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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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Whats the cheapest launcher + probe that you guys have managed to complete the Sputnik II mission in Stock mission pack for this plugin?

I can get the Alpha (NT Space Program) and Sputnik I done for about 10,000 kerbal dollars. But I've been fiddling alot and it seems to be hard to get under about 42,000 kerballars and still have a otal Atmo Delta-V in the 4500 ballpark and a TWR reasonably above 1.

So far, this is about the best I've come up with: Sputnik 4 Tri-FL which is costing me about 42.2k Kerballars.

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Remind me of your constraints (DRE? FAR?)

Because it really shouldn't cost very much. First of all, you don't need 4500 atmo; you need 4500 vac or so, if you fly a decent ascent. You only have atmo Isp for the first 15-20km anyway, and that's only a fraction of your total deltaV spent.

If you have DRE, you have to be careful with SRBs or you'll overstress. If you don't, they're the best option.

Say 7000 for a an SRB first stage (using neither FAR nor DRE). If you have to do it with all liquids (for the controllable TWR), 7700.

FAR will reduce the cost a lot since you will only need approx 3500dV to reach orbit. (I can do it in 3150 in a low-drag rocket, but these light small things have higher drag coefficients--you may need upwards of 3600 for a .2t payload rocket).

Looked at your craft--good great gracious you're overengineering things! :)

You only need a probe core (pick the cheap one), 3 antennae and 4 sensors, a parachute, two batteries, then some Oscar tanks (I used 12) and a Rockomax mini engine (48-7S). Then a mini decoupler and under that the FL-100, the FL-400, and 4 Rockomax mini radials (24-77). Done.

For added cheapness you can carefully surf-attach a 24-77 (center it and straighten it) instead of the 48-7S.

You can also put a chute on the lower stage, due to the auto-recycle code.

You don't need RCS, or legs, or anything like that, and you can deorbit with your upper stage (leave a bit of fuel in it) and land with it, and recycle the lot. Assuming you recycle both stages, you're out only the fuel costs.

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Heh, I'm known for that . . . "gear fondler" I think is what its called :)

Thanks for the feedback and advice. I'll try to implement.

Sandworm sent me his barebones Sput probe which is about 12K in cost. I did get it into orbi but I'm so used to the heavier rockets I guess I wasted a good bit of fuel early on with full throttle. Probably can get it up with fuel to spare to get down if I retry. But alas, time to bed!

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I;ve upgraded my mission packs to "beta". Missions now all have proper prerequisites for each other and costs/profits are playable, a little too playable imho. Kethane and/or Ioncross plugins are still needed to complete some, but you can still have lots of fun without. Combining the two will take a while. They are very different in terms of budgeting. The profits from one good military launch might pay for 1/2 of the entire civilian program. I was going to put these on the spaceport, but I cannot manage to login. Something is wrong with their password reset system. I'll try again tomorrow.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/oqf4fcfbbfjv8vg/Sandworm_Military_BETA-01.mpkg (needs IonCross crew support)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/2w1v2j3l34494ak/Sandworm_Civilian_BETA-01.mpkg (needs Kethane)

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I used to vastly over engineer too. It seems like the way to go at first. Just add more fuel and engines. Took a while to figure out less is more.

I just made one for Sputnik II and it cost 7k and I actually had a circular orbit of just over 120k so I could time warp the 4hours at 100x. This was with a single RT-10 solid rocket booster first stage, then a fl-200 with a rockomax 48-7s orbital stage then the probe on top. I deorbited and landed with orbital stage attached.

My workhorse rocket that I use for the comsat missions is only 10k with payload and 5600dV Vac It has a RT-10 solid rocket booster first stage with 3 delta deluxe winglets, fl-400 with a Lv-909 second stage, with the sat having an oscar-b and lv-1 for orbital adjustments. I cover it with a procedual fairing so it looks really nice too. I dont use FAR so that actually hurts its performance a bit but I like the look.

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With the 0.15 version docking doesn't work properly. I tried the first commercialization mission and after docking it continued to say "Docking True:False". With .16 and the extra mission packages I've decided to start anew so it will take me a while to get to the same in-game point, if this has already been fixed by .16 then don't mind me;).

