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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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I just retried it with five intakes adjusted to 5 degrees and I topped out at 10,000 meters. (I also modified the plane with more wing lift and reduced weight)

I had to maintain a 15 degree pitch just to keep my altitude and speed stayed below 300m/s at full throttle.

At that point I fired the four Rockomax 24-77 rocket motors and was able to slowly reach 18,000 meters before the fuel ran out and was doing over 600m/s.

The plane's weight went from 13.6 to 7.6 tons. I then leveled the plane's pitch to five degrees but it dropped very quickly to 10,000 meters again and the speed was a little over 300m/s with a lighter aircraft.

Without spamming a very large number of air intakes or going antimatter, I'm starting to doubt this engine can make it into space on it's own.

I don't know if it can lift the rocket motors and fuel it needs into the air to help it ether.

Yeah... Powering a thermal jet with nukes isn't all that great, I've learnt... Apparently KIWIs weren't meant to fly... Not even in the Kerbal universe...

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Sounds like you might be testing them in different places. The table given shows vacuum thrust and Isp, if you test in thick atmosphere both the thrust and the Isp will be much lower.

I also have the same problem, LFO propulsion mode only gives as much thrust as Kethane would, even tough I don't even have that mod installed.

Pictures related:

Liquid mode, all fine according to the table.


LFO mode, Kethane values?


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I also have the same problem, LFO propulsion mode only gives as much thrust as Kethane would, even tough I don't even have that mod installed.

Pictures related:

Liquid mode, all fine according to the table.

LFO mode, Kethane values?

Ah, apologies, it used to work so I assumed it still did. Apparently I overlooked the extra thrust for the oxidiser burning in my new nozzle re-write so you are getting a thrust boost due to the extra mass of the injected oxygen but nothing for the actual chemical reaction.

It will be fixed for the next update.

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Ah, apologies, it used to work so I assumed it still did. Apparently I overlooked the extra thrust for the oxidiser burning in my new nozzle re-write so you are getting a thrust boost due to the extra mass of the injected oxygen but nothing for the actual chemical reaction.

It will be fixed for the next update.

I'm glad that this was cleared up.

One more reason to wait the new update, I guess. :)

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With the advent of the large microwave receivers, I've decided to make life a little bit more complicated. I don't like that at the moment, with a single microwave receiver, you can receive power from sources both in front of and behind the receiver. It makes sense that you would actually have to point the dish, at least partially, at the transmitter. So, that's what I've added.

The power will dimish proportional cos(theta) from being directly pointed at the transmitter. To demonstrate how this works, I'm going to use my low kerbol orbit solar power transmitter because a low kerbol orbit satellite will always be basically in the direction of the sun and that makes it very obvious what its position in the sky will be. So here we go:

Look at the position of the sun and how it affects the amount of power we receive.





i would like to put generator near my munar base to power other struktures "tesla coil style" but from esthetic reason i would like to put receivers on top of buildings instead all receivers pointing to generator.is there older plugin to download,where you could receive without alignmet?ty

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With the current rockets, I think atmospheric flight with nuclear reactors is always going to be pretty tough. Especially with the smaller ones, the TWR is just too low. However, I did some testing with a microwave-powered plasma engine, and that zips around wonderfully in atmosphere... until you're no longer pointing at your power source :P

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A question. I finally got the first tech that upgrades something, the experimental electrics node.

How do I upgrade the parts? When I go the VAB to build something, the description and stats for generators and radiators are the same..

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A question. I finally got the first tech that upgrades something, the experimental electrics node.

How do I upgrade the parts? When I go the VAB to build something, the description and stats for generators and radiators are the same..

Once you have researched something that upgrades a component you already have unlocked, all future items of that type are automatically unlocked. The exceptions are the computer core and warp drive, which always have to be upgraded, and any parts already in existence. So in your case, if you unlock improved nuke reactors, all future nuke reactors launched from that moment forward will be upgraded from the get go. Any nuke reactors you had in flight prior to the upgrade node being researched you will need to spend a small amount of science points to upgrade individually.

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Thanks for the prompt answer. So the parts are upgraded but the VAB stats do not update. Testing now..C:

Most of the parts that upgrade will let you know what the upgraded stats are. I know the radiators, reactors, and generators will show you the upgraded reactor temps, thermal conversion percentages, and heat radiation stats. For more info on what upgrades do, check out the very first page and post of this thread.

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So I just downloaded and installed the mod and now I cant open KSP anymore. I saw someone else getting a similar crash earlier, but I installed it to a clean KSP version with nothing else than stock stuff interfering.

Does anybody know about this?

