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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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Can someone please explain what the pre-cooler does? I'm not even sure I'm using it right. Does it need to be connected to a certain part to work, how do I know if I even need one? I looked on the wiki and the FAQ and can't find anything searching through the forum posts, but with 663 pages.... Help? :(

The precooler keeps your air-breathing engines from exploding at hypersonic velocities. As I understand it, you put the intake on the front of the precooler. It doesn't work with radial intakes.

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The precooler keeps your air-breathing engines from exploding at hypersonic velocities. As I understand it, you put the intake on the front of the precooler. It doesn't work with radial intakes.

Hm. even with just the basic jet engine, a pre-cooler, and a circular intake on the precooler, my jet engine gets dangerously hot, but I'm running with deadly reentry, does that conflict with this mod? Or does it not work with the basic jet engine?

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Hm. even with just the basic jet engine, a pre-cooler, and a circular intake on the precooler, my jet engine gets dangerously hot, but I'm running with deadly reentry, does that conflict with this mod? Or does it not work with the basic jet engine?

Well that's fairly easy to test... remove deadly reentry and do a test flight. :P

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The precooler keeps your air-breathing engines from exploding at hypersonic velocities. As I understand it, you put the intake on the front of the precooler. It doesn't work with radial intakes.

If I remember correctly you can attach it to the intake or to the reactor and it will work either way, unless Fractal_UK changed it.

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If I remember correctly you can attach it to the intake or to the reactor and it will work either way, unless Fractal_UK changed it.

No it does not work with the radial intakes. And the reason you're getting the problem with Deadly Reentry is that this mod doesn't take it into account so you are building up twice as much heat as you should. You can disable the heat generation by editing one of the config files but it don't know which one. The specifics are detailed in another post in this thread.

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Ok, so on testing I got these results,

without deadly reentry, no precoolers: no temp heat at all.


with deadly, no precoolers: temp, but no overheat


deadly with precoolers showing active, temp but no overheat:


and deadly, with no precoolers, basic jet, way overheat right off the pad:


I am so confused????

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So I'm now fairly confident any schemes to harvest helium-3 from Jool will by necessity require >1 TWR on Jool, at least with deadly reentry and FAR, there's just no way to get enough lift from wings at hypersonic velocities to keep your vertical velocity up while trying to ascend and you'll burn up on the way out of the atmosphere anyway. Note also that even a few hundred meters above Jool's "surface", the collection rate is so low that you're getting maybe 1-2 He-3 per real life hour.

And you get the best TWR by far from the AMI Fusion reactor, which requires helium-3. Also, it's 3 meters wide, and there's no 3 meter thermal turbojets yet.

Edited by InfinityArch
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How does one keep from having power loss issues with large phased array microwave transceivers set to transmit and draining all of the crafts power? Trying to build a solar farm around Kerbol but the stations are drained by the transmitter which can't be shut off due to power drain. Utilization stuck at 100.001% with net power stuck at -00.01

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How does one keep from having power loss issues with large phased array microwave transceivers set to transmit and draining all of the crafts power?

One waits for the next release. There are some adjustments coming for this ;)

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So I'm now fairly confident any schemes to harvest helium-3 from Jool will by necessity require >1 TWR on Jool, at least with deadly reentry and FAR, there's just no way to get enough lift from wings at hypersonic velocities to keep your vertical velocity up while trying to ascend and you'll burn up on the way out of the atmosphere anyway.

are you able to go fast enough to maintain altitude without burning up during collection? If the problem is you just cant get back out of the atmosphere with a turbojet design due to overheating or deadly cooking you a dual engien design may work better. Run in air breathing mode for colection of HE3 and then when its time to leave swap over to plasma thrusters runing off beamed power. Just setup a network powerful enough that you can get a TWR greater than 1 on liquid fuel mode and just burn strait up keeping your speed low enough to not fry yourself till your out of the thick parts of the atmosphere. Actualy depending on the rate atmospheric scoops gather liquid fuel you may be better off just runing a plasma thruster on beamed power for the whole thing and skiping the turbojets. That depends mostly on if you can get enough cooling to avoid frying your craft and still maintain that TWR.

