I have mentioned many times to Mission authors that Docking Goals should be by themselves in a separate goal. There is no way around the way KSP works with Vessel IDs. If you dock with a vessel the vessel ID changes. And if it changes to the wrong ID (doesn't take the Original vessel ID) the mission goal won't be complete.

If the goals are seperate then you have a higher chance of not running into that problem. Because the Docking Goal is a separate Goal From the others. If together, then MCE is checking the IDS of every goal in that SubMissionGoal. Its a pain in the ass, but I have tried a thousand different ways around this.. And they all cause just as many problems. Even Knobody had this issue and he was trying to find a way around it. Until KSP changes the way this works in the actual game. Its going to be a problem. If they must keep the Goals together then they need to use either the Special field which turns off the Vessel IDs saving for that Goal (but causes the more then 1 docking port bug) or they can use vesselIndependent which doesn't save any of that goal to file and any vessel can complete it.

Edited by malkuth
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  malkuth said:
There is no science objectives on those at all.. The pack is pretty old and I think its only a generic description about learning how rockets works and space. Nothing to do with the science in game.

MCE can give you science for a reward. But none of the Stock Missions have them. Not sure why your not getting the goals on mission 2 though. Its a pretty simple mission. And about 70% of the missions in MCE have the same orbit goals.

Also in the new version if your vessel is flagged. (from being launched in Test Mode or Disabled plugin) then you can't finish missions with those vessels. If it is flagged you will have a warning in the Main Window telling you this.

Well, after doing a reset of the MC, I went through the stock missions again

Did the first one with no issues.

Again however, the second one will just not finish. All the objectives are done, I land but I still don't get any popups asking me to finish mission. I tested this a few times now and am quite certain its broken. Can't see a mod conflicting with it since the first one worked fine.

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Odd, I didn't have any issue completing #2.

However, I did run across an issue. If the game crashes during launch or at anytime before the first autosave, you lose the launch cost and the craft is back at the launch pad when you restart the game. Is there no way to incorporate the finances into the persistence file?

This also happens with research if there is a crash or reverting to a quick save. I was in orbit around the mun and had gotten enough science to research construction 2 so i went ahead and researched it. Prior to landing on the mun, i had quicksaved (in case i botch it). Well, of course, I botch the first attempt. I didn't notice until later that I had gotten the science back and construction 2 was still marked as 'researched'.

If you can store this data in the persistence file, these issues would go away? Is that even doable?

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  rosenkranz said:
Odd, I didn't have any issue completing #2.

However, I did run across an issue. If the game crashes during launch or at anytime before the first autosave, you lose the launch cost and the craft is back at the launch pad when you restart the game. Is there no way to incorporate the finances into the persistence file?

This also happens with research if there is a crash or reverting to a quick save. I was in orbit around the mun and had gotten enough science to research construction 2 so i went ahead and researched it. Prior to landing on the mun, i had quicksaved (in case i botch it). Well, of course, I botch the first attempt. I didn't notice until later that I had gotten the science back and construction 2 was still marked as 'researched'.

If you can store this data in the persistence file, these issues would go away? Is that even doable?

Yes its doable. I would have to rewrite the whole way MCE saves campaigns. I know Nathan wanted to attempt to try this. Not sure if he still does or not, but it would take a lot lot. And I'm really not sure how to do it. But I know kethane does it now. My biggest problem with trying to do this is that if the next update for KSP has a monetary system. Then I would have to totally rewrite it all yet again. Which would be a pain. I might see If I can add the science bits for you can reset MCE back just like you can with the money in the settings. It might be the best bet for right now.

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  Xyd said:
Well, after doing a reset of the MC, I went through the stock missions again

Did the first one with no issues.

Again however, the second one will just not finish. All the objectives are done, I land but I still don't get any popups asking me to finish mission. I tested this a few times now and am quite certain its broken. Can't see a mod conflicting with it since the first one worked fine.

I will check it out. I have noticed that the MCE window has to be in view for the pop up to work.. Not sure why this is happening. Something I might have to look into next week.

