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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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  Atrius129 said:
I had this issue and and went ahead and made a Kapacitor part for Procedural Parts:

// --- general parameters ---
name = proceduralKapacitor
module = Part
author = Swamp Ig (Modded by Atrius129)

// --- asset parameters ---
model = ProceduralParts/Parts/cylinderTank
scale = 1,1,1
scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 1

// --- node definitions ---

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = scienceTech
entryCost = 8200
cost = 0 // 880
category = Utility
subcategory = 0
title = Procedural Kapacitor
manufacturer = Kerbchem Industries
description = With further refinements to procedural tech, we were able to fill a viscoelastic nanopolymer shell with electroactive particles. This gives you a Kapacitor able to be

adapted to many shapes.

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.05
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 1
crashTolerance = 8
maxTemp = 3200

name = ProceduralPart
textureSet = Atlas

diameterMin = 0.01
lengthMin = 0.01
volumeMin = 0.001

// Z-100 Charge = 100.
name = scienceTech
diameterMax = 0.5
lengthMax = 1.0
// Volume max 0.04 would limit charge to 150, but that's a bit limiting with cyl shapes
// Push it up just a bit.
volumeMax = 0.05
// Z-200 Charge = 200.
name = electrics
diameterMax = 1.0
lengthMax = 1.0

// Volume max is to limit charge to 300
volumeMax = 0.08
// Z-400 Charge = 400. Surface mount battery back, but will enable 1.25m banks.
// They will end up pretty thin, but that's OK.
name = advElectrics
diameterMax = 1.75
lengthMax = 0.75
// Volume max is to limit charge to 600
volumeMax = 0.16
// Z-1k Charge = 1000. 1.25m banks.
name = largeElectrics
// Volume max is to limit charge to 2400
volumeMax = 0.64
// Z-4k Charge = 4000. Enables 2.5m batteries.
name = specializedElectrics
diameterMax = 3.0
lengthMax = 1.5
// Volume max is to limit charge to 4800
volumeMax = 1.28

// Make everything unlimited for metaMaterials
name = metaMaterials
diameterMin = 0.01
diameterMax = Infinity
lengthMin = 0.01
lengthMax = Infinity
volumeMin = 0.001
volumeMax = Infinity
name = ProceduralShapeCylinder
displayName = Cylinder

length = 0.375
diameter = 0.375
name = ProceduralShapeCone
displayName = Cone
techRequired = electrics

length = 0.375
topDiameter = 0.375
bottomDiameter = 0.625
name = ProceduralShapePill
displayName = Fillet Cylinder
techRequired = advElectrics

diameter = 0.5
length = 0.875
fillet = 0.375
name = ProceduralShapeBezierCone
displayName = Smooth Cone
techRequired = largeElectrics

selectedShape = Round #1
length = 0.625
topDiameter = 0.625
bottomDiameter = 1.25
name = TankContentSwitcher
useVolume = true

name = Electric
// Dry density for the battery banks for Z-200 and Z-4k is 0.163,
// and the Z-1k is 0.184. We want to keep this to some 'roundish'
// number so the max volumes don't end up as weird fractions of
// pi, so will round it a bit.
dryDensity = 0.1875
name = Megajoules
// All stock parts are the same. This translates to 3500 U / kL
unitsPerT = 20


The unitsPerT on the included PP battery was 20,000 so I reduced that by a factor of 1000 to get 20 unitsPerT. The result is, you get only about 170 Mj (170,000 EC) from a procedural cap that is roughly the size of a 3.5 Fusion reactor. Now, 170 Mj is not much in this mod, and shows quite a discrepancy of energy densities between stock and Interstellar parts. Now I realize that batteries rely on an electrochemical reaction whereas capacitors store charge between plates. If any of you can determine a value that would be more inline with Interstellar's needs, I would be very open to suggestion.

Here's a PowerPoint from 2010 that discusses some applications of large capacitor banks. The state of the art in capacitor banks as of writing was 50 KWh per cubic meter. Multiply by 3600 J per Wh, to get 180 MJ/m^3 = 0.18 MJ/liter. And here's a 1996 paper that uses 50 J/kg as the state of the art.

Capacitor performance has been improving rapidly over the last few years, but from what I can tell their energy density still trails the best chemical batteries. Their advantages are in range of working voltages, time to charge and discharge, and number of charge/discharge cycles before degrading.

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  undercoveryankee said:
Here's a PowerPoint from 2010 that discusses some applications of large capacitor banks. The state of the art in capacitor banks as of writing was 50 KWh per cubic meter. Multiply by 3600 J per Wh, to get 180 MJ/m^3 = 0.18 MJ/liter. And here's a 1996 paper that uses 50 J/kg as the state of the art.