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Hi! I want to know what you think about my mission pack "Into Space" (https://www.dropbox.com/s/oq9izid2s0hxohz/Into%20Space.mpkg). I wanted to make a package that let the user explore some of the mechanics in the game, with fun. The package is somewhat a prequel to the "default" missions.

Please review it since English isn't my native language. Should I post it on Spaceport (as a package that works with KSP MOD Admin) or is better to let i be a part of a bigger package? Or should I just post updates here? I am also happy for suggestion of modification or if some text need to be replaced.

Edited by mili
Fix: default games -> default missions
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  Diche Bach said:
Whats the cheapest launcher + probe that you guys have managed to complete the Sputnik II mission in Stock mission pack for this plugin?

Something about 25kK. Two stages.

I like how MCE really requires you to plan and think ahead and quality control your entire setup before actually launching - just to have it end in long faces anyway.

For the Mun II mission, I've even pulled old .craft files from .20 just to be on the safe side. :D

The "Stock" campaign is a bit fast-paced overall, which makes it hard and frustrating for beginners to stay in the game. Normally, you'd tip-toe your way towards a bigger objective, but you're supposed to bring a satellite into orbit *and* back on the very first mission. Same for the Mun missions. Orbit on the first mission, land on the second? Urgh!

The comsat missions are very, very useful for making a quick K though. (Although I'm still baffled as to why they should have a docking port.)

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Anyone got any tips on building a very recyclable rocket? I have a solid state stage and a liquid stage, both with a probe core on them and chutes that deploy on jettison and landing legs to bring them down neatly. However, the game destroys them when they end up out of range of the main rocket and I can't then go back to them and recycle these automatically landed pieces. I want the.. what is it.. 85% payback rather than the... 60% payback for "has chutes and vanished". I had hoped the probe cores would give the stages persistence :/

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  Diche Bach said:
Heh, I'm known for that . . . "gear fondler" I think is what its called :)

Thanks for the feedback and advice. I'll try to implement.

Sandworm sent me his barebones Sput probe which is about 12K in cost. I did get it into orbi but I'm so used to the heavier rockets I guess I wasted a good bit of fuel early on with full throttle. Probably can get it up with fuel to spare to get down if I retry. But alas, time to bed!

Believe it or not I use a modified Z-Axis Default ship to test with.. And I always get that baby up.. I don't use DRE or anything.. But that ship has enough energy to get to the moon I think.. LOL.. And it cost I think only 14K. Or was it 27K.. Either way plenty of room to play with. and Ive done it billion times cause... Well its my Test mission, and Test craft to test the changes done in MC.

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  HadrianF said:
With the 0.15 version docking doesn't work properly. I tried the first commercialization mission and after docking it continued to say "Docking True:False". With .16 and the extra mission packages I've decided to start anew so it will take me a while to get to the same in-game point, if this has already been fixed by .16 then don't mind me;).

Docking has always been.. a Hope and prey it works situation.. For instance.. Sometimes I win those missions without ever docking.

Even though I have not played with the Docking Code yet. Nobody has notes that it is a known issue that docking is kinda strange... And the sad thing is we are at the mercy of how KSP works.. And even though docking from a game stand point seem awesome... Programing wise all docking does is make 2 ships 1... Which causes all kinds of problems with say a Docking Mission..... :) and how do you check if 2 ships are docked, if they are now one? ;) Nobody has a work around.. But it is a little touchy.

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If you want more than the 60% autorecycle, you'll have to ride your stage down. That's just how KSP works.

I agree about the campaigns--it's so weird having to land satellites. Maybe best to have a few suborbital missions before a "get something to orbit" mission without even a probe core.

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HELP ME!!! In the first mission in CommerzializationOfSpace mission pack I have to dock two ships, I have already docked them, but mission controller says:"Docked True:False", so I can't finish mission goal. hXNGfE9.jpg

Edited by Mott Oper
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Okee dokee, have finally managed to get a pretty barebones "sputnik-esque" vehicle into an orbit that satisfies the Sputnik II mission.

Behold, the grandeur of Sputnik 3 Lite System 18K Imodified Sandworm's "12K" ship a bit by adding on SRB and changing out 3 Oscar tanks for 1 Oscar and 1 Toroid, plus added dipole RemoteTech antennaes to be able to control it.


