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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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Alright, this mod has some issues with inline solar panels, like the trunk un cBBp's Dragon Rider capsule. It bugs out completely, and it only started once I installed this mod. I know that this mod edits solar panels, and according to the testing of me (and some others), this mod is the prime suspect.

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Alright, this mod has some issues with inline solar panels, like the trunk un cBBp's Dragon Rider capsule. It bugs out completely, and it only started once I installed this mod. I know that this mod edits solar panels, and according to the testing of me (and some others), this mod is the prime suspect.

That's not a bug report, you are a having a problem and suspect for whatever reason that this might be related.

If you think there is a problem, please actually test it and provide me the precise details of what happens, I'll need KSP.log files and exact information about how I can reproduce it. I do not have the time to test guesses at the moment.

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Alright, this mod has some issues with inline solar panels, like the trunk un cBBp's Dragon Rider capsule. It bugs out completely, and it only started once I installed this mod. I know that this mod edits solar panels, and according to the testing of me (and some others), this mod is the prime suspect.

May be with some screenshots it will be more understandable.

Dragon Rider Capsule http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/26243-Dragon-Rider-Capsule-0-23-%282-14-14%29

1)http://i.imgur.com/tfTUkWy.png - Dragon Trunk and stayputnik on the screenshot without Interstellar installed.- this is OK

2)http://i.imgur.com/GGBf1UR.png - With Interstellar installed. Can not deploy/retract panels. Surface velocity bug, no connection between Dragon Trunk and stayputnik - I can switch between them using [ ]

3)http://i.imgur.com/ZHMcJyU.png alt-F2 . I cannot scroll it. It flooded with this messeges

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ajl0jw6uppmhpzu/KSP.log - log (only KSPI and dragon capsule mods installed - same result)

Edited by SV-ESK
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Picking up from where Wasmic left off, here is a brief description of the problem and repro method

1) take a stock KSP install

2) install CardboardBoxProcessor's Dragon Capsule addin from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/26243-Dragon-Rider-Capsule-0-23-%282-14-14%29

3) try it out by loading the prebuilt craft supplied in the mod, it has a pod with a "trunk" below it, which has solar panels as a part of it. Everything works as expected

4) install KSPI

5) load up the sample craft again. This time, although it looks fine in the VAB, once you get it onto the launch pad, the connection is broken below the pod - half the staging is missing and the trunk and below is simply not part of the craft - you can even switch vessel to it as a separate entity. ALso, the parts that were previously attaced to the trunk are now floating magically suspended where they were, with no sign of them believing in gravity.

Sadly, there are no errors at all in the log, not even related to the disconnection. The only sign that anything at all has happened is that there is a warning that the game cannot save while there is a vessel flying

[LOG 20:42:31.367] cBBp.Dragon.Wings is in atmosphere. Cannot save.
[WRN 20:42:31.368] [FlightPersistence]: Vessel Dragon_Assembled Ship not saved because it wasn't clear to save: NOT_IN_ATMOSPHERE

I grabbed a video of it misbehaving.

Hope it helps.

I normally run with over 70 other mods, and none of them cause any trouble with the Dragon, nor with KSPI.

Personally, I wouldn't call it a bug report against KSPI, just a really weird interaction between the two mods.

cBBp also has a dll that is used for some animations on the parts, but that works just fine with KSPI installed, at least, it does on the pod part, the trunk is a different matter.

Any thoughts on what might be causing it? We are guessing it might be related to the solar panels in some way since that's about all KSPI would touch in it.

KSP.log : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2652591/Dragon/KSP.log

output_log.txt : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2652591/Dragon/output_log.txt


3)http://i.imgur.com/ZHMcJyU.png alt-F2 . I cannot scroll it. It flooded with this messeges

That error is most likely a red herring - it is simply a result of trying to predict the orbital position of a landed craft, which could be targetting, maneuver nodes, or some other mod. I didn't see anything like it when I did the testing above.

