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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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Anyone besides me having issues with the ISRU's not mining when unfocused? Or was this something that has never been implemented or even suggested would be? If this isn't supposed to work in the backround... I need to redesign my fuel and power bases on Mun and Minmus.


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The limits actually apply after efficiency is taken into account, so that's why you will see different maximum values with each propellant.

Ahh so its option Blindingly obvious that I missed :P I assumed that it was max power before efficiency losses. Didnt even consider looking at the limit from the other direction.

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I tried installing the interstellar mod (v 0.10.3) this weekend but have run into a problem.

Each time I try to start KSP, it crashes with the message: Aborted (core dumped)

The last lines of the log are pretty consistent

[LOG 18:01:09.017] Load(Texture): WarpPlugin/Parts/Command/scienceModule/glow
[LOG 18:01:09.039] Load(Texture): WarpPlugin/Parts/Command/scienceModule/nrml_NRM
[LOG 18:01:09.248] Load(Texture): WarpPlugin/Parts/Electrical/AntimatterCollector/trap_diff
[LOG 18:01:09.255] Load(Texture): WarpPlugin/Parts/Electrical/AntimatterCollector/trap_normals copy_NRM

I've looked at the two files from the antimatter collector directory and they are tga files. I can open them in an image editor with no problem.

I am running KSP in linux and sometimes when I install a new mod it will crash the first or sometimes second time, but this has crashed the program every time.

I've spent the day digging through the forum and doing other searches but haven't found anything. But, given that this thread is nearing 700 pages, I figured it might be easier to ask.

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Testing the impactor stuff on kerbin next to KSC and 9/10 of the time I get no reading what so ever, no idea why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, anyone got any tips for how to get it to work more regularly?

Wish the wiki had this kind of information, almost nothing from 0.10 is in there.

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Testing the impactor stuff on kerbin next to KSC and 9/10 of the time I get no reading what so ever, no idea why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, anyone got any tips for how to get it to work more regularly?

Wish the wiki had this kind of information, almost nothing from 0.10 is in there.

Having some trouble getting the readings too, after 3 impacts.

Are you piloting the impactor ship up until it's destroyed? 'Cause that's the one thing I consistently didn't do (I was in the recording ship watching the impactor's orbit until it crashed).

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The limits actually apply after efficiency is taken into account, so that's why you will see different maximum values with each propellant.

Out of curiosity, why did you go this direction? I haven't messed with plasma engines too much, but I'd also presumed that the power cap was pre-efficiency loss. I'm assuming it's related to how the Vista can change its specific impulse by proportionally changing its thrust, though the 2.5GW input remains constant.

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fractal_u REALLY F'ing SERIOUSLY!!! 13 thousands mits to transit the siesmic data!!! and you don't F'ING find out that is what it is going to cost until to F'ING fly all the F'ING way to Duna! So with 1305 charge worth of battery on my sensor station I can only transmit F'ING 10% of the F'ING science!!! REALLY!!! F'ING SERIOUSLY!!!!! REALLY!!!

So you think to transmit the data I an suppose to lug 13000 F'ING charge on a lander!!! REALLY!!! SERIOUSLY!!! and you can't give us a F'ING clue it's going to take that much F"ING charge until I spent 15 ****ing hours putting 6 stations down on Duna before I fins out I am going to only get 10 ****ing percent of my science!!!


Edited by ctbram
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fractal_u REALLY F'ing SERIOUSLY!!! 13 thousands mits to transit the siesmic data!!! and you don't F'ING find out that is what it is going to cost until to F'ING fly all the F'ING way to Duna! So with 1305 charge worth of battery on my sensor station I can only transmit and F'ING 10% of the F'ING science!!! REALLY!!! F'ING SERIOUSLY!!!!! REALLY!!! So you think to transmit the data I an suppose to lug 13000 F'ING charge on a lander!!! REALLY!!! SERIOUSLY!!! and you can't give us a F'ING clue it's going to take that much F"ING charge until I spent 15 ****ing hours putting 6 stations down on Duna before I fins out I am going to only get 10 ****ing percent of my science!!!


