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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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I'm having issues with the Plasma Thruster similar to the issues associated with the Thermal Jet, seems it's locked to liquid fuel only. But I've managed to edit a value in the save file to set it to Quantum Vacuum but it says in the info window "Vacuum Plasma Deprived". And no, it's not the an atmo.

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1.25 nuclear reactor disigned with planes in mind. Button is doing nothing. It's full copy of kiwi bit little bigger because of shielding in front.



I always wondered...with the increasing capabilities and usability of metamaterials, is it possible that at some point, one could create a fission reactor with segmented fuel components each separated by a few thin layers of a metamaterial designed to control the direction of flow of neutron radiation?

Instead of fuel rods and control rods that can jam if the reactor gets too hot, this reactor would have no moving parts, responding in passive reflex to the state of the reactor itself. Heat would trigger the material to become opaque to neutrons, and as long as each segment was small enough to be incapable of criticality, there would be no danger of meltdown.

Add to that, layers of a metamaterial capable of converting x and gamma rays into electricity in the manner of solar cells, and not only do you have sufficient shielding which would be much lighter, you'd have more efficient energy conversion than any turbine-based system...in a reactor that can essentially NEVER go critical, no matter how bad the situation.

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I always wondered...with the increasing capabilities and usability of metamaterials, is it possible that at some point, one could create a fission reactor with segmented fuel components each separated by a few thin layers of a metamaterial designed to control the direction of flow of neutron radiation?

Instead of fuel rods and control rods that can jam if the reactor gets too hot, this reactor would have no moving parts, responding in passive reflex to the state of the reactor itself. Heat would trigger the material to become opaque to neutrons, and as long as each segment was small enough to be incapable of criticality, there would be no danger of meltdown.

Add to that, layers of a metamaterial capable of converting x and gamma rays into electricity in the manner of solar cells, and not only do you have sufficient shielding which would be much lighter, you'd have more efficient energy conversion than any turbine-based system...in a reactor that can essentially NEVER go critical, no matter how bad the situation.

You're like a tangent machine. You simply can't stay on topic can you? :P

Tell me we can radially mount stuff on that sucker, the inability to mount legs and radial fuel tanks for thermal rockets is my one beef with reactor designs.

Oh I know, I hate that you can't radially mount stuff on the reactors by default. Editor extensions mod fixes that by enabling radial mounting but its obnoxious that I need to mod the game to do that.

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I didn't change attachment rules, most of config is just copy of kiwi, but yes - need to change it to allow, I has same thought while testing but forget.

attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0 to attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

Edited by zzz
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Okay, so I'm trying to figure out the microwave relays, and I seem to be missing something. I'm not getting any power transmitted or received, when building a sat with just the transmitter, strut for the body, radiator, and some solar panels. The only way I've managed to get one of these things functioning, is by slapping a reactor/generator combo on one.

Is it a line of sight issue? If you have a solar satellite in orbit then there are a couple of line of sight checks that need to be made before you will get any power, first the transmitter satellite needs to have line of sight to the sun and secondly the receiver needs to have line of sight to the transmitter.

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Maybe a dumb question:

How did i see the science that was generated by the Labs, and how can i transfer it to the Spacecenter?

I think its automatically added to the space center total. I haven't unlocked them yet in my own game so can't test yet.

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Maybe a dumb question:

How did i see the science that was generated by the Labs, and how can i transfer it to the Spacecenter?

Its currently broken atm, Fractal_UK is looking into it.

I believe that it is supposed to automatically add to your existing science pool, you should not have to do anything, atleast once its fixed.

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Its currently broken atm, Fractal_UK is looking into it.

I believe that it is supposed to automatically add to your existing science pool, you should not have to do anything, atleast once its fixed.

Just to clarify, at the moment, it will automatically add science to your pool while you have it selected. The code that generates science between now and when it was last selected is the part that is currently broken. I have a working fix though.

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Just to clarify, at the moment, it will automatically add science to your pool while you have it selected. The code that generates science between now and when it was last selected is the part that is currently broken. I have a working fix though.

When could we expect it?

Not meaning to rush you or anything just interested.

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I think, i've found a issue:

The 3.75m Reactors (upgraded) produce more DUF6 than consume UF6. I thought it should be the other way around: Using more UF6 than producing DUF6, so a fill up becomes necessary?

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Just to clarify, at the moment, it will automatically add science to your pool while you have it selected. The code that generates science between now and when it was last selected is the part that is currently broken. I have a working fix though.

