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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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I'm really curious if 4 AM collectors in a 1000km orbit around kerbin can keep up with the usage of a small AM reactor+generator. if so, I am going to seed a bunch of them around kerbin with power transmitters so that I can use upgraded plasma thrusters for efficient long burn interplanetary transfers.

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So a vessel with an upgraded plasma thruster and a microwave receiver could more or less go forever so long as it was getting power, right?

In game terms it could carry on burning indefinitely. Of course, microwave power does drop with distance so the further you travelled, you'd have increasingly small amounts of thrust to work with.

For all others I honestly feel that the Thermal Nozzles with Kethane are the best bet... as it pertains to thrust/isp and ease of refueling Kethane

Kethane fuel is rarely the best option with thermal rockets unless you need an extra thrust boost for some reason. Isp is quite a bit lower with Kethane and the extra thrust is usually unneccessary, especially with the bigger reactors. It's really more of a compromise fuel if you can't get access to something else.

Liquid fuel is the best longevity option but it's by far the hardest to refuel (electrolysis gives you far far more oxygen than hydrogen).

I'm really curious if 4 AM collectors in a 1000km orbit around kerbin can keep up with the usage of a small AM reactor+generator. if so, I am going to seed a bunch of them around kerbin with power transmitters so that I can use upgraded plasma thrusters for efficient long burn interplanetary transfers.

Not even close. You can probably continuously power some small electrical demands but certainly not engine burns.

I have not played with the quantum drive, how much MW does it need? I know I was getting over 110MW per large receiver in low kerbin orbit. And it was a small fraction of what I was transmitting.

It has the same thrust properties as LiquidFuel.

Edited by Fractal_UK
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Once the next update comes out I will update my current spreadsheets and start expanding on them, I have already added the fuel consumption per kN for the Plasma Thrusters and the weight of fuel per unit, I just need to update my imgur stuff.

I dont remember how the Kethane conversion works, but I know its not 100% and I think its based on weight of the 2 fuels. Havent actually played with kethane in a while and I have drills on most of my ships lol. The Interstellar stuff is so efficient and lasts so long I have not needed to refuel anything.

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Kethane fuel is rarely the best option with thermal rockets unless you need an extra thrust boost for some reason. Isp is quite a bit lower with Kethane and the extra thrust is usually unneccessary, especially with the bigger reactors. It's really more of a compromise fuel if you can't get access to something else.

Liquid fuel is the best longevity option but it's by far the hardest to refuel (electrolysis gives you far far more oxygen than hydrogen).

Ok.. wow. Why did I never test that. I never even bothered to look due to the units/mass difference... I just assumed that ton for ton Kethane would do better, even with the lower ISP (I just reminded myself what ISP was an equation of. DUH!).

My 2.5m large scale tug went from 154k dV to 205k dV. TWR dropped to 0.7 but that's still plenty for maneuvers in space. Guess I should look into perhaps using a smaller tank.


Now I recall why I was using Kethane. It also had to do with the AM isp. For this you want more Thrust. So I guess if you take into account AM isp as well as fuel isp... Liquid Oxy might be best.



Am I the only one that puts reaction wheels on my tugs?


So which gives more overall ISP? Kethane or kethane converted into Liquid fuel?

Carry Kethane... burn it as Liquid Fuel. Don't forget the 2.5m converter yields 103% for Kethane -> Liquid Fuel. This is, of course, only if you have a massive ship or a space station. Not really practical to convert as you burn on any thing small scale.

Edited by NeoAcario
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Okay... So I might build a new Kethane Miner since mine seems to be unable to get to space, anyone mind posting theirs so I can see what they use :3

Here's my old one... only uses Kethane mod and Quantum Strut mod. I only used it for transferring already converted Lquid/Oxy. I can't quite seem to perfect a build with KSP Interstellar... Option overload.




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Only one rule to Interstellar... Go Big :P

Only reason I didn't link my big one was because it was only made to operate on Minmus. My medium can operate on any non-atmo planet besides Tylo.

And that's not very big... You're not even using spherical tanks! You can do better!


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Only reason I didn't link my big one was because it was only made to operate on Minmus. My medium can operate on any non-atmo planet besides Tylo.

And that's not very big... You're not even using spherical tanks! You can do better!


My 800T 3.75m kept turning itself into a pancake :(

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Thats the power of antimatter. :)

You're damn right!

My 800T 3.75m kept turning itself into a pancake :(

Why the heck do people want MINERS that big? I can understand Stations.. but miners? You guys do know you can make more than one trip to the surface, right? I usually put my big station around Minmus... and just drain the whole planet into a 1,000t+ refueling station.


Edited by NeoAcario
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And in compliance to "go big or go home", my new science vessel will feature a 3.75m antimatter drive section :D


Even with me not really getting everything, zzz's modelling is just so damn ****ing awesome!

Btw, zzz, if you read this... We really need better-looking antimatter-tanks (and nuclear reactors), they just don't match the quality of your work :)

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You're damn right!

Why the heck do people want MINERS that big? I can understand Stations.. but miners? You guys do know you can make more than one trip to the surface, right? I usually put my big station around Minmus... and just drain the whole planet into a 1,000t+ refueling station.


I'm planning on setting up a permanent base on Bop as Jool is going to be my new home, so I want a good miner there :P

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132 tons total, 32000 units of kethane, 2400 LFO and 1500 mono.

Why so much monoprop?

I'm planning on setting up a permanent base on Bop as Jool is going to be my new home, so I want a good miner there :P

That would be a BASE, then... not a miner!


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you say that locked isnt something to worry about, but when i press start research, nothing happens. lights are alwyas on, electrolysis doesnt work, hell the whole module doesnt work. i should also mention, when i update to the newest version (deleted the old one, put in new) it worked. then i closed the game, did something else(not ksp related), then started the game again. now it wont work no matter what, it shows in the gui (right click part) this:




Status: Locked

and the normal buttons.

the thermal rocket nozzle are connected right to the reactor. i dont know why it wont work.

i took a look at the warpplugin.cfg, it is there, but no text what so ever.

ill try deleting the mod, and installing it anew.

will give you the result tomorrow

I have several mods installed besides this one. When I removed them(TAC Fuel Balancer, MechJeb, Kethane, KAS, Crew Manifest, Docking Port Alignment, and Docking Washers) it started working. So if you have any of those mods try removing them.

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Sorry if this was already asked/answered, I've been reading the thread and haven't seen it so...

Is there a reason that I can't transmit/receive science? I've got powered science labs (1 on Kerbin, 8 on a ship waiting for a transfer window and 1 around the Mun) that have been in play since 0.6. I updated to 0.6.1 and now clicking on Transmit Science does nothing. There are no computer cores involved. All 8 of the labs in Kerbin orbit show 0.06 science available.

I'm quite enjoying the mod otherwise! :)

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Yup, transmitting science only works in increments of 100, so you need that as a minimum.

That is not actually the case. 100 science is the maximum that you can send with one click but you should be able to send packets of less than 100 if that is all you have. Quite a few people have reported some problems with transmitting science but it consistently works perfectly for me which makes the problem very hard to diagnose, it's possible that there is some interaction with another mod going on. What mods do you have installed?

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