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description = Achieve a stable orbit around Kerbin. And Record The Scientific Data. And Gain Science Points.

minSeconds = TIME(4h)

body = Kerbin
minPeA = 70000
maxApA = 400000

partName = longAntenna
partCount = 1


body = Kerbin

This is missions two goals. It has a 4 hour timer for the orbit part. You need to wait 4 hours in game to finish this first goal. I will go do this goal right now and see if any thing is fishy with it. I will report back after. ;)

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  malkuth said:
description = Achieve a stable orbit around Kerbin. And Record The Scientific Data. And Gain Science Points.

minSeconds = TIME(4h)

body = Kerbin
minPeA = 70000
maxApA = 400000

partName = longAntenna
partCount = 1


body = Kerbin

This is missions two goals. It has a 4 hour timer for the orbit part. You need to wait 4 hours in game to finish this first goal. I will go do this goal right now and see if any thing is fishy with it. I will report back after. ;)

Cool. I did wait the 4 hours. Basically each objective was done, soon as the 4 hour timer obj was fulfilled, I made my descent. I even got the 'Hide Finished Goals' option which I ticked on one test and didn't tick on another test, but it showed that all the above goals with exception to landing on Kerbin was done.

Once I landed, it went green but, no pop-up and the MCE window was in full view.

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  Xyd said:
Cool. I did wait the 4 hours. Basically each objective was done, soon as the 4 hour timer obj was fulfilled, I made my descent. I even got the 'Hide Finished Goals' option which I ticked on one test and didn't tick on another test, but it showed that all the above goals with exception to landing on Kerbin was done.

Once I landed, it went green but, no pop-up and the MCE window was in full view.

So I just finished this mission and everything seems to have worked fine. Mission finished, got paid, and it ended without a hickup. Please double check to make sure your not in Test Flight mode, or that MCE is not disabled. And do not launch vessels in any mode other then flight mode if you want to finish missions.

Just for people understand how the new Flag system works. In the old days you could launch a vessel in Flight mode, or disabled mode and after launch switch modes back to Normal Flight mode. When you did this you could finish missions with this vessel. (and in process cheat and pay 0 for vessels)

The new update released this week totally killed that exploit. Now when you launch a vessel in Test Mode or Disabled they are Labled as FLAGGED.. You even get a warning about this on the Main MCE window telling you this. (also tells you what mode your in). Once a vessel is flagged.. You can never, ever use it with a mission.. forever.. No matter how many times you switch out of Flight mode to Test mode.. If its flagged, No missions for that vessel. ;)

Also remember that if you say... Do mission 2 with a vessel. Finish the 1st set of goals with this vessel. But you crash and revert KSP to VAB before finishing the last goal (in this case landing). When you launch your 2nd vessel (and this is something I want to fix) it now has a new Vessel ID. Your still in mission 2, and the first goal was done with vessel ID #1.. (that is recorded and saved in .sp file) when you try to finish Goal 2 with vessel 2. It now has a different Vessel ID.. When MCE checks the IDs with The first goals, they do not match. And you can't finish the last goal with a Different vessel.

The only way around this is to edit the .sp file a delete the Goals for that mission. That way you can finally finish the mission.

I will try to fix this issue next week. It is annoying yes I know. :)

You don't even have to leave KSP. Just alt tab out. Open the .sp file for your game. Take out the bits that say

id = Sputnik I__PART1
vesselGuid = 4315f477-e61d-4107-b63f-dc521dfe721e
repeatable = False
id = Sputnik I__PART2
vesselGuid = 4315f477-e61d-4107-b63f-dc521dfe721e
repeatable = False

but replace the Id= Name with your mission your currently doing.

Edited by malkuth
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Also one last thing. I think the reason I never run into this problem myself is because I HATE the REVERT button with a passion. Still not sure why they added this to KSP. I use the original Revert button which is the F5 key (quickSave) and the F9 key (load quicksave). After every goal I hit the F5 key (hell I do this pretty much always anyway) and if something happens, IE DIE.. I hit the F9 key which loads the last quckSave.. Which in turn loads the very same vessel with all ID's intact. :) That way you never have problems with this.

