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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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I feel like I should put together a tutorial for this mod.

I'm actually "Really" doing science with this mod. As in I'm having to learn everything as I go. So it's natural science progression, without points! This mod has made my first run through career mode much like a new player trying this game out for the first time :)

Fortunately, the messages ("Hey you need a radiator dummy!") have been enough so far, but some better documentation would be nice, but for now I'm enjoying learning it ye olde fashioned way.

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There's very little info in game and not much more in the wiki, which is rampant with dead links. So. People. Fill things in. I still have little clue what's going on.

Honestly the github wikis are crap anyway. I'd much rather set up a mediawiki instance and open it up to people.

In fact I may do that. I have an idea for a site with an open wiki for people to contribute about different games and mods.

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And I have exotic matter coming in but nothing else... I think I figured out the generators...

This explains your problem, you are charging your warp drive, any power the generator makes is going right to Exotic Matter production....

The generator will charge EC's first and the rest goes to MJ, but if you have the warp drive turned on to charge you wont get any MJ.

The AM collectors are slow if your starting with no AM and your only using a few of them in Kerbin orbit.

If you had posted a picture, or explained what all you had installed on your craft it would have been that much easier to diagnose the problem.


Hmm appears the forums are not updating very well for me....

Edited by Donziboy2
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This explains your problem, you are charging your warp drive, any power the generator makes is going right to Exotic Matter production....

The generator will charge EC's first and the rest goes to MJ, but if you have the warp drive turned on to charge you wont get any MJ.

The AM collectors are slow if your starting with no AM and your only using a few of them in Kerbin orbit.

If you had posted a picture, or explained what all you had installed on your craft it would have been that much easier to diagnose the problem.


Hmm appears the forums are not updating very well for me....


(Ten chars)

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So, I realize this isn't a high priority, but I thought I'd bring it up nonetheless. It would be nice if the cfg files for the interstellar parts allowed for more customizing. There have been times that I wanted to play around with altering some abilities, but most of the custom modules consist of just a name and animation. For example, I thought it would be cool to give kethane drills the ability to mine for ores as well, but the refinery part just has a single FNRefinery module. That means no ability to split off certain function, or change any of the numbers without going into the dll itself. Many of the engine specs are similarly hidden in the dll.

For example, the refinery might have:

name = FNThMining
animName = lights

I realize this is a very complex plugin, and it wouldn't be possible or a good use of your time to make everything customizable. But perhaps it would be worth considering at least some increased details in the cfgs in the future.

Thanks again for the awesome mod!

Edited by XanderTek
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I feel like I should put together a tutorial for this mod.

This definitely!

And for the idiots among us {ME} Can some one tell me how to read the display for the magnetomitor?<--so spelled that wrong. I have no idea what all the number strings mean. :(

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This definitely!

And for the idiots among us {ME} Can some one tell me how to read the display for the magnetomitor?<--so spelled that wrong. I have no idea what all the number strings mean. :(

It is in scientific/exponential notation. I guess that's another topic to cover in the tutorial!

Are there any other specific points you feel could use a good write-up?

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And for the idiots among us {ME} Can some one tell me how to read the display for the magnetomitor?<--so spelled that wrong. I have no idea what all the number strings mean. :(

It uses scientific notation, which is a concise way of printing very small and very large numbers. 1.23E4 represents 1.23 × 104. 104 equals 10,000, so this evaluates to 12,300. Small numbers are handled the same way, but with a negative exponent: 1.23E-4 represents 1.23 × 10-4, which evaluates to 0.000123. Scientific notation is used in science and engineering because you are less likely to make an error when reading or writing with them; you can't leave out a zero or add too many by accident.

The magnetometer is measuring first the strength of the magnetic field that you are in, and then the rate at which it encounters antiprotons (the rate at which you encounter particles is called 'flux').

Now, magnetic fields have a direction as well as a strength (measured in Tesla, or "T") at every point, so it's not good enough to report just how strong the field is. Instead the magnetometer reports the absolute strength (labeled "|B|", B for the magnetic field, with the absolute value operator around it), the strength radial to the planet (labeled "B_r"; presumably that would be Br if there were scope for better typography in the game), and the transverse strength ("B_T", or BT). Now, most magnetometers measure the magnetic field along directions relative to themselves; if you twist or turn the thing in the air the values will change. The game magnetometer does some of the work for you and computes the radial and transverse values relative to the surface of the planet below, which makes things easier for you because you never have to care about which way your ship is pointing.

The funny thing is that in the end you don't much care about the magnetic field. The magnetic field is necessary because it traps the antiprotons that you want, but what you really care about is how many antiprotons there are. The magnetometer measures this directly, so you can ignore the magnetic field; it's just there for flavor! The antimatter flux is presented in micrograms per second (mg/s). This is handy because the capacity of your tank is measured in micrograms. All you have to do is multiply the rate shown by the magnetometer by the amount of time you are going to wait and you can compute how much antimatter you will collect. For example, at about 100km above Kerbin on one of my craft: 1.586057E-006 mg/s × 6 hours = 1.586057E-6 mg/s × 21600 seconds = 1.586057E-6 mg/s × 2.16E4 s = (1.586057 × 2.16) × 10(-6 + 4) mg = 3.42588312E-2 mg = .0342 micrograms of antimatter, after waiting one Kerbal day. You can probably find a better spot; just remember that a larger magnetic field traps more antiprotons, and traps them for longer.

BTW, magetometer is an easy word to spell; just think of it as magnet-o-meter and you can't go wrong.

Oh, and I don't think Fractal_UK ever specified what the magnetometer is measuring transverse to, so that could be north-south, east-west, your current velocity vector, etc. It's just flavor text though, so I'm not concerned

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In fact, I'd be happy to help in other ways as well. Are you writing this in the wiki?

I wasn't planning to, no. I really don't like the wiki included with github personally. I was just going to host a new one.

Edit: To be clear, I'm not writing a wiki just a 'how-to' guide of sorts. I'd welcome the help though. I didn't see the point in replicating a wiki since we already have one.

Edited by forsaken1111
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I wasn't planning to, no. I really don't like the wiki included with github personally. I was just going to host a new one.

Edit: To be clear, I'm not writing a wiki just a 'how-to' guide of sorts. I'd welcome the help though. I didn't see the point in replicating a wiki since we already have one.

Ah, I see. I'm happy to help either way. Is there anything I can take off your plate?

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I can provide an updated spreadsheet on reactor/gens plus plasma and dt vista. I will have to see what has changed with the latest version.

Awesome. I'd like to do an appendix with any data we have. I'm doing an outline right now but won't be able to really work on it until later tonight

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I can provide an updated spreadsheet on reactor/gens plus plasma and dt vista. I will have to see what has changed with the latest version.

You just need to account for the different efficiencies of the propellants, which alters the thrusts of most of the plasma engine propellants, it doesn't change any of the specific impulses though. If you multiply the thrust by (new efficiency percentage)/72 and waste heat production by (100-new efficiency percentage)/28, you should get the right answers.

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Awesome. I'd like to do an appendix with any data we have. I'm doing an outline right now but won't be able to really work on it until later tonight

Yep, im still at work I have under an hour then I can leave. I need to see what has changed in the newest version and help Fractal_UK fix any remaining bugs.

KSPI 0.81 Datasheet Have a look at the datasheet I just recently made, it probably needs a better format/layout.

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