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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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  Threadsinger said:
That's a great idea, and I'm taking.

EP launchpads and PRM you say? Not sure if my install can handle all dem mods, but worth a shot...

I deleted all the parts from EP launchpads except for the launchpads, and I edited the rocket-parts-maker module to make them directly from Aluminium. I then added Aluminium to some other moons (aluminum is a relatively common element, although it takes a lot of energy to process from the ore). This way I can just mine Aluminium using the ISRU from here with a similar degree of challenge, and save a lot of parts-in-the-game. the resource manager thing only adds one part, and that part is only necessary to utilize the module on planets other than Kerbin.


I uploaded that MM .cfg to my dropbox. You still have to delete all undesired EP Launchpads parts yourself.


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  ABZB said:
I deleted all the parts from EP launchpads except for the launchpads, and I edited the rocket-parts-maker module to make them directly from Aluminium. I then added Aluminium to some other moons (aluminum is a relatively common element, although it takes a lot of energy to process from the ore). This way I can just mine Aluminium using the ISRU from here with a similar degree of challenge, and save a lot of parts-in-the-game. the resource manager thing only adds one part, and that part is only necessary to utilize the module on planets other than Kerbin.


I uploaded that MM .cfg to my dropbox. You still have to delete all undesired EP Launchpads parts yourself.


Awesome, thank you!

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Any problems with negative-value parts are due to a weirdness in the way KSP deals with resource-containing part costs that Fractal didn't know about when pushing out the previous quick update for 0.25. Basically, you set the part cost in the .cfg file. This defines the total cost of the part in the editor. This includes the cost of full tanks of any resources the part contains- the price set in the .cfg is the absolute maximum price the part will have, ever. This makes it easy to define how much a full fuel tank should cost, but does weird things when you try to define costs for tanks of expensive, gatherable resources that start empty. For, say, an antimatter containment unit, Fractal set a price in the .cfg that would be reasonable for an empty antimatter tank. The game looks at the part, sees that it could contain several thousand units of expensive antimatter but doesn't, and dials in a massive price reduction for "removing" the antimatter from the tank (when it actually starts empty). Given how much a full tank of antimatter is worth, this pushes the "cost" of the part well into the negative millions, which is obviously absurd.

If you want correct prices, what you need to do is: decide how much you want the dry tank to cost (or reactor with internal storage, or whatever), calculate how much a full tank of each individual resource would cost (by multiplying capacity by the price per unit), adding those numbers together, and setting that value as the price in the part.cfg. Fractal should be able to fix this easily whenever he gets the next update out, and in the meantime it should be possible to compile a fix (manually or using ModuleManager to make it easily distributable).

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  NeoAcario said:
Anyone figure out yet how to get these magnetic nozzles to work? I've tried just about everything I can think of... nothing. I can get it to display ISP and what not... but I can't get it to flow any fuel.


You need liquid fuel, reactor producing charged particles with directly attached magnetic nozzle and some power, up to few hundreds of megawatts. You also need to launch it to space, it will not work in atmosphere.

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  Lightwarrior said:
You need liquid fuel, reactor producing charged particles with directly attached magnetic nozzle and some power, up to few hundreds of megawatts. You also need to launch it to space, it will not work in atmosphere.

Doesn't work in atmo... got ya.



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Also i find them to be... totally useless.

Very low thrust and TWR, so low that it is just impossible to use them without wasting hours of real time on burns.

ISP is similar to plasma thruster with LF, but you cannot use beamed power to get usable TWR as you can with plasma thrusters.

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I need some advice on a seismometer issue.

Before landing on Minmus I removed an RCS tank (with KAS) and dropped it so it would impact later than my landing. I landed, started collecting impact data, then switched to the tank to watch its demise.

When it crashed and exploded, I got the message saying that impact data was available from my ship elsewhere on the surface.

I switched back to the ship, and clicked to collect the data. All that happened was the right-click menu of the seismometer expanded for a split-second, as if there was an additional option, before reverting to normal. And no science window opened.

I clicked Stop Recording, then tried to collect the data again, but with the same result. So it seems that the impact data existed, but I could find no way of actually collecting it.

What did I do wrong?


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  ArcFurnace said:
Any problems with negative-value parts are due to a weirdness in the way KSP deals with resource-containing part costs that Fractal didn't know about when pushing out the previous quick update for 0.25. Basically, you set the part cost in the .cfg file. This defines the total cost of the part in the editor. This includes the cost of full tanks of any resources the part contains- the price set in the .cfg is the absolute maximum price the part will have, ever. This makes it easy to define how much a full fuel tank should cost, but does weird things when you try to define costs for tanks of expensive, gatherable resources that start empty. For, say, an antimatter containment unit, Fractal set a price in the .cfg that would be reasonable for an empty antimatter tank. The game looks at the part, sees that it could contain several thousand units of expensive antimatter but doesn't, and dials in a massive price reduction for "removing" the antimatter from the tank (when it actually starts empty). Given how much a full tank of antimatter is worth, this pushes the "cost" of the part well into the negative millions, which is obviously absurd.