Capacitor performance has been improving rapidly over the last few years, but from what I can tell their energy density still trails the best chemical batteries. Their advantages are in range of working voltages, time to charge and discharge, and number of charge/discharge cycles before degrading.

Ah, you are the perfect person to help with this, since you have dealt so much with mod resources. So a 3.5m Fusion Reactor and Generator generate a capacity of about 80k Mj. What do you think would be a good Mj storage density, in regards to KSPi gameplay?

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log file is spammed with

[LOG 00:09:07.338] rd _Emissive: WarpPlugin/Parts/Electrical/RadialHeatRadiator/d_glow (UnityEngine.Texture2D), millions of lines.

Im trying to troubleshoot random no-error crashes, could this be the case? if there's some beautification hogging resources, is it possible to turn it off somehow? I see no difference around radial heat radiators, so apparently it isn't working anyway.

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  Corovaneer said:
log file is spammed with

[LOG 00:09:07.338] rd _Emissive: WarpPlugin/Parts/Electrical/RadialHeatRadiator/d_glow (UnityEngine.Texture2D), millions of lines.

Im trying to troubleshoot random no-error crashes, could this be the case? if there's some beautification hogging resources, is it possible to turn it off somehow? I see no difference around radial heat radiators, so apparently it isn't working anyway.

It's a debugging message that seems to have been left in the code that controls radiator emissives. Unfortunately, it gets called per-frame if you happen to have one of those radiators present. There's no way to fix it without recompiling the plugin. For anyone interested in compiling locally, it's line 440 of FNRadiator.cs.

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  WaveFunctionP said:
Just add an entry for nitrogen to electricenginespropellants.cfg and a resource definition and make some tanks for the nitrogen.

It's not *quite* that simple. There also needs to be a way to scoop Nitrogen from the atmospheres of Kerbin, Duna, Eve, and Laythe (their real-life analogues all have significant amounts of nitrogen in their atmospheres), which is the *whole point* of adding a Nitrogen fuel-mode to the plasma thruster (for the ISRU possibilities).

Also, I'd prefer something integrated into the base mod, so everybody can benefit from it, and I don't have to mod KSP-Interstellar again every time it updates.



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Is anyone else having the problem where antimatter collectors aren't actually collecting antimatter when it's not the active ship?

EDIT: Never mind. Forgot about the Fuel Flow bug with docking ports... >.>

Though I noticed that Antimatter collectors per day number is based on Earth days not Kerbal days. Is there any way to change what it says to kerbal days without recompiling the entire mod?

Edited by Ashtoruin
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  Yaivenov said:
Ran into an odd bug. Fitted the 2.5m foldable alcubierre drive to a plane and when I loaded it for flight the part was replaced with the static 2.5m FTL drive.

That happens when different parts have the same internal name. You'll need to edit the config files for the folding parts to give them a name that doesn't conflict with the standard parts, then rebuild any ships that are meant to use the folding parts.

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  Northstar1989 said:
It's not *quite* that simple. There also needs to be a way to scoop Nitrogen from the atmospheres of Kerbin, Duna, Eve, and Laythe (their real-life analogues all have significant amounts of nitrogen in their atmospheres), which is the *whole point* of adding a Nitrogen fuel-mode to the plasma thruster (for the ISRU possibilities).

Also, I'd prefer something integrated into the base mod, so everybody can benefit from it, and I don't have to mod KSP-Interstellar again every time it updates.



You can add reource keys to atmosphereicresources and use the scoops. You can do all of what you are asking with an mm config afaik.

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  Corovaneer said:
log file is spammed with

[LOG 00:09:07.338] rd _Emissive: WarpPlugin/Parts/Electrical/RadialHeatRadiator/d_glow (UnityEngine.Texture2D), millions of lines.

Im trying to troubleshoot random no-error crashes, could this be the case? if there's some beautification hogging resources, is it possible to turn it off somehow? I see no difference around radial heat radiators, so apparently it isn't working anyway.

I believe that was a debug line from the intial implimentation of glowing radiators that may have passed through testing. I think I had to remove a similar output on my build.

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  undercoveryankee said:
That happens when different parts have the same internal name. You'll need to edit the config files for the folding parts to give them a name that doesn't conflict with the standard parts, then rebuild any ships that are meant to use the folding parts.

Thank you, that'll be an easy fix. It was just so strange because the other size foldables were working just fine.

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  Yaivenov said:
Thank you, that'll be an easy fix. It was just so strange because the other size foldables were working just fine.

I thought all of the sizes had name collisions; if you try the rigid drives in all of the sizes, you might find that some of them get replaced with folding units. Check all of the sizes while you're in the files.

Meanwhile, I'll get started on that ready-to-use repack that I talked about a few weeks ago.

