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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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  merendel said:
You'd need to tell us what version of KSP and what version of the mod your useing to give you any useful feedback. That said if you are useing any mod that says it is for a specific version of KSP and you dont actualy use it with that version of KSP expect some problems rangeing from minor glitches to Everything Explodes.

Well, I'm running KSP I checked the GameData folder and found all of the code to allow commands to function in-game was missing...

I'm thinking this issue of dysfunction may be the download because everything works perfectly when I play, but some of the source codes are missing and I haven't touched them...

Edited by tetryds
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  ABZB said:
I would reccomend googling for:

C# beginners

or something like that. maybe even grab one of those tutorial books from a library, if you prefer. it's kind of like learning a new human language. try making little programs, get a feel for the language, for example, http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki has lots of tutorials on gameplay that tell you formulas for all kinds of stuff. try writing little programs that calculate that from command-line inputs.

Once you have a feel for the language, the mod sources will start to not look like gibberish....

if you want to just edit that one thing and try to compile, you really just need a program like microsoft visual studio or something

I'm lost. I feel like this should be way easier than it is, because it's written like a text file, and I feel like I should just be able to change the one number from 1100 to 2100. But that's probably because I'm a pleb with programming.

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  Black Science Man said:
I'm lost. I feel like this should be way easier than it is, because it's written like a text file, and I feel like I should just be able to change the one number from 1100 to 2100. But that's probably because I'm a pleb with programming.

you can, but you then need to compile the entire plugin...

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  Black Science Man said:
I'm lost. I feel like this should be way easier than it is, because it's written like a text file, and I feel like I should just be able to change the one number from 1100 to 2100. But that's probably because I'm a pleb with programming.

You can ask WavefunctionP on his KSPi-L page. I know that he had a lot of issues getting the Vista's to scale properly with tweakscale, I think for that exact reason.

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  NeoAcario said:


Not to sound ungrateful but how the hell do you use this "techmanager"??? I installed it and my tree still does not update properly! do I need to remove "treeloader"? Do I need to move a tree.cfg file to someplace? The mod does not come with instructions that I can find that are of any use. Why is it you guys assume that everyone is omnipotent. I do not know how the treeloader stuff works nor do I have any interest in learning. I just want to add mods and have them work properly so I don't have to spend time (like this) figuring out yet another mod.

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  ScienceIzKool said:
Well, I'm running KSP I checked the GameData folder and found all of the code to allow commands to function in-game was missing...

I'm thinking this issue of dysfunction may be the download because everything works perfectly when I play, but some of the source codes are missing and I haven't touched them...

Wow thats an old game. Think KSPI was on version .6 or so back then. I wouldnt expect the .13 version to work out of the box. Useing a current version mod for an older version of KSP tends to break worse than an outdated mod on the current version of KSP, at least thats been my experience. This is made worse by the fact that you need tree loader and module manager that are for those versions which introduces even more failure points for version mismatches. You can try recompiling all the mods against your version of KSP but expect to spend a fair bit of time doing your own debuging. Personally I wouldn't mod a game that out of date unless I also had access to arcived copies of mods from that time period. I think It would be easier to just update and then sit down and edit the savegame to repair whatever breaks.

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  ctbram said:
Not to sound ungrateful but how the hell do you use this "techmanager"??? I installed it and my tree still does not update properly! do I need to remove "treeloader"? Do I need to move a tree.cfg file to someplace? The mod does not come with instructions that I can find that are of any use. Why is it you guys assume that everyone is omnipotent. I do not know how the treeloader stuff works nor do I have any interest in learning. I just want to add mods and have them work properly so I don't have to spend time (like this) figuring out yet another mod.

From the first post in the linked thread for TechManager:

  anonish said:
If you expect this to work with Interstellar, be sure to remove / do not install the TreeLoader mod.

So yes, you will need to remove TreeLoader.

The tree.cfg file from Interstellar (a copy should be present in GameData/WarpPlugin) needs to be added to your save folder, the file path should look like this: [main KSP folder]/saves/[your save name here]/tree.cfg

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  ctbram said:
Not to sound ungrateful but how the hell do you use this "techmanager"??? I installed it and my tree still does not update properly! do I need to remove "treeloader"? Do I need to move a tree.cfg file to someplace? The mod does not come with instructions that I can find that are of any use. Why is it you guys assume that everyone is omnipotent. I do not know how the treeloader stuff works nor do I have any interest in learning. I just want to add mods and have them work properly so I don't have to spend time (like this) figuring out yet another mod.

You remove everything from the no-longer-supported tree loader (includeding the Tree.cfg in your save folder), install TechManager, and copy the Tree.cfg from inside the warp folder into your save folder. Done.


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  ctbram said:
Not to sound ungrateful but how the hell do you use this "techmanager"??? I installed it and my tree still does not update properly! do I need to remove "treeloader"? Do I need to move a tree.cfg file to someplace? The mod does not come with instructions that I can find that are of any use. Why is it you guys assume that everyone is omnipotent. I do not know how the treeloader stuff works nor do I have any interest in learning. I just want to add mods and have them work properly so I don't have to spend time (like this) figuring out yet another mod.

allow me to quote the installation.txt file that comes with the mod:

Copy the TechManager folder into your KSP GameData folder so you end up with something like:


TechManager will not do anything without a tree.cfg file inside your *saved game* directory.


Download the awesome KSP Interstellar mod to get an exmple working tree.cfg.

If you do, be sure to completely remove/do not install the TreeLoader mod.

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  Atrius129 said:
You can ask WavefunctionP on his KSPi-L page. I know that he had a lot of issues getting the Vista's to scale properly with tweakscale, I think for that exact reason.