Yes, but who in their right mind would sit there and time warp instead of launching more uber rockets :)

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I'm having issues with the Plasma Thruster similar to the issues associated with the Thermal Jet, seems it's locked to liquid fuel only. But I've managed to edit a value in the save file to set it to Quantum Vacuum but it says in the info window "Vacuum Plasma Deprived". And no, it's not the an atmo.

Cheers, found the problem and will be fixed in the next update.

I think, i've found a issue:

The 3.75m Reactors (upgraded) produce more DUF6 than consume UF6. I thought it should be the other way around: Using more UF6 than producing DUF6, so a fill up becomes necessary?

Finally figured out why this was, again will now be fixed in the next update.

When could we expect it?

Not meaning to rush you or anything just interested.

Pretty soon, I think I've fixed all the bugs I wanted to fix and made all the tweaks I want to make so now it's just testing.

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First off, I love your mod. It's one of my top 3 KSP mods.

Second, either i've found a bug, or i'm being stupid about something. I've just finished building my 3-section awesome spaceship for a mission to Jool and her moons, including a 3.5m nuclear reactor and a thermal engine. Now, when I tried to burn out of orbit, I quickly ran out of Thermal Power, because for some reason the reactor is offline. Is that even possible? It's not full of DuF, nor is it out of UF. The generator is turned off, so that's not sucking up all the heat either.


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Sounds like the reactor did a SCRAM shutdown to avoid being damaged by Wasteheat, Fractal_UK implemented that feature in the new update. Make sure you've got enough radiators to dissipate the heat, then send out a kerbal to affect the reapirs on the reactor to restart it....

The shutdown feature was implemented IIRC to make sure your ship doesn't suffer a malfunction because nuclear reactors MUST run at a minimum of 30% power constantly. So not enough heat dissipation capacity means you may need a 4th section with more radiators in order to avoid a Reactor Meltdown.....

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I'd like also express a wish: After consuming all UF6/DUF6 it should be possible to refill the reactors. It can be complicated and need heavy lifting. But making a really heavy reactor exchangeable and _not_wobbeling_ pushs the partcount into heaven, and that means laggy which means frustrating.

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This mod seems to be incompatible with B9 aerospace. Basically b9's parts don't appear on the tech tree for me, and i assume it's due to this mod (specifically the treeloader thing that is packaged with it). The parts are there and only appear in the building menu after i've unlocked the right tech, but they're greyed out and say that i need to unlock them. I followed the installation instructions for both mods, Is anyone else having this problem?

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This mod seems to be incompatible with B9 aerospace. Basically b9's parts don't appear on the tech tree for me, and i assume it's due to this mod (specifically the treeloader thing that is packaged with it). The parts are there and only appear in the building menu after i've unlocked the right tech, but they're greyed out and say that i need to unlock them. I followed the installation instructions for both mods, Is anyone else having this problem?

I am not really sure how the mod compatibility works when it comes to the tech trees, however I heared that there are some bugs in the latest B9 update I think they will put up a fix soon, btw I waiting for it to be fixed before I download it again I love both this and B9 mods :)

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This mod seems to be incompatible with B9 aerospace. Basically b9's parts don't appear on the tech tree for me, and i assume it's due to this mod (specifically the treeloader thing that is packaged with it). The parts are there and only appear in the building menu after i've unlocked the right tech, but they're greyed out and say that i need to unlock them. I followed the installation instructions for both mods, Is anyone else having this problem?

It's a bug with TreeLoader, you need to download and install a new version of TreeLoader or you can redownload and install KSPI. Either will fix it.

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This mod seems to be incompatible with B9 aerospace. Basically b9's parts don't appear on the tech tree for me, and i assume it's due to this mod (specifically the treeloader thing that is packaged with it). The parts are there and only appear in the building menu after i've unlocked the right tech, but they're greyed out and say that i need to unlock them. I followed the installation instructions for both mods, Is anyone else having this problem?

Im not sure if we talking about the same thing, cos its late and im tired :), but did you check the already unlocked nodes in the tree again? They should display the small number icon indicating there are parts locked, where after you click the node you hit the unlock for each part on the right tab. At least thats what i did after installing this mod, cos i already had unlocked nodes.

Edited by Thourion
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This mod seems to be incompatible with B9 aerospace. Basically b9's parts don't appear on the tech tree for me, and i assume it's due to this mod (specifically the treeloader thing that is packaged with it). The parts are there and only appear in the building menu after i've unlocked the right tech, but they're greyed out and say that i need to unlock them. I followed the installation instructions for both mods, Is anyone else having this problem?
I ran into this same thing. Get the latest TreeLoader off of Spaceport, and it will work just fine.
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