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Yeah, I'm still getting issues with my foldable drives. I did what you said Yaivenov and fixed the TechRequired as well as some of the costs but the issue persists. After the initial loading screen the screen turns black with the MM message and spinning corner rings.

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I recently unlocked antimatter collectors and tanks, and for some reason when I put a 1.25 antimatter on the ship in the VAB, the ship cost says -40,000,000 (approximately, it was not a round number) and upon launching, i am given $40,000,000. The other sizes do similar things but with different amounts, as well as the telescope helium cryostat thing. Has anyone had a similar problem?

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Any Linux guys out there that would know why my interstellar tech tree isn't loading? I'm running Ubuntu 14.4 and KSP .25 with the latest version of KSPI. I start a new save and load the KSPI tech tree then it asks me to restart. When I go in to the tech tree it's the origional one and wont let me get to any of the higher level stuff. If you need a file let me know I am asking both threads first to see if anyone knows of a simple fix.

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Sorry if it's been asked a trillion times, but I didn't see a fully clear answer after running a search through the thread (might not include replies to posts containing search terms, I assume), but here goes:

I'm interested in playing this mod alongside Real Solar System, and to do so I need some bits of information about how the two might interact with each other, if anyone knows.

How do the performance of the thermal/plasma/antimatter propulsion types stack up against the increased scale and delta-v requirements of reaching orbit in RSS? Are they any more or less feasible than in stock KSP?

On the topic of antimatter - where would I begin to collect this in RSS, and what of Interstellar's other resources? Are the the resource definitions the same for planets in RSS (i.e., tied to stock-KSP planets, meaning Jool's antimatter reserves would find themseves around Jupiter)?

Apologies if these have been answered before, or if this post doesn't belong in this thread - I wasn't exactly certain where to put it.

Edited by Shively
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  brian6712 said:
Any Linux guys out there that would know why my interstellar tech tree isn't loading? I'm running Ubuntu 14.4 and KSP .25 with the latest version of KSPI. I start a new save and load the KSPI tech tree then it asks me to restart. When I go in to the tech tree it's the origional one and wont let me get to any of the higher level stuff. If you need a file let me know I am asking both threads first to see if anyone knows of a simple fix.

It's got nothing to do with your OS. Treeloader is incompatible with 0.25 and r4mon, the guy who wrote it, hasn't maintained it in a bit. Use Tech Manager instead - installation instructions are all over the earlier pages of this thread.

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  The Yellow Dart said:
I recently unlocked antimatter collectors and tanks, and for some reason when I put a 1.25 antimatter on the ship in the VAB, the ship cost says -40,000,000 (approximately, it was not a round number) and upon launching, i am given $40,000,000. The other sizes do similar things but with different amounts, as well as the telescope helium cryostat thing. Has anyone had a similar problem?

this is a known issue, it's due to the costs set in the cfg which is intended to be the cost of an "empty" tank, while the game recognizes it as the cost of a "full" tank and gives a refund for the amount of resource it is taking away from the tank.

A fix would be to correct the cost of the tanks to be the price of a "full" tank rather than an empty one. Prices for a unit of each resource can be found in WarpPlugin\Resources\ResourcesNuclear

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Alright, I just tweaked the antimatter tanks and resource value.

Set the resource value to 4800 in the resourcesnuclear config, and then change the "cost =" value (NOT the entryCost) to...

1.25m = 48020000

2.5m = 384040000

3.75m = 1296060000

Costs were simply derived from amount * resource cost + desired actual cost.

The display price in the parts inventory is still skewed showing the above numbers but when I attach them to my vehicle their actual intended cost is computed into the total vehicle cost instead, which is 20k/40k/60k respectively. The change in the resource cost was a rounding to make the results easier to handle.

I never used the microgram AM bottle so I didn't bother to tweak that. Someone else is welcome to if they like. :P

P.S. Renaming the folding warp drives fixed my other bug earlier, it turns out that the 1.25m version was working because it already had a unique name compared to the other two sizes.

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Hey I've been using this mod on the new 0.25 career mode, and i've hit a problem, I loaded up the KSP interstellar tech tree when I started, but it seems to be blocking me from seeing or accessing the highest tiers (the stuff like fusion reactors and warp drive), which were the main reason I got the mod. I can see and access the majority of what is available (the Fission reactors, Plasma thrusters and so on) but not the last few research nodes. I have researched every node available but it is not showing the last few. Can anyone help me understand/fix the problem?

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You have to use tech manager to load the tech tree file located in the warp plugin folder. Treeloader(which KSPI comes with broke on .25) still hasn't been updated.

1. delete treeloader folder

2. download and install techmanager

3. copy tree.cfg from the warpplugin folder to your save folder

there's also a cfg floating around that fixes the magnetic nozzles.

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