I had to expose variables to the part files for a lot of the modules to allow real tweakscale support in kspil. Vista had a hardcoded thrust value that it was depending on to function properly. I had to make a new variable from the part module and use it instead of the hardcoded value.

if (throttle > 0) {
double power = consumeFNResource(powerConsumption * TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime, FNResourceManager.FNRESOURCE_MEGAJOULES);
curEngineT.propellants[1].ratio = (float)(standard_deut_rate / throttle / throttle);
curEngineT.propellants[2].ratio = (float)(standard_lith_rate / throttle / throttle);
FloatCurve newISP = new FloatCurve();
newISP.Add(0, (float)(minISP / throttle));
curEngineT.atmosphereCurve = newISP;
if (power >= powerConsumption * TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime) {
curEngineT.maxThrust = vthrust;
} else {
curEngineT.maxThrust = 0.0001f;

vthurst was declared and set in the part file and was used instead of a hardcoded value of 1100 or something.

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So I was testing out my new thermal jet plane, and I noticed that my thrust was imbalanced. I checked my reactors (the 1.5m kiwis) and it said one was running at 78% power. Why is it doing that? How do you control reactor power levels?

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  merendel said:
Wow thats an old game. Think KSPI was on version .6 or so back then. I wouldnt expect the .13 version to work out of the box. Useing a current version mod for an older version of KSP tends to break worse than an outdated mod on the current version of KSP, at least thats been my experience. This is made worse by the fact that you need tree loader and module manager that are for those versions which introduces even more failure points for version mismatches. You can try recompiling all the mods against your version of KSP but expect to spend a fair bit of time doing your own debuging. Personally I wouldn't mod a game that out of date unless I also had access to arcived copies of mods from that time period. I think It would be easier to just update and then sit down and edit the savegame to repair whatever breaks.

Thanks... I'm gonna look for an older version of the mod...

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  Red Dwarf said:
So I was testing out my new thermal jet plane, and I noticed that my thrust was imbalanced. I checked my reactors (the 1.5m kiwis) and it said one was running at 78% power. Why is it doing that? How do you control reactor power levels?

You probably run out of intake air, and one reactor decides to throttle down instead of both. This problem always existed, but caused no problems until reactor core temperature started to change depending on current reactor power. And this causes imbalanced thrust...

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So.. I just realized that all thermal jet/rock nozzles are now worthless with antimatter. 300isp max now? So, <1/2 what it was for 1.25m, a little over 1/4th what it was for the 2.5m, and only 1/6th for the 3.75m. Uhm... ok. There goes all of my fun/best craft.



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  103798 said:
The Treeloader is not working.. I can't upgrade anything.

Tree loader is no longer supported.

  ArcFurnace said:
The TreeLoader plugin included with the current download in the first post is broken in 0.25, and will not add the extra nodes default KSPI requires. It can be replaced with TechManager. For now you can just do this manually, Fractal will update the download in the first post as soon as he gets enough time (along with fixing a few other known issues with the current version).

There is a tree.cfg for TechManager inside the Warp folder.


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  NeoAcario said:
You remove everything from the no-longer-supported tree loader (includeding the Tree.cfg in your save folder), install TechManager, and copy the Tree.cfg from inside the warp folder into your save folder. Done.


Not quite done! I did this, and I had problems with tech purchases disappearing. I think this is because Interstellar's tree.cfg is outdated. When the game loads, the outdated tree.cfg and squad configs try to put the same part in different nodes (e.g. squad configs put the turbojet in supersonic flight, KSPI's tree puts it in high altitude flight, if you buy the tech, its purchase isn't saved in its proper node, and when the game loads again it thinks you never bought the turbojet).

The way I fixed it is I went through the tree.cfg and removed all the stock parts. They don't really need to be there, since their tech node is already defined in the part's .cfg. Issues disappeared.

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  NeoAcario said:
So.. I just realized that all thermal jet/rock nozzles are now worthless with antimatter. 300isp max now? So, <1/2 what it was for 1.25m, a little over 1/4th what it was for the 2.5m, and only 1/6th for the 3.75m. Uhm... ok. There goes all of my fun/best craft.


300 doesn't make sense but 3000 does. 3000s should now be the approximate maximum with antimatter, it does no longer win outright for both thrust and Isp but should prove to be a strong choice for both thrust and flexibility.

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  Fractal_UK said:
300 doesn't make sense but 3000 does. 3000s should now be the approximate maximum with antimatter, it does no longer win outright for both thrust and Isp but should prove to be a strong choice for both thrust and flexibility.

Come on, Fractal... level with me. Is that the reason you did it? Just to make it less of an ultimate technology? After all that Infrastructure and Science investment... you killed AM isp. I can't stop these tears of betrayal. I might have to just use the 10.0 settings. I really don't want to have to redesign all of my best ships. The temps inside the AM reactor are insane! Hence the higher ISP! Or is the argument that the nozzles themselves can't handle those temps during the transfer outside of the magnetically contained reactor cores? How about a new nozzle that can? Make it heavier and more expensive! WHATEVER IT TAKES!!!11



Honestly, Fractal.. with limiting it to 2997.1 ISP.. you really cut flexibility. Now it only makes sense to use LFO or MethalOX with the AM+Thermal combination. No reason to use anything else. You're capped at such a low ISP.

I R Teh Sad

FYI, even with the old settings, many of my vehicles also use Plasma and even the DT Vista. It just depended on the application. I really don't want to be locked into the plasma and vista when I want high ISP.


Yes, I know you want us to use the new magnetic nozzles... but we aren't going to. We aren't going to because you can't generate Tritium in the backround AND you can't decay Tritium into He3 in the backround. We use AM because we CAN farm it in the backround.

We really don't need artificial restrictions placed on tech... we already have prices in place for that.

Edited by NeoAcario
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