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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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Will the KSPI tree be the same as the stock tree aside from the extensions? This is in terms of node layout and cost.

Absolutely identical, yes. I have changed nothing at the start of the tree, I've only added advanced tech nodes at the end of the tree for the more powerful techs.

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Granted, it probably is slightly OP. The problem is that it's also an entirely reasonable and fairly obvious application for the negative-mass exotic matter once it exists and you're able to generate it. Maybe it could be a post-Alcubierre drive tech, lumped together with the upgrade for the Alcubierre drives, if that would offset the insane utility even a little.

It is a reasonable and obvious application. But in reality, it probably wouldn't actually work that way. The A/W Drive directly affects the curvature and distribution of space in a local area. It's not simply about adjusting the effective mass of the vessel. Neutralizing the mass of the vessel as you suggest would require even more tight localization of the effect, meaning there would likely be catastrophic effects if even a microparticle were to cross that threshold. And it wouldn't really neutralize the mass of the vessel anyway, it would merely counteract the distorting effect any matter has on the curvature of space.

A more practical adaptation might be to say that the same exotic matter might be utilized by a different type of device targeting the Higgs Field instead, directly impacting the vessel's effective mass.

Regardless, the primary reason for restricting the scope of that effect, rather than just letting the device completely neutralize it, is power. Odds are, such a device might work, but require as much or more power than the A/W Drive itself. Neutralization would require more than just the power to directly offset the vessel's mass. Like turning west instead of east when launching, you'd have to double up to actually fully cancel it out. No, I have no scientific basis for that, because obviously no one can study it yet. Call me a visionary...it makes sense when put in with the rest of the workings of the universe. I could be hopelessly wrong though...c'est la vie.

So, 1/2 mass-capable drives of that type would take as much power as an A/W drive for a vessel of similar original mass capable of effectively hitting exactly lightspeed. Perfectly reasonable limitation on their capabilities, and prevents game-breaking. The only other option would be to write the device off entirely and never include it. Then again, I highly doubt by now that Fractal's even really thinking about it, anyway.

I would also like to note that you would still have to expend a great deal of delta vee even with mass-reduction tech in place, you would just have a great deal more of it and a far higher TWR.

You're correct...but if the mass of the vessel were somehow effectively neutralized, it would carry zero (or nearly so) inertia. A single RCS thruster would be like having a dozen upgraded DT Vistas, because it's pushing on essentially nothing. And the crew would feel almost no acceleration, even if the ship went from "zero" to near lightspeed within a fraction of a second. The various equations that factor in mass would still have measurable values in the end, but they'd drop radically low when M becomes zero, or at least negligible.

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Sounds to much like a soft drink.....:rolleyes:

Warp Drive is too obvious, too generic; and makes people think too much of Star Trek, which might create a lot of buzz at first, but would die off quickly as the reality of its function sets in. Star Drive is even worse. And Alcubierre Drive just isn't catchy or marketable...

Hmm...M/H (Miguel/Harold) Drive?


CDP (Continuum Distortion Propulsion) Drive? A way to rip-off Star Trek a little less obviously.

Maybe...though a bit too "sciency" to keep public interest. And there's an issue with the flow and tempo of speaking it...may not be catchy enough.

Wave Drive? Since it's about as close to "space surfing" as it's possible to get.

Maybe not...too close to Warp Drive, but might work.

E/C (Expansion/Contraction) Drive?

Maybe...right tempo, not reminiscent of soft drinks or computer hardware.

Any other suggestions?

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No need to specify what drive you're talking about when there's only one.

Not so much about specifying as putting in place a future trend, should the drive or something like it become a reality. Names matter. A crappy name doesn't keep public interest...and we should all well know how a lack of public interest will devastate a scientific endeavor of any worth.

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Version 0.7 Released

Here we are! The update for 0.22 and integration with the stock science system/tech tree.

When the game loads, you will be given an option to select a technology tree, please choose "KSP Interstellar Tree".


Version 0.7
-Integration with stock science system/career mode
-Added tech tree extension using TreeLoader
-Added magnetospheric science experiment
-Nuclear Reactors that shutdown from overheating can be restored by Kerbal EVA work
-Generator cold bath Temperature based off average radiator temperature - efficiency goes down with increased temperature!
-Reactors, Microwave receivers and Solar panels shutdown when WasteHeat bar reaches 95%
-Radiators won't get hotter than reactor temperature
-Radiators will explode if the waste heat bar reaches 100%
-Fixed Microwave Receiver power detection/reception when disabled
-Fixed DUF6 reprocessing

Downloads links in the first page have been updated.

