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if SQUAD does a humble bundle...


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imagine how cool it'll be... agree?

i'll definitely spam donate $1 a hundred times and gift the steam keys to everyone of my friends.


[off topic] i got saints row 3 and saints row 2 and sacred 2 for $1 earlier today [/off topic]

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  astropapi1 said:
Well, did you check out the prices for the steam summer-sale? That was $15 or so.

Really, there's no reason to give away such a wonderful game for less than that. :)

but you can still donate $100+ or as much as you feel comfortable... and at the end of the day red cross gets the donation.

isnt it cool? you get some insanely good deals and help people who're in need... at the same time...

also... it's more than likely that people'd donate a reasonable amount for the things they offer

(the saints row bundle is averaging $5 now and for a game which sequel is coming out in days...it's not too bad)

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  FITorion said:
I keep hearing people mention humble bundles but I don't know what they are.

they sell things at a pay-as-much-as-you-like price (yes you can donate as few as $1 for some awesome things)

and you can split the amount you pay between 1.humblebundle 2.charity 3.the developer of the thing they are selling

i dont think i should post the link of the site here because it's another business entity than SQUAD

but if you google humblebundle it's the first return.

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  • 9 months later...

That's the Humble Store, though - which is just that, a store. It's not one of the pay-what-you-want Humble Bundles. Basically, the charity bundles started it all, but now that it's successful they trademarked the name and operate a digital games retail platform like many others. They still occasionally run the charity bundles though.

As for KSP being in a Humble Bundle - it's perfectly possible for Squad to do this. However, don't expect it to be $1. Much rather, it'll be one of the high-end "donate at least $xx and receive this game as well" tiers of the bundle. Compare the Sid Meier bundle:

Tier 1, pay more than $1:

- Ace Patrol

- Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies

- Railroads!

- Civilization III Complete Edition

- Civilization IV Complete Edition

Tier 2, pay more than $average:

- Civilization V

- Civilization V: Gods & Kings

Tier 3, pay more than $15 or $average, whichever is higher:

- Civilization V: Brave New World

At the time of the bundle, the Brave New World addon was still a fairly fresh triple-A release, which made it a highly unusual sight in a Humble Bundle to begin with; thus it was put on that special tier of its own. KSP, too, is a fairly new game - technically it's not even feature complete and we're not out of early access yet. So if KSP was entered into a Humble Bundle, it would probably be a tier 3 game, with a fairly high minimum bid. $15-$20 sound like pretty good numbers, since that's what most discounted sales price the game at.

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0rbitalis (written with a zero) is a small game where you need to keep an object in orbit around various moving gravity soruces for a certain amount of time. It's not true real-life N-body either, but considering it makes the player think in terms of orbital mechanics, it definitely strikes a similar chord as KSP does.

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  Streetwind said:
Compare the Sid Meier bundle:

Tier 1, pay more than $1:

- Ace Patrol

- Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies

- Railroads!

- Civilization III Complete Edition

- Civilization IV Complete Edition

Tier 2, pay more than $average:

- Civilization V

- Civilization V: Gods & Kings

Tier 3, pay more than $15 or $average, whichever is higher:

- Civilization V: Brave New World

That was a weird one. You'll have a lot more fun playing Ace Patrol and Civ 3 than you will playing any of the variants of Civ 5. Serious disincentive for generosity there.

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  Streetwind said:
That's a completely subjective assessment, don't you think? Not everyone has the same tastes...

Sure, but I don't think it's a minority view. Some games are genuinely better than others. Civ 4 is also really popular with Civ fans. Five not so much, although it does have it's strong points (hex map FTW).

Ace Patrol is brilliant fun. The two AP games made that bundle worth buying on their own.

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