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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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  galactictaco said:
do i transfer every .cnfg in the boulderco file to game data or just leave them all as one big file in the gamedata?

Copy both files into Gamedata.


Do you have exotic matter? You need to use electricity (MJ) to generate it using the drive. Change the configs back first.

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  undercoveryankee said:
Known bug. Gets reported on this thread every couple of weeks. It's supposed to credit you for the science when you switch to the vessel, similar to what the lab module does. But for some reason, the telescope doesn't.

Ah kk ty. I thought maybe I had hit a cap or it figured what Iwas doing was a cheat. I originallly put five single tele's up but then I was talking to a friend and wondered what if I put 40 of them on one ship. (even though the design would be r-tarded as there are four chains of 10 and one is pointing into the back of the other. But what the heck I had 100+ days windows to go anywhere so I tossed it up and then warped a bit and realized I was getting no science).

TY for the clarification and sorry I did not scan for similar posts in the thread.

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I have another issue that I know has been brought up. I have a 3.75m fusion reactor breeding tritium and if I forget to service it, it will overflow the int value for amount and it will display NaN/800. Then I have to go into the file and search and replace all NaN's with 800. Then switch back to each ship and move the tritium to the storage canisters before it over flows again.

Is there a way to make a fix in the next version where tritium breeding will automatically turn off when the tanks are full?

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  ctbram said:
I have another issue that I know has been brought up. I have a 3.75m fusion reactor breeding tritium and if I forget to service it, it will overflow the int value for amount and it will display NaN/800. Then I have to go into the file and search and replace all NaN's with 800. Then switch back to each ship and move the tritium to the storage canisters before it over flows again.

Is there a way to make a fix in the next version where tritium breeding will automatically turn off when the tanks are full?

Hopefully Fractal will do something about this. Personally, I'd have any overflow automatically move into any other storage space that isn't full, and if none are available, I'd slow the breeding rate down to match the reactor's consumption rate. Though, if there are technical reasons preventing the breeding rate from matching the consumption rate, I'd likely opt to shut it down when all storage is full.

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  Atrius129 said:
Slackers? Shortcuts? Quite critical of you. Not everybody has a computer that can likes excess parts near the launchpad.

It is pretty funny that you talk about shortcuts taking away from the game when you use a mod that literally plays the game for you. But somehow taking away the mundane task (that runs at 60% real time on my PC because of the parts/KSC) of refueling on the launchpad is being a slacker.

I do really like your idea of slapping receivers on the launch arms though! Also, your posts from a few months ago heavily influenced my late game ship design. I played with a few different setups, but something similar to your warp tug is usually what I end up settling on. You can see it in my post from the previous page; the antimatter tanker.

Yulp, slackers. Just like me. I'm quite the launch slacker. I don't even know how many hundreds or thousands of launches I've done over the past 2 1/2 years. Damn, time flies. So yeah, I'll happily let MJ handly the mundane ones. Smart A.S.S. also comes quite in handy. Basically everything else in MJ I don't trust. Although I do have quite a few custom read-out windows... based on what I'm doing.

Pro-Tip: MJ can't handle landings on AM+Thermal Thusters or any maneuvers with a Plasma Thruster.

I'm glad ya like my last published warp tug design; it's my best to date. My current dilemma is that I can't decide on a fuel station design. I'll eventually get one I like, put it over every planet/moon, and then the next patch will come out with new parts and make me want to change it.

EDIT: Yeah, I see the tanker... but holy hell.. why did you make it so big?! Reason I went with the size I have is because of how efficient it is. The fact that it can take off and land anywhere doesn't hurt either. But I guess if you want a lifter for Eve you'll need something a little bigger. Certainly not something with two of the 3.75m AM reactors/Thermal Rockets. Hell, that's overkill for basically everything. I use a single when I want to launch my several hundred ton Stations/Bases into LKO in one piece. Can't imagine what I'd ever need twin engines for.


For some reason I'm not using receivers on the clamps in this pic, but you can see me filling up with AM.