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Version 0.7 Released

Here we are! The update for 0.22 and integration with the stock science system/tech tree.

When the game loads, you will be given an option to select a technology tree, please choose "KSP Interstellar Tree".


Version 0.7
-Integration with stock science system/career mode
-Added tech tree extension using TreeLoader
-Added magnetospheric science experiment
-Nuclear Reactors that shutdown from overheating can be restored by Kerbal EVA work
-Generator cold bath Temperature based off average radiator temperature - efficiency goes down with increased temperature!
-Reactors, Microwave receivers and Solar panels shutdown when WasteHeat bar reaches 95%
-Radiators won't get hotter than reactor temperature
-Radiators will explode if the waste heat bar reaches 100%
-Fixed Microwave Receiver power detection/reception when disabled
-Fixed DUF6 reprocessing

Downloads links in the first page have been updated.

YES!!! Awesome! :) one question though if I want to continue the game I already started without this mod can I ? Or do I have to start over for the tech tree to work properly?

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Warp Drive is too obvious, too generic; and makes people think too much of Star Trek, which might create a lot of buzz at first, but would die off quickly as the reality of its function sets in. Star Drive is even worse. And Alcubierre Drive just isn't catchy or marketable...

Hmm...M/H (Miguel/Harold) Drive?


CDP (Continuum Distortion Propulsion) Drive? A way to rip-off Star Trek a little less obviously.

Maybe...though a bit too "sciency" to keep public interest. And there's an issue with the flow and tempo of speaking it...may not be catchy enough.

Wave Drive? Since it's about as close to "space surfing" as it's possible to get.

Maybe not...too close to Warp Drive, but might work.

E/C (Expansion/Contraction) Drive?

Maybe...right tempo, not reminiscent of soft drinks or computer hardware.

Any other suggestions?

I'd propose LDS, but that's an entirely different system. Which I'd still like to see in KSP in some form, probably. :P People who have no idea what the Independence War games are about might also know it as Stutter Warp.

And personally I was always in favor of a "Decompression Drive", or "Space Decompression Drive". Because as you know, the KSP universe's space is innately compressed tenfold...

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YES!!! Awesome! :) one question though if I want to continue the game I already started without this mod can I ? Or do I have to start over for the tech tree to work properly?

I converted my tech tree mid-game without any problems. If you're worried, just backup your save file first but I'm pretty sure it will be fine.

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I think there have been reports that, if parts are added into previously-unlocked nodes, you need to go back to the science centre and "unlock" them individually (clicking on them in the parts window should do it), otherwise, it should be fine.

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I think there have been reports that, if parts are added into previously-unlocked nodes, you need to go back to the science centre and "unlock" them individually (clicking on them in the parts window should do it), otherwise, it should be fine.

That's right, just have a quick check back through the tech tree when you install it and make sure that all the parts you have the techs for are unlocked.

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Would it be possible to conduct experiments whilst warping? i imagine any research done inside a warp bubble would be pretty valuable.

What do the computer cores and AGI do now that the mod's integrated with 0.22?

Edited by DaveStrider
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I'm not sure if intentional, but science_module is confused with sciencemodule (which is stock material bay), which cause the latter to not show in vab (but in R&D is displayed).

It works, check that you have the science lab unlocked in the tech tree, also that you have the technology. The science lab doesn't unlock until fairly late in the tech tree.

Would it be possible to conduct experiments whilst warping? i imagine any research done inside a warp bubble would be pretty valuable.

What do the computer cores and AGI do now that the mod's integrated with 0.22?

I believe it should work at the moment, though if you have the warp drive you're pretty much guaranteed to have completed the tech tree anyway.

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It works, check that you have the science lab unlocked in the tech tree, also that you have the technology. The science lab doesn't unlock until fairly late in the tech tree.

Ok, something messed at my side, i used steam verifying and now have that part again.

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i've already played quite a lot this mod but one question remains: are these antimatter flux high concentration location specific orbits at specific height or at a specific location into an orbit? So far I find that the best places are usually around the equator but am I missing something?

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