Edited by Crater
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Picking up from where Wasmic left off, here is a brief description of the problem and repro method

1) take a stock KSP install

2) install CardboardBoxProcessor's Dragon Capsule addin from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/26243-Dragon-Rider-Capsule-0-23-%282-14-14%29

3) try it out by loading the prebuilt craft supplied in the mod, it has a pod with a "trunk" below it, which has solar panels as a part of it. Everything works as expected

4) install KSPI

5) load up the sample craft again. This time, although it looks fine in the VAB, once you get it onto the launch pad, the connection is broken below the pod - half the staging is missing and the trunk and below is simply not part of the craft - you can even switch vessel to it as a separate entity. ALso, the parts that were previously attaced to the trunk are now floating magically suspended where they were, with no sign of them believing in gravity.

I'm not in a position to test this myself at the moment but you could try removing


name = ModuleDecouple
ejectionForce = 10
explosiveNodeID = top


name = cBBp_GenericAnimate
animationName = umbi_dettach

startEventGUIName = Umbilical detach
endEventGUIName = Umbilical attach
startDeployed = False
customAnimationSpeed = 1.0
availableInEVA = true
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 5
layer = 1

useActionEditorPopup = false
moduleID = 3
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False
defaultWindowRect = 550, 300, 150, 100

and 3)


All of these from the Dragon Trunk part.cfg file in cBBp_dragon/Parts/Electric/cBBp_Dragon_Wings.

Does that give better results? If so, which options work and which don't?

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Does that give better results? If so, which options work and which don't?

name = ModuleDecouple
ejectionForce = 10
explosiveNodeID = top

This MODULE causes NaN orbit when you try to attach something to the top node.

After removing this MODULE Dragon Trunk works normally. Well at least does not cause major bugs

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Indeed, adding radiators in VAB/SPH makes the game freeze a couple seconds, as does changing the symmetry setting (increasing or decreasing the radiators you're placing) etc.

Are you experiencing this only in career mode or does it happen in sandbox mode too?

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I haven't checked sandbox yet, but yes, it happens in career. I'll check sandbox when I get home tonight.

I'm getting this too, when I add any parts of yours in symmetry the game freezes for a while, but will stop lagging once your mouse is on the part, whereas if I move the part off the fuel tank and back again it will lag again until it's loaded (i thought it was just large textures loading, but It doesn't happen to anything else :/ )

Edit: This happens to any part you put on, say reactors radially attached (with editor extensions)

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You have installed the mod incorrectly. The most common mistake is having two GameData folders, you should have the WarpPlugin, OpenResourceSystem and TreeLoader folders inside your KSP/GameData folder. If you don't, it won't work.

wow your right thank you good sir....such a simple thing to fix

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In career mode, I've not tested sandbox.

This lag in the editor also happens when placing the large 'H' series B9 cargo bays, and possibly others. I put this down to the B9 bay open animation but thinking about it some more, the cargo bays act as Interstellar radiators so this could be part of the same problem.

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In career mode, I've not tested sandbox.

I've just tested. It happens in my carrier mode save, but not in a newly created sandbox.

Simple test has been done both cases: octo probe core and 1..8 huge radiators.

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I'm getting this too, when I add any parts of yours in symmetry the game freezes for a while, but will stop lagging once your mouse is on the part, whereas if I move the part off the fuel tank and back again it will lag again until it's loaded (i thought it was just large textures loading, but It doesn't happen to anything else :/ )

Edit: This happens to any part you put on, say reactors radially attached (with editor extensions)

It happens to me too, but only with Generators, before the game shows the green (you can place it) or red (it doesn't fit here) models in the VAB/hangar. It also happens when changing symmetry, but once it "loads" the models, it stops freezing and I can move the parts anywhere (unless I move them away completely and try to place them somewhere else).

Other stuff works just fine for me, only the Generators are misbehaving. I disregarded it as a performance issue since I don't have the strongest laptop and it doesn't lag on my desktop PC.

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It happens to me too, but only with Generators, before the game shows the green (you can place it) or red (it doesn't fit here) models in the VAB/hangar. It also happens when changing symmetry, but once it "loads" the models, it stops freezing and I can move the parts anywhere (unless I move them away completely and try to place them somewhere else).