Steps to a successful mission: Planning -> Building -> Execution.

Looks like you skipped a step.


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fractal_u REALLY F'ing SERIOUSLY!!! 13 thousands mits to transit the siesmic data!!! and you don't F'ING find out that is what it is going to cost until to F'ING fly all the F'ING way to Duna! So with 1305 charge worth of battery on my sensor station I can only transmit and F'ING 10% of the F'ING science!!! REALLY!!! F'ING SERIOUSLY!!!!! REALLY!!! So you think to transmit the data I an suppose to lug 13000 F'ING charge on a lander!!! REALLY!!! SERIOUSLY!!! and you can't give us a F'ING clue it's going to take that much F"ING charge until I spent 15 ****ing hours putting 6 stations down on Duna before I fins out I am going to only get 10 ****ing percent of my science!!!


Solar panels? Lol

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Steps to a successful mission: Planning -> Building -> Execution.

Looks like you skipped a step.


Emmmm It's hard to plan when nothing is shared by the author to indicate the amount of mits it is going to take to transmit the data or what the algorithm is to determine it BEFORE you build your lander!!! Like people are going to build a device and then make it a secret how much energy it will take to transmit the data! Really? Every time I transmit seismic data from this thing the amount of mits required are different. There is no discernable pattern so you are left to guess! I put 10 times the ec on this ship as I have on my mun and minmus sensors and they had 50% battery left after completing the ****ing transmission. So how the ****ing hell is someone supposed to plan mr. speaking out your ass?

Furthermore! 13000 ec to transmit data from one 500 science tee exp is ****ing ******ed! What? People are expected to build a warp drive starship with 10000000000 DV to carry the ****ing batteries for and 500 level experiment and then build 3.75m landers with griffon xxx engines to carry the god damn batteries!!!! I mean common 13000 mits is ridiculous!!! What is it going to take from eloo 15000000000000000000000 ec?

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Um i don't know where to ask this but, when I crash my game lags up like crazy and goes about 1 fps every 2 seconds (on a 5 part ship)

I've found out that it seems to duplicate my ship a million times when I crash

I fixed that by removing AGM, it seems it tries to figure out which part of your ship is the root part etc when you impact and somehow that causes a loop of parts reappearing and re-exploding over and over, had the same issue until I moved AGM out of gamedata.

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It is 10 times more then the science you get. 1000 science = 10000 mits.

Also i agree that it is a bit of surprize, i was just lucky that my lander had plasma engines and consequently few GW of power when i tried impactors on eeloo and got ~43000 mits.

But... it is one of the interesting things in this mod - to discover such things buy yourself. You could have tested this on mun for example. And now when you know it, its really easy to solve your problem with duna. Just send single lander with tiny reactor and land it in random location...

You do not need to store all this charge. Why you would ever try this? You just need means to generate it fast enough. Tiny reactor, or probably few big solar panels (test it before using. :) tiny reactor definitely helps, but i am not sure how much solar panels will you need).

Also i did dozens of impacts and had no issues with them not registering. Used just probe core and separatrons. May be some other mod is interfering with this...

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Just landed an ISRU Refinery on Duna - the radial kind of course. Linked it up to the rest of my little settlement's power grid, and it extracted water just fine. However, electrolysis yields no liquid fuel or oxidizer. I've used KAS to connect it, and it seems to be drawing power just fine, and I made sure there is an LFO tank in the grid. So, what can I do do actually refuel my science return craft?