How does one keep from having power loss issues with large phased array microwave transceivers set to transmit and draining all of the crafts power?

I've seen a few people suggest sticking an RTG on there (have not done this myself) As far as I know RTG's power is not a valid power sorce for the transmiter so the transmiter will suck up all the power from the solars but the RTG can keep the probe powered up.

Edited by merendel
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Note also that even a few hundred meters above Jool's "surface", the collection rate is so low that you're getting maybe 1-2 He-3 per real life hour.


You can use Vistas to get decent TWR for harvesting purposes. You can set one of your Scoops to harvest Hydrogen to collect fuel for them, one small Scoop is enough for 4 Vistas.

However you need to use the large Scoops, since the small ones don't actually extract any He-3 (as shown in the pic).

edit: it might have been the resource bug of the older version not working correctly with 0.23... damn, I should repeat my experiments more often...


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How can I disable Solar Panels from generating Waste Heat?

I have some legacy spacecraft that do not have any radiators and I would like to keep them in service, however they keep retracting their solar panels due to overheating. With RemoteTech installed, on the unmanned spacecraft, I then loose communication and my spacecraft become inoperable. For the same reason, I cannot simply retract my Solar Panels while not in use since then I loose communication with KSC and the spacecraft becomes inoperable.

I would like to either disable Solar Panels from generating Waste Heat,


I would like to enable the Command Pods to dissipate a small amount of Waste Heat.

Both solutions seem reasonable since it would be hard to imagine a Solar Panel overheating in the dead of space. The equipment would radiate the limited amount of heat generated.

Please help!

Any suggestions to help keep Solar Panels from overheating without adding a radiator? Is there a .cfg file someone knows about?

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Since installing 10.3 my megajoules icon has disappeared. I have tried installing the plugin on a fresh install of KSP, and still no megajoules icon. Also, I cannot get the refinery to work, they dont seem to be getting any power for solar cells. I have tried launch it and landing it into the water, but it will not pick up or electrolize water. Any help would be great

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Since installing 10.3 my megajoules icon has disappeared. I have tried installing the plugin on a fresh install of KSP, and still no megajoules icon. Also, I cannot get the refinery to work, they dont seem to be getting any power for solar cells. I have tried launch it and landing it into the water, but it will not pick up or electrolize water. Any help would be great

I can't be sure, but it sounds like you just don't have any power except a few solar panels. The megajoule icon/window doesn't show up unless you can generate that much power, and the refineries need several megawatts of power to run any of the reactions.

The other thing to check is to make sure that you're using the correct refinery. The 2.5-meter inline refinery cannot gather resources, it can only process them, while the dome-shaped one can do both.

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Two identical power stations. One on Minmus, one on Mun. With EITHER one on.. my relay grid gets ~31 GW. With the second one active.. it only goes to ~38 GW.

Anyone know what's going on? There a cap or something? Mun and Minmus each have 3 relay probe sats in 120 degree offset orbits keeping the power up and transmitting.

I'm so confused.



These are those Dusty Plasma power plants... they only show as transmitting ~8.5 GW... but the first one sends up the full ~31 GW. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

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Need more information than that Hayden. Running 0.8.4 of Kethane and 10.3 of Interstellar along with a metric Kerbal-ton of other modifications without issue on Vista x64.

Yes, sorry. Kethane 0.8.4 and Interstellar 10.3. I do have other mods but they are just parts. And if I remove the Kethane mod, everything work fine. Or, if I leave Kethane and remove the Interstellar mod, everything works in that case as well. I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.

Also i should add what happens. The game crashes after loading everything when the game is starting. It doesn't crash during, it crashes right at the end/after it is done before the main menu comes up.

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