Again not sure why they added the revert button.. Doesn't make sense when you already have F5 and F9.. But it is what it is. :)

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  malkuth said:
So I just finished this mission and everything seems to have worked fine. Mission finished, got paid, and it ended without a hickup. Please double check to make sure your not in Test Flight mode, or that MCE is not disabled. And do not launch vessels in any mode other then flight mode if you want to finish missions.

Strange, and I was indeed in flight mode and MCE wasn't disabled. Might be a corruption somewhere along the line, perhaps from a crash I had earlier.

I'll try that method for removing the goals for that mission.

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  NathanKell said:
I do still want to change the saving system to use persistence files. Just been spread thin on like the five mods I'm working on, sorry.

No worries. ;) I still worried if we change it now. Next version of KSP will have an economy and we will have to change it again anyway.

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So I was doing what you said, but it didn't seem to change anything... Here's the code that I have:

id = Sputnik I__PART1
vesselGuid = ae42ae2d-0db1-41e0-9279-28db9abe95cf
repeatable = False
id = Sputnik I__PART1
vesselGuid = 435e8801-8228-455a-98a5-ab146a14d22e
repeatable = False
id = Sputnik I__PART2
vesselGuid = 435e8801-8228-455a-98a5-ab146a14d22e
repeatable = False
id = Sputnik II__PART1
vesselGuid = 123b9672-7772-4fc6-bf1f-2aa7bf0de2cb
repeatable = False

And here's what I did, assuming I was following your instructions right:

id = Sputnik II__PART1
vesselGuid = 435e8801-8228-455a-98a5-ab146a14d22e
repeatable = False
id = Sputnik II__PART2
vesselGuid = 123b9672-7772-4fc6-bf1f-2aa7bf0de2cb
repeatable = False

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  Xyd said:
So I was doing what you said, but it didn't seem to change anything... Here's the code that I have:

id = Sputnik I__PART1
vesselGuid = ae42ae2d-0db1-41e0-9279-28db9abe95cf
repeatable = False
id = Sputnik I__PART1
vesselGuid = 435e8801-8228-455a-98a5-ab146a14d22e
repeatable = False
id = Sputnik I__PART2
vesselGuid = 435e8801-8228-455a-98a5-ab146a14d22e
repeatable = False
id = Sputnik II__PART1
vesselGuid = 123b9672-7772-4fc6-bf1f-2aa7bf0de2cb
repeatable = False

And here's what I did, assuming I was following your instructions right:

id = Sputnik II__PART1
vesselGuid = 435e8801-8228-455a-98a5-ab146a14d22e
repeatable = False
id = Sputnik II__PART2
vesselGuid = 123b9672-7772-4fc6-bf1f-2aa7bf0de2cb
repeatable = False

You want to delete the last part. In your case your on mission 2.

Also Keep in mind you want to keep the {} intact.. Don't delete another modules {}.

when you delete these, you will then have to do the mission over. And it should work.

id = Sputnik II__PART1
vesselGuid = 435e8801-8228-455a-98a5-ab146a14d22e
repeatable = False
id = Sputnik II__PART2
vesselGuid = 123b9672-7772-4fc6-bf1f-2aa7bf0de2cb
repeatable = False

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Managed to sort it out in the end. Took a full on restart of my game including deleting MCE and replacing it, and it works now.

I reckon it was probably something to do with me reverting earlier, it may have corrupted something. But all is well now, I was able to complete the mission.

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My Passive mission is not paying me anything, I only have one ( 03 - Launch Weather Satellite Into Orbit Of Kerbin ). Is that a known problem or is it just me?

What I have in my Career.sp file:

vesselGuid = 71fd08a3-b7a4-4319-8cb1-ed33597d77da
missionName = 03 - Launch Weather Satellite Into Orbit Of Kerbin
repeatable = True
repeatableSameVessel = False
endOfLife = 69682682.5404362
passiveReward = 50
lastPassiveRewardTime = 47576156.5698108
punishment = 100000
clientControlled = True

Thank you

Edited by brenosilver
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