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Fractal, got a bit a bug/exploit. I have a small disposable science lander probe I shipped with my 16 science lab space station to Moho. It's powered by 4 1x6 solar panels. I landed, started science-ing, and noticed I was getting a small waste heat build up. I then remembered you have solar panels provide lots more power close to the sun, which also leads to more waste heat generation from the solar panels. The issue is this. I was able to right click all four of my solar panels, then left click the little green symbol on the waste heat bar and basically turn them off. As I turned "storage" for waste heat off for successive solar panels, the waste heat *would* build up faster in the remaining waste heat active panels, as I expected. What I didn't expect was that I could turn off waste heat storage in all four solar cells and eliminate my little lander probe from gaining any additional waste heat.

I'm right smack in full sunlight, each panel producing 6 kW of waste heat and my ship isn't gaining waste heat anymore. Probably not a game changing thing, just wanted to point it out in case you wanted to take a look at it. :)

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So I just downloaded and installed the mod and now I cant open KSP anymore. I saw someone else getting a similar crash earlier, but I installed it to a clean KSP version with nothing else than stock stuff interfering.

Does anybody know about this?

Are you installing all three of the needed folders for the mod (WarpPlugin, TreeLoader, and HexCans) under the /KSP/GameData/ folder? You should see ../KSP/GameData/WarpPlugin/.. for example for the WarpPlugin folder.

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I'm not sure if this is a bug or just strange behavior, but I built a DT Vista-powered science vessel and launched it to Jool. I had lithium tanks on board and during the flight to Jool I converted it to tritium until my tanks were full. After the tritium tanks were filled up, I went to turn off tritium breeding, but noticed the rate said 0.00kg/day, or whatever the unit was, so I just left it on. However, when I resumed time warping, it continued to consume lithium, although at an apparently slower rate. I remembered that tritium was radioactive and I thought that it might be decaying, but when I shut off the tritium breeding, both my lithium and tritium supplies stayed constant.

Is tritium supposed to decay in-game? And if not, is tritium breeding supposed to continue to consume lithium even after your tanks are full? It's not a big deal since I can just micromanage my lithium supplies (I didn't even need the extra tritium for my mission, it turned out), but I figured it might be worth looking at.

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I'm not sure if this is a bug or just strange behavior, but I built a DT Vista-powered science vessel and launched it to Jool. I had lithium tanks on board and during the flight to Jool I converted it to tritium until my tanks were full. After the tritium tanks were filled up, I went to turn off tritium breeding, but noticed the rate said 0.00kg/day, or whatever the unit was, so I just left it on. However, when I resumed time warping, it continued to consume lithium, although at an apparently slower rate. I remembered that tritium was radioactive and I thought that it might be decaying, but when I shut off the tritium breeding, both my lithium and tritium supplies stayed constant.

Is tritium supposed to decay in-game? And if not, is tritium breeding supposed to continue to consume lithium even after your tanks are full? It's not a big deal since I can just micromanage my lithium supplies (I didn't even need the extra tritium for my mission, it turned out), but I figured it might be worth looking at.

The way I had it set up, if you left it turned on, it would keep breeding using up the lithium at the normal rate but not produce any tritium once the tanks were full. The display is based on tritium produced so that part goes to zero. Now I've made it turn off tritium breeding automatically once the tritium supply is full.

As a general point though, I have actually considered tritium decay. A 12 year half-life would make it not very likely to cause many problems, just another little feature to consider. I have actually implemented some radioactive decay stuff for the nuclear reactors, specifically residual heating from short half-life daughter nuclides after reactor shutdown.

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Let me demonstrate this system:

First of all, nuclear reactors will now actually count as shutdown and require a manual restart when they run out of fuel. Once the fuel has been completed expended (or the reactor has emergency shutdown due to overheating), the reactions won't all stop immediately - you start with daughter nuclides providing 10% of the reactor output as decay heating - this will both give your generators a little bit of power as well as contribute a bit of WasteHeat. These daughters are assumed, collectively, to have a half-life of 9 hours so the power output will decay along that curve until 3 days have passed at which point the reactor will have totally shutdown.

At that point, you have new options, such as refueling the reactor! You have some nice big Hexcans full of fresh Uranium Hexaflouride, when you refuel, you will add this fresh load of new Uranium Hexaflouride to your reactors while the depleted Uranium Hexaflouride from your reactor will be added to the can. Thus, over time, you end up with cannisters full of nuclear waste products.





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The option to manually shut down a nuke reactor would be nice. I usually go through a bit of docking/modular power system acrobatics on long duration manned missions using multiple nuke reactors such that some of my reactors overheat on the way up, shut down, and then get turned on a later time as they are needed. I use this system to rotate a number of 3.75m nuke reactors on a Moho computer core station.

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