Costs about 18K on my version of MC, and I have managed to get it up and situated despite the contraints of RemoteTech. Just waiting for it to finish its final orbit and try to bring it down safely. Thanks for the help guys. Over-engineering "Gear Fondlers" Syndrome is a terrible disease, but going back to the drawing board is the first step to recovery . . .

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  Diche Bach said:
Okee dokee, have finally managed to get a pretty barebones "sputnik-esque" vehicle into an orbit that satisfies the Sputnik II mission.

Behold, the grandeur of Sputnik 3 Lite System 18K Imodified Sandworm's "12K" ship a bit by adding on SRB and changing out 3 Oscar tanks for 1 Oscar and 1 Toroid, plus added dipole RemoteTech antennaes to be able to control it.


Costs about 18K on my version of MC, and I have managed to get it up and situated despite the contraints of RemoteTech. Just waiting for it to finish its final orbit and try to bring it down safely. Thanks for the help guys. Over-engineering "Gear Fondlers" Syndrome is a terrible disease, but going back to the drawing board is the first step to recovery . . .

What version of MC you using.. I thought I fixed that MC Tab being over your icons like that in you lower res players... Dang It!

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Thanks for the tips. I will chuck parachutes on things and go for the lower refund on spend stages and only the big refund on things meant to land.... or I guess I could build an SSTO shuttle workhorse to complete satellite missions!

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This add-on is amazing, it truly made KSP more interesting. A minor bug with the financing window is that I can't seem to scroll up or down.

A nice feature would be to make missions available on `commission' from multiple sets at once. That you actually have to sign a contract from a pool of possibilities handed to you.

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  HadrianF said:
This add-on is amazing, it truly made KSP more interesting. A minor bug with the financing window is that I can't seem to scroll up or down.

A nice feature would be to make missions available on `commission' from multiple sets at once. That you actually have to sign a contract from a pool of possibilities handed to you.

The next version will have the scroll on the window working. ;)

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  Mott Oper said:
Help me, please. In the first mission of CommerzializationOfSpace pack i should dock two ships, i've already done this, but Mission Controller don't think so. Is it a bug? Or maybe i'm an idiot. Screenshot:

Hey When I made these missions I didn't know at the time that Docking was so bad. I have since fixed them since you showed this.. There is no longer a time restraint and now all docking in this pack are by themselves and there own Objective.. They really don't work well at the moment.. So making them simple docking objective should fix them.. Good Luck.. Its updated in the download for the Plugin.. And you should be all set.. If your on this same mission you will have to undock.. And dock again for it to stick I think..

Good Luck.

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Think you guys are going to be pretty happy with the next version. .17 some things that we been working on.

Me I have added a hardcore mode.. 40% reduction to payouts for you Hard Mode Addicts out there. Doing some more bug squashing with the different modes.. And UI changes to let you know whats going on.. And why. :)

Nathan has been working on the Recycle mode.. Now with the auto Recycle you get messages that such and such has been recycled.

The old method of Recycle is totally gone. Now when your vessel lands you go to the Tracking Station and When You Recover the vessel you also recycle it and a popup tells you how much its worth and all that nice UI stuff.

Pretty happy with it so far.. Just a few more bugs to squash and I think latest maybe friday... If not even earlier.. I would like to do a lot of testing this time.. Because there is basically so much NEW stuff with HardCore Mode And Recycling don't want to miss to many little bugs.. But dang... More info soon.

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  malkuth said:
Think you guys are going to be pretty happy with the next version. .17 some things that we been working on.

Me I have added a hardcore mode.. 40% reduction to payouts for you Hard Mode Addicts out there. Doing some more bug squashing with the different modes.. And UI changes to let you know whats going on.. And why. :)

Nathan has been working on the Recycle mode.. Now with the auto Recycle you get messages that such and such has been recycled.

The old method of Recycle is totally gone. Now when your vessel lands you go to the Tracking Station and When You Recover the vessel you also recycle it and a popup tells you how much its worth and all that nice UI stuff.

Pretty happy with it so far.. Just a few more bugs to squash and I think latest maybe friday... If not even earlier.. I would like to do a lot of testing this time.. Because there is basically so much NEW stuff with HardCore Mode And Recycling don't want to miss to many little bugs.. But dang... More info soon.

Sounds great! Keep up the good work.

(btw looked at the log file and it turned out I had not put enough parachutes on my recyclable stage, oops)

Edited by Snillum101
Carriage return for readability.
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