Other stuff works just fine for me, only the Generators are misbehaving. I disregarded it as a performance issue since I don't have the strongest laptop and it doesn't lag on my desktop PC.

I have a pretty good pc, so I don't think that would cause it, Maybe the fact the save I am using has been around since science was introduced? :D

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I'm not in a position to test this myself at the moment but you could try removing

1)...remove decoupler module...

2)...remove cBBp_GenericAnimate module...

and 3)... remove both...

All of these from the Dragon Trunk part.cfg file in cBBp_dragon/Parts/Electric/cBBp_Dragon_Wings.

Does that give better results? If so, which options work and which don't?

Sorry for the slow reply, but I wasn't in a position to test, either - the place I work frowns on me playing video games in the office ;)

1 and 3 completely fix the errant behaviour. the stages all appear, the panels extend, etc.etc.etc.

2 does nothing, apart from removing that (purely visual) animation from the part.

As one final test, i removed just the ModuleDeployableSolarPanel, and sure enough, everything worked fine.

So it seems that it is a combination of a solar panel and a decoupler on a single part that is making it go sideways.

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This is a kind of complex question and I think it may be beyond the usual Module Manager tweak, but I know there are cleverer people than I on this thread so maybe I'm wrong. As you know, Fractal's Magnetometer, besides doing science, reports the magnetic field strength and antimatter flux when activated. I would like to add that functionality to a custom part using a different mesh. I was hoping there was a way to modify the part's config file to add this in but I haven't been successful.

Does anyone know how to add such a functionality to a part?

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I have the symmetry lag issue too. I didn't really consider it a "bug" before others mentioned it. I just figured it was slow loading issue with KSP itself. Most of the stock parts are kind of simple looking while mod parts have more detailed looking models (likely much higher polygon counts) so I figured it was game engine issue.

It's as the others mentioned though do symmetry mod then mouse over where to place it and the game freezes for a second but shortly after that you can move the parts ghost imagine around fine on the ship until you mouse off it and then back on again causing the freeze to happen yet again. I attributed the issue to KSP itself rather then the mod because the same parts that seem to have the symmetry lag issue also cause the game to take longer to load. When I make ships out of stock and other mod parts that don't have the lag issue the ship loads right away when I go to launch pad. But when I add those parts, like radiator panels, the game takes noticeably longer to load the ship on the pad. I never considered it a high propriety as it's still completely playable. The symmetry lag is 2-3 seconds, so while annoying to game breaking. And ship load times is like 10-15 seconds longer than normal.

This talk of bugs though does remind me of one I encountered with the 3.75 Fusion Reactor (Big white one). For some reason the part does not have any clipping with the ground. I flew a reactor with an electric generator up to my Mun base and when I went to land it the part went right through the ground but then stopped at the point where it was connected to the electric generator. So I have the Gen just sitting there on the surface with the radiators while the reactor is "underground". Luckily the ship was designed with landing craft on top so it just decoupled and left it there. Used KAS pipes to connect it to my base for power. ;)

Later I discovered that as the panel's turned to follow the sun though the hit the ground and caused issue, like moving the whole setup around and sometimes causing it to start bouncing. So I had to design a scaffolding with KAS winch to lift it high enough that the radiators didn't hit. Below is a screenshot so you can see what I mean.


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Hi again everybody, The laundry list of problems from interactions between Intersteller, MechJeb, RT2, and AIES rocketry are way to long to recount, but I'm finally collecting data from impacts. I'm seeing something I don't understand and I was wondering if someone could explain what's going on.

Before collecting the data from my fourth impact on Eve I checked that I had 1715 electric charge, zero waste heat, and 50 MJ in the resource bars in the upper right.

My lander has three Microwave beamed power receivers active, (41, 38, & 5MW) a Z-1k and a Z-200 battery as well as two 62.5cm inline radiators)

I collected my data.

After 26% was transmitted I saw these two alt-F2 log entries...

