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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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  DailyFrankPeter said:
LocalSol, you have the only post I could find about the science lab textures. Have you figured out which texture file is responsible for the interior? I'm trying to exclude it from texture compression, but it seems it's not in the WarpPlugin\Parts\Command\scienceModule folder along with the exterior. Thanks!

I believe it is located in \warpplugin\spaces\sci\.

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  mdapol said:

As an example, I'm using Skyrim as a kind of optimum. You download a mod, install it, and go play. I understand and appreciate the hard work of mod developers and I think that the best way to get your mod being used by a lot of people is to make it easy to use. I also realize we're still in early development, not only of KSP but of mods and I'm sure there will be a lot of changes as time goes by.

Just my opinion.

You've never had to sort incompatibilities or make a bashed patch? Seriously, Skyrim modding ain't easy when you're using a lot of mods or even just two that are incompatible. Kerbal is no different.

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It seems that the 100% power problem only occurs with DC generators. Even with a transmitter connected to a fission reactor with a Solid core generator the power demand is maximum but the net power is very low so the generator doesn't freak out. If a fix has been found can I have instructions as to which file to edit and how?

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  TomatoSoup said:
You've never had to sort incompatibilities or make a bashed patch? Seriously, Skyrim modding ain't easy when you're using a lot of mods or even just two that are incompatible. Kerbal is no different.

No, and I have a lot of mods. :)

As for the Water Resource issue between TAC Life Support and KSPI, I swear there is a mod that merges the two (I think by redefining TAC water to be the same as KSPI water). Don't remember what it's called though.

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  EdisonMaxwell said:
It seems that the 100% power problem only occurs with DC generators. Even with a transmitter connected to a fission reactor with a Solid core generator the power demand is maximum but the net power is very low so the generator doesn't freak out. If a fix has been found can I have instructions as to which file to edit and how?

Yes, there is a bug with direct drive (charged particles) generators. There's a fix coming in the next update according to fractaluk, until then there is no fix without changing the C# code yourself.

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Is it possible to use HotRockets style particles with these engines? Whenever I replace ModuleEngines in an Interstellar engine part with ModuleEnginesFX, they seem to stop working properly.

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Is there anyway to permanently upgrade my parts from science? I see where i can retrofit the computer core and upgrade for 1200 science but it dosent stay, every rocket I launch with it i have to upgrade. Is it like that with all parts or just the core? Also I don't see the upgrade option for any of the other parts, like the radiators, generators, reactors.

Edited by Woodstar
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  Woodstar said:
Is there anyway to permanently upgrade my parts from science? I see where i can retrofit the computer core and upgrade for 1200 science but it dosent stay, every rocket I launch with it i have to upgrade. Is it like that with all parts or just the core? Also I don't see the upgrade option for any of the other parts, like the radiators, generators, reactors.

The AI core and warp drive upgrades are specific, and you must upgrade them each time you create a new ship with those parts if you need the upgrade.

Tech upgrades from the science tree only cost science to upgrade pre-existing parts like generators, radiators and reactors, but it is a one time deal. New parts from the VAB will always include the upgrades for those items.

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  WaveFunctionP said:
The AI core and warp drive upgrades are specific, and you must upgrade them each time you create a new ship with those parts if you need the upgrade.

Tech upgrades from the science tree only cost science to upgrade pre-existing parts like generators, radiators and reactors, but it is a one time deal. New parts from the VAB will always include the upgrades for those items.

So they automatically upgrade? With exception to AI Core and Warp drives. Or is there a right click menu I am not getting? I dont understand how to upgrade the parts in the vab it does not give me a way but shows me the differnt stats if I upgrade.

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  Woodstar said:
So they automatically upgrade? With exception to AI Core and Warp drives. Or is there a right click menu I am not getting? I dont understand how to upgrade the parts in the vab it does not give me a way but shows me the differnt stats if I upgrade.

You don't upgrade things in the VAB, things are either upgraded automatically in the VAB, or they aren't. For example, the Aegletes fission reactor will be a Molten Salt Reactor if you don't have the fusion tech, if you do, it will be a Gas Core Reactor. It just happens when you unlock the tech, you don't need to do anything.

The only times you actually need to do something are 1) if you've already launched a part: parts in space won't magically upgrade themselves when you unlock the tech, you'll have to spend some more science to upgrade them or 2) the part always requires a manual upgrade as is the case for the AI core / alcubierre drive.

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  Woodstar said:
So they automatically upgrade? With exception to AI Core and Warp drives. Or is there a right click menu I am not getting? I dont understand how to upgrade the parts in the vab it does not give me a way but shows me the differnt stats if I upgrade.

The only upgrade that is configurable in the VAB after it is unlocked are generators where you have to choose between KTEC (thermal) or direct conversion (charged particles) generators. The stats you are seeing are referencing upgrades that unlock from certain science tree tech nodes. It is not noted anywhere in game unfortunately as to what node upgrades what. For that information you have to refer to the diagram in the first post of this thread or the wiki. Your confusion is not unwarranted. It simply is not properly communicated to the player in-game.