Edited by NeoAcario
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  NeoAcario said:
Pro-Tip: MJ can't handle landings on AM+Thermal Thusters or any maneuvers with a Plasma Thruster.
Funny, MJ has nearly no issue with these for me... Granted I don't usually use AM powered Thermal Nozzles as I don't have upgraded AM reactors yet. MJ definitely has no issue with most maneuvers using either of these powered by Fusion or Antimatter Initiated Reactors, provided I don't have a tiny power supply for the plasma thrusters...MJ doesn't like low thrust engines. I'm going to assume you're not using too little power given you mentioned AM reactors. I will note that MJ has trouble landing using Thermal Nozzles even with Fusion/AIR power if the TWR is stupidly high. Always a good idea to be able to switch Thermal Nozzles to a low thrust propellant in those situations, or use the Utility section to limit the thrust/acceleration. Even then, I usually use the Translatron for final descent/landing, paired with changes to thrust/acceleration limiting to keep the ship from accelerating too hard and swapping to positive vertical speed...

For plasma thrusters, I limit thrust to ~99% depending on my power source to ensure that the ship and any antimatter tanks or fusion reactors will have enough power at all times. Other than that, as long as the TWR around Kerbin is at least in the first decimal place (0.1-0.9+), MJ can handle any maneuver I plan and place a node for. I also prefer not to mount the plasma thrusters radially so they don't fight over power and potentially have asymmetric thrust.

Edited by Einarr
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I've been playing around with the ISRU functions and the bit about water electrolysis creating more oxygen then hydrogen is turning into a real problem for me. My refinery lander has a bit of a design flaw in how it can't get back into orbit with full tanks, and when turning water into fuel the oxidiser fills up almost immediately and there's room for very little liquid fuel. Is there some way to tell the refinery to dump O2 produced in excess of H2, or maybe to manually dump a portion of my oxidiser similarly to transfering betweeen tanks? I know there's supposed to be a drawback to all this, but this really seems like a function a super advanced interplanetary fuel refinery would have.

Kinda weird that oxygen is an annoying over-abundant material in a game about space travel, huh? :D

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  NeoAcario said:
EDIT: Yeah, I see the tanker... but holy hell.. why did you make it so big?! Reason I went with the size I have is because of how efficient it is. The fact that it can take off and land anywhere doesn't hurt either. But I guess if you want a lifter for Eve you'll need something a little bigger. Certainly not something with two of the 3.75m AM reactors/Thermal Rockets. Hell, that's overkill for basically everything. I use a single when I want to launch my several hundred ton Stations/Bases into LKO in one piece. Can't imagine what I'd ever need twin engines for.


Yeah, I do use the smaller 1.25 "Leela" version, but the ship in the picture is my "Atreides" heavy lifter. It is designed to be overkill; I wanted it to be able to drop a decent payload, and be able to land on any body in the system. Afterwords, I make sure that they all land at KSC and are recovered safely, as I am sure they would be expensive. Using the Resource Recovery mod I even get back all of my unused AM. You should at least give it a try. Running that fuel line every time would drive me nuts! and your input would be valued. Have you at least considered putting a claw on an arm on your rover so you can just latch on to the launch clamps to refuel? That's what I used to do.


Edited by Atrius129
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  Parokki said:
I've been playing around with the ISRU functions and the bit about water electrolysis creating more oxygen then hydrogen is turning into a real problem for me. My refinery lander has a bit of a design flaw in how it can't get back into orbit with full tanks, and when turning water into fuel the oxidiser fills up almost immediately and there's room for very little liquid fuel. Is there some way to tell the refinery to dump O2 produced in excess of H2, or maybe to manually dump a portion of my oxidiser similarly to transfering betweeen tanks? I know there's supposed to be a drawback to all this, but this really seems like a function a super advanced interplanetary fuel refinery would have.

Kinda weird that oxygen is an annoying over-abundant material in a game about space travel, huh? :D

TAC Fuel Balancer or Ship Manifest will solve your problems. Can't find TAC to link it.

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  Atrius129 said:
TAC Fuel Balancer or Ship Manifest will solve your problems. Can't find TAC to link it.

I got Ship Manifest and as nice as it is (I can finally move guys out of the science lab that I blocked with radiators...), I can't find a function for jettisoning stuff. Am I missing something here?