[Log]: RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Impactor Data) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 108 - Files to Go: 0

[Log]: [Research & Development]: +78 data on Impactor Experiment from Eve's surface.. +78.0 Science Added. Subject value is 0.43

and at the end I saw these two:

[Log]: RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Impactor Data) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 0 - Files to Go: 0

[Log]: [Research & Development]: +214.8583 data on Impactor Experiment from Eve's surface.. +92.9 Science Added. Subject value is 0.41

The data was broke into two sections, and even thought the percentage under the little radio dish in the data collection popup said 100%, only got credit for 43% of the first block and 41% of the second.

During the entire process, my EC, waste heat, and MJ did not change.

I saw this happening on previous impact collections as well. I've seen the data broken into blocks as small as 12 packets. The second block in this impact was 108 packets.

What determines how many packets get transmitted at one time for the current "subject value"?

Why is there a "subject value" if the collection popup indicates 100%.

What do I have to do to have the largest number of packets go at the same time so the "subject value" won't drop and I won't loose science points?

(Granted, the difference between .43 & .41 isn't much, but the first couple jumps for the first impact are pretty large)

I understand there's a cap for each body, If I keep raining down impactors will I eventually collect the capped value?

Is the cap on the initial value as reported in WarpPlugin.cfg? (fourth impact listed 292 points available for collection)

Or is the cap on the total points collected (170 points for this impact)

If the cap is on the first, then I'm loosing 60% of my science points.

(That means to get the full value I'll have to keep the data and fly it home.)

Could someone explain what I'm seeing here???

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ok, this is a little weird...

WarpPlugin.cfg reported I had 177 science available for collection from the next impact. It went in two blocks:

[Log]: RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Impactor Data) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 63 - Files to Go: 0

[Log]: [Research & Development]: +52 data on Impactor Experiment from Eve's surface.. +52.0 Science Added. Subject value is 0.39

[Log]: RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Impactor Data) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 0 - Files to Go: 0

[Log]: [Research & Development]: +125.6276 data on Impactor Experiment from Eve's surface.. +49.5 Science Added. Subject value is 0.38

First block 52 out of 52 points???

Second block 49.5 out of 125???

Why did I get full credit for the first block and not the second??? Was I suppose to???

This is inconsistent.

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Regarding symmetry lag, I started up a new sandbox and there was no bug. I'd report on a new career save too, but it'll take me a while to get to the radiators.

Talking of which, their placement didn't make sense to me - in the order of unlocking things, you get solar panels that generate waste heat, but no radiators to dissipate said heat. I just think it's a bit odd that you have have no radiators in the same node as solar panels.

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tmbomber. the way KSPI handles the transmission is a little strange if the transmission gets interrupted for any reason. It does not seem like you get 100% when this happens. However I've only seen what you discribe if I run out of power midway. If I had to take a guess I'd be looking at remote tech as a possible contributor on this one. Is it possible partway through the transmission its rerouting your signal through a different relay node? While you technicly have uninterrupted signal KSP may be interpreting that as ending the first half of the transmission and starting a new one, which KSPI does not like much.

Regarding symmetry lag, I started up a new sandbox and there was no bug. I'd report on a new career save too, but it'll take me a while to get to the radiators.

Talking of which, their placement didn't make sense to me - in the order of unlocking things, you get solar panels that generate waste heat, but no radiators to dissipate said heat. I just think it's a bit odd that you have have no radiators in the same node as solar panels.

you do get the atmospheric radiators in the same node as the deployable solars as I recall. While true if you only have the statics your SOL its also unlikely to become an issue unless you have alot of them on your craft or you sundive. They have a fairly good dissapation and I dont think you'll ever reach max capacity on just a couple of them in kerbin orbit. Deployable ones yes but even a single radial radiator will give you enough heat capacity to go for years if it dosent happen to equalize and heat is only calculated while the craft is the active one it seems. If you sundive before geting any radiators and timewarp while viewing the craft you might overheat it but most people will be more advanced in the tech tree befor trying a close flyby of the sun.

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