Your questions/feedback are valuable in helping develop and document the game, so please continue to ask questions if anything is unclear. I understand it can be frustrating, but it's how development goes.

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  mdapol said:

As for the Water Resource issue between TAC Life Support and KSPI, I swear there is a mod that merges the two (I think by redefining TAC water to be the same as KSPI water). Don't remember what it's called though.

I've seen a few posts of MM configs to merge the two. Personaly I didnt bother with that I just tweeked the TAC water purifiers to have an additional module that converted KSPI water into TAC water. I just copied the part that did the wastewater reproccessing and subed in LqdWater for the WasteWater. works for me.

  mandingo-mc said:
I dont know what happen but warpplugin crash my game? Any idea?

Not without a bit more detail on your setup and the nature of the crash. Just "It crashed my game" is about as useful for figuring out what happend as saying "water is wet." Unless you can provide more details all we can suggest is the standard trouble shooting tips. Make sure you installed the mod corectly as stated in the Installation instructions.txt file included in the download. Make sure KSP is not runing out of memory. IF that does not help post agian with more info on mods you have installed and at what point the game crashes.

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  Fractal_UK said:
You don't upgrade things in the VAB, things are either upgraded automatically in the VAB, or they aren't. For example, the Aegletes fission reactor will be a Molten Salt Reactor if you don't have the fusion tech, if you do, it will be a Gas Core Reactor. It just happens when you unlock the tech, you don't need to do anything.

The only times you actually need to do something are 1) if you've already launched a part: parts in space won't magically upgrade themselves when you unlock the tech, you'll have to spend some more science to upgrade them or 2) the part always requires a manual upgrade as is the case for the AI core / alcubierre drive.

Ahh I see, I tried it out looked at the thermal helper and seen I was getting the upgraded rates, thanks to both of you and great mod fractal KSP will never be the same without it.

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  Fractal_UK said:
Stock resources aren't managed in the way that Interstellar resources are so when you're using solar panels, making sure that you have lots of storage capacity is key. If you add a bunch of batteries to your satellite, you'll see the amount of power you can transmit go up.

Thanks for the clue.

Is there some rule of thumb (X EC capacity for Y MW transmission)? Doing it by guesswork now and want to make sure i have a near optimum setup before I start in on the serious power network building. As it is now, the transmitter drains my craft of EC completely when active.

With that in mind, here's version 3 (or is it 4?...) which is pumping 1.381GW at the moment.


Dyson Ring, here I come.

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Nope, those are stock Gigantors. Kinda leery of adding another mod to the mix... getting missing numbers in my navball dV occasionally, think I'm tempting the memory Kraken.

Though I have to check and see if I actually have ATM installed. I cleaned out my mods a couple months ago, and I don't recall if I actually put ATM in or not.

Nope it's in there.

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Further to my previous bugs, I have researched a bit further and it seems other people have also reported similar things since. Just for extra detail/clarity...

On a station with multiple fission reactors and generators I have 3 reactors on shutdown and 1 active. Despite three being offline the transmitter is successfully drawing the full online power from all four, as long as the generator attached to each offline one remains on. If the generator is turned off, that power plant no longer adds to the total. The Power Management display reads a current supply of only 1 reactor yet a power demand of all 4, showing a huge deficit to the net power.

The issue with an inline refinery refusing to reprocess the fuel from some of them while time warping remains.

The issue with a solar-only sun station transmitting all it's Electric Charge and becoming uncontrollable also remains. When the transmitter is triggered it takes a big chunk out the Electric Charge (I have plenty of batteries) then proceeds to use up all the mega-joules before then returning to and using the remainder of the Electric Charge. I know the mod isn't really designed around using just panels so maybe this is 'working as intended'. I guess the ideal behavior would be for it to only draw excess Electric Charge and leave the stored energy alone. Or maybe a toggle on Gigantor panels to choose between getting your energy in Electric Charge or Mega-Joules format?

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It sounds like the transmitters have a variable value wrong, addressing total theoretical power rather than total produced power. Maybe setting the microwave transmitter to have a low priority for demand, so it only transmits energy after all on board needs have been satisfied would be the most effective method to address the issue without regard to power source or having to have significant changes to the mod or other parts.

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Hi guys,

Quick question re: the IR Telescope's Grav-Lens survey, which requires a 550AU orbit:

Given that takes around 67 years to get out there, is the only realistic method of transport the Alcubierre drive?

If it is feasible to do it with other propulsion methods, how many Liquid Helium Cryostat tanks would I need to take to be left with a usable amount after decaying for 67 years? Is there a way I can make the tanks larger, storing more Helium/costing more MJ to power, as that many parts is quite a killer for my framerate...

Has anyone yet done this - how did you do it?

Finally, does anyone know if a 1,000,000x warp mod exists to make that a little easier too?

Thanks for any tips!

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Actually, there is a 1Mx warp mod around... I'll see if I can dig it up... have an hour burn in progress.

Here it is... and it actually has a 10Mx setting as well:

Maximum Warp: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68365-0-23-%28Alpha%29-MaximumWarp-Time-Warp-Modifier?highlight=Maximum+warp

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