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The thing with the impactor is that is completely out of scale with the stock science experiments, where the maximum you get is 200 MB from the atmospheric nosecone. It should be downscaled to something like that, or at least have an option in the science.cfg file (with AFAIK it currently doesn't)

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Just landed an ISRU Refinery on Duna - the radial kind of course. Linked it up to the rest of my little settlement's power grid, and it extracted water just fine. However, electrolysis yields no liquid fuel or oxidizer. I've used KAS to connect it, and it seems to be drawing power just fine, and I made sure there is an LFO tank in the grid. So, what can I do do actually refuel my science return craft?

KAS fuel lines act more like docking ports, not actual fuel lines. You need stock fuel lines between fuel tank and refinery.

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The thing with the impactor is that is completely out of scale with the stock science experiments, where the maximum you get is 200 MB from the atmospheric nosecone. It should be downscaled to something like that, or at least have an option in the science.cfg file (with AFAIK it currently doesn't)

Not nessicaraly. The value of the experiment when done on mun, minmus, or kerbin come out equal to or a bit less than if you'd gone around and colected from each biome with the stock experiment. The issue is the planets outside the kerbin local system dont have biomes yet. If they did the amount would probably be comparable. If he scaled it down you'd be geting a tiny fraction of what you could get on the mun or minmus for a fraction of the effort it took to send an interplanetary mission. that and he'd have to scale it up agian when squad gets around to adding biomes elsewhere.

@ctbram, Alot of parts in this mod dont spell out every detail of how they work. Half the point is experimentation. You complain about geting to duna and finding you couldnt transmit the data? Why didnt you know the ratio of mits to science? Why didnt you plan for enough power generation to transmit any quantity of science the experiment would produce? You did afterall do the smart thing and test your setup in your own backyard, aka on kerbin or the mun where its easy to reach and trouble shoot before traveling millions of kilometers right? If you just slaped togeather a mission with know knowlage of how it was going to work in the field you shouldnt be surprised at a less than ideal outcome.

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Are UF4 and TF4 mining supposed to occur in the backround? It's not working for me when unfocused.



I've been trying to make the most efficient base possible for both part count and what it can crank out. I've been watching what works in the backround as best I can...


Uranium Nitrite consumption (dusty plasma reactor)

Tritium breeding

Doesn't Work:

Tritium decay into HE3

Water/UF4/TF4 Mining

It seems that no ISRU process works in the backround period....

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Yes, i abandoned idea to build something like a base or self-sufficient power station because most of ISRU functions, fuel reprocession etc, etc does not work correctly in background. Also with really small production rates (presumably somehow realistic) ISRU functionality seems to be almost useless, sadly. For now i just send reactors few KM away from KSC and never load them again so they work indefinitely long. And then i can just imagine that i built self-sufficient base there, or that it is maintained by ground crew, or something else... anyway it is the only way it can be done right now.

Also the main problem here is how the game itself works, it makes somehow hard to make such background operations to work correctly.

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Yes, i abandoned idea to build something like a base or self-sufficient power station because most of ISRU functions, fuel reprocession etc, etc does not work correctly in background. Also with really small production rates (presumably somehow realistic) ISRU functionality seems to be almost useless, sadly. For now i just send reactors few KM away from KSC and never load them again so they work indefinitely long. And then i can just imagine that i built self-sufficient base there, or that it is maintained by ground crew, or something else... anyway it is the only way it can be done right now.

Also the main problem here is how the game itself works, it makes somehow hard to make such background operations to work correctly.

Kinda sucks... I don't mind a little maintenance... but kinda silly if it doesn't do the basic mining in the backround. Well, for small amounts of backround power. 5 GW is plenty. I do still have my 3.75m AM farm/power station around Jool for short burst power. At least this one seems to work perfectly.

I think I may just redesign a long term, low-power / fuel base to set up on Minmus.



upon further consideration... I think I may actually stick with my current design. Don't have to turn it off to refuel it. Plenty of UF4 and Ammonia storage.. Etc etc etc...

Worst case, I'll need to drop off UF4 as often as I drop off Ammonia (~1 1/2 - 3 years, depending on output). Best case, the ISRU gets 'fixed' to also work in the backround.

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