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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I have a problem. When I apply the "Mod" the soil from the base stays without texture, without color, all an all black emptiness. I would like to because he saw images of this companion, but not is very well that I should download.
  2. How can i use the plasma trhuster? I never can use, only say (megajulies!!)
  3. I want satellites as a hubble, To search for planets before traveling to them. Research Satellites, Satellites communication. Satellites alarm you of solar storms (twin satellites). ETC ETC. LIKE NASA,
  4. One more question. What is the orde to aim the ship to the pro node? I pulse "node", but the ship turn to pro grade
  5. Any way to change the name of the ship when it is in orbit in remote tech 2?
  6. just awesome. My sincere congratulations
  7. Any way to produce another fuel? Like deuterium of the mod Impossible Innovations v0.2.5.1???
  8. That I can do it myself. I need help to stop the two spacecraft in the same orbit at the same speed. Alongside one another. Always stay 400 meters away and then disappears.
  9. I've fixed.!!!!! Only reinstal Now, where is inmechjeb 2.08, the option orbital operations?
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