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  Parokki said:
I got Ship Manifest and as nice as it is (I can finally move guys out of the science lab that I blocked with radiators...), I can't find a function for jettisoning stuff. Am I missing something here?

Go into the settings and turn off realism mode to enable resource dumping. New buttons will show up next to the resources you can dump in the main window. Don't know why you'd have issues with running out of space in a tank for liquidfuel as tanks that can store both don't let the two resources overlap. Each has a set amount that can be contained within the tank, and it doesn't matter if the other resources in the tank are full or not. Are you using a mod that deals with fuel, resources, or tanks?

Edited by Einarr
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  Atrius129 said:
Using the Resource Recovery mod I even get back all of my unused AM. You should at least give it a try. Running that fuel line every time would drive me nuts! and your input would be valued. Have you at least considered putting a claw on an arm on your rover so you can just latch on to the launch clamps to refuel? That's what I used to do.

I'm actually taking it easy on KSP right now... I own two outdoor businesses and working 70 hours a week right now and just waiting for the next KSP update with the mission and money system. I'm sure they'll have some kind of resource system built in then. But, of course, we'll probably need a modded version to deal with KSPI fuels.

For now, I'm just taking it easy.


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I did tests with KSP engines, and DT vistas are by far most energy efficient from all engines. Also plasma engines are most fuel efficient, when in quantum vacuum mode.

DT vista has 1100 KN of thrust per 2.5 GW of power (ISP is traded here, as energy consumption is constant) - its 0.44 KN per MW.

Thermal engine: (it consumes thermal power instead of electricity)


ATILLA Engine:


Plasma engine:


DT Vista Engine:


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  EdisonMaxwell said:
What in the world....

How did THAT happen?

If I'm not mistaken, that is a very well timed screenshot of an antimatter explosion. The inline antimatter tanks can explode if there's antimatter in them and they are unpowered long enough to run out of charge. The explosion is generally fairly large and will likely consume the whole ship...and anything nearby that can be destroyed...

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  Einarr said:
If I'm not mistaken, that is a very well timed screenshot of an antimatter explosion. The inline antimatter tanks can explode if there's antimatter in them and they are unpowered long enough to run out of charge. The explosion is generally fairly large and will likely consume the whole ship...and anything nearby that can be destroyed...

Yep, antimatter bomb fun. right now largest observable explosion is about 2.3km radius as the counter is disabled if your active vehicle is out of physics range... if the counter could be set to be independent of physics FixedUpdate... maybe something like the Thorium/Uranium marker spheres, the explosion can be made much larger and be visible from orbit, technically without upper limit.

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  EdisonMaxwell said:
Its not a standard KSP explosion animation but a custom one?

The explosion is part of Interstellar Mod. The explosion code in the antimatter container part, blast radius is determined by the amount of antimatter in the container. largest container holds 270,000 mgs, which turns to blast radius of about 2.6km, just over the physics range. Probably not a coincidence. Haven't figured out the counter part yet.... might be interesting to see if it can be triggered by the self-destruct mod.

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Jeb; "Computer, this is Captain Jebediah N. Kerman, Commanding Officer: Destruct sequence 1, code 1-1 A."

Bill:"Computer, this is Chief Engineer William F. Kerman: Destruct sequence 2, code 1-1 A-2B."

Bob:"Computer, this is Science Officer Robert J. Kerman: Destruct sequence 3, code 1 B-2B-3."

Computer:""Destruct sequence completed and engaged. Awaiting final code for one-minute countdown."

Jeb: "Computer, this is Captain Jebediah N. Kerman, Commanding Officer:"Code zero zero zero. Destruct. Zero."

Posted this just for laughs, this thread brings back memories of star trek TOS marathons; great show for the era, too bad it was cancelled.

O.K. end of post, time to get back on subject.

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  Fractal_UK said:
After the next update...

Hey Fractal - any plans to make Interstellar compatible with ModuleEnginesFX? I created an entire set of new effects for the engines and planned to include them in HotRockets, but after one of the updates all of the engines with KSPI modules became non-functional.

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