If you want correct prices, what you need to do is: decide how much you want the dry tank to cost (or reactor with internal storage, or whatever), calculate how much a full tank of each individual resource would cost (by multiplying capacity by the price per unit), adding those numbers together, and setting that value as the price in the part.cfg. Fractal should be able to fix this easily whenever he gets the next update out, and in the meantime it should be possible to compile a fix (manually or using ModuleManager to make it easily distributable).

Yeah, all that or you can just set AM price to 0.

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  ArcFurnace said:
Any problems with negative-value parts are due to a weirdness in the way KSP deals with resource-containing part costs that Fractal didn't know about when pushing out the previous quick update for 0.25. Basically, you set the part cost in the .cfg file. This defines the total cost of the part in the editor. This includes the cost of full tanks of any resources the part contains- the price set in the .cfg is the absolute maximum price the part will have, ever. This makes it easy to define how much a full fuel tank should cost, but does weird things when you try to define costs for tanks of expensive, gatherable resources that start empty. For, say, an antimatter containment unit, Fractal set a price in the .cfg that would be reasonable for an empty antimatter tank. The game looks at the part, sees that it could contain several thousand units of expensive antimatter but doesn't, and dials in a massive price reduction for "removing" the antimatter from the tank (when it actually starts empty). Given how much a full tank of antimatter is worth, this pushes the "cost" of the part well into the negative millions, which is obviously absurd.

If you want correct prices, what you need to do is: decide how much you want the dry tank to cost (or reactor with internal storage, or whatever), calculate how much a full tank of each individual resource would cost (by multiplying capacity by the price per unit), adding those numbers together, and setting that value as the price in the part.cfg. Fractal should be able to fix this easily whenever he gets the next update out, and in the meantime it should be possible to compile a fix (manually or using ModuleManager to make it easily distributable).

Yep, currently just launch a vehicle with a huge, empty D/T tank and your space program will never have money problems again :)

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  teepee2345 said:
costing negative millions you would not need to do contracts once you unlock the tanks. it is a sneaky way to get money >:D

If you want money that badly and don't want to work for it.. just edit your quicksave file. Only takes 10 seconds. Then hold F9 and BLAMO! All the credits you want... cheater.


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  Oafman said:
I need some advice on a seismometer issue.

Before landing on Minmus I removed an RCS tank (with KAS) and dropped it so it would impact later than my landing. I landed, started collecting impact data, then switched to the tank to watch its demise.

When it crashed and exploded, I got the message saying that impact data was available from my ship elsewhere on the surface.

I switched back to the ship, and clicked to collect the data. All that happened was the right-click menu of the seismometer expanded for a split-second, as if there was an additional option, before reverting to normal. And no science window opened.

I clicked Stop Recording, then tried to collect the data again, but with the same result. So it seems that the impact data existed, but I could find no way of actually collecting it.

What did I do wrong?


The only unusual thing about what you did is using KAS to separate the impactor from the ship that would record. The flickering right-click menu indicates that something threw an exception trying to determine the state of those controls. Need a player log to figure out whether it's something in your install or an actual bug in the code. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229-How-To-Get-Support-%28READ-FIRST%29 explains where to find the player log on each supported OS.

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  Event Horizon said:
So the warp drive keeps you at the speed you were going even when you turn it off? Or does it set you to some arbitrary speed? Either way, I'm glad you made a point to balance this.

Nope, I remember from my astrophysics class in college about 2 years ago that the Alcubierre Drive, after a single jump, will revert you to your previous velocity, and your orbit around a celestial body will be retrograde.

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  FirstSecondThird said:
Nope, I remember from my astrophysics class in college about 2 years ago that the Alcubierre Drive, after a single jump, will revert you to your previous velocity, and your orbit around a celestial body will be retrograde.

This of course, I only remember vaguely, as this was so long ago, but I am taking the same course again in the same college because I want to get my second degree in Astrophysics.

(And I call the so-called Warp Drive the Alcubierre drive because of the country I live in, this is what how they say "Warp Drive", and that was what they named the Warp Drive in college)

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  FirstSecondThird said:
Nope, I remember from my astrophysics class in college about 2 years ago that the Alcubierre Drive, after a single jump, will revert you to your previous velocity, and your orbit around a celestial body will be retrograde.

Be careful though - if you quicksave while the drive is active, and then load that quicksave, the alcubierre drive will be off, but your velocity will be the 'velocity' that you had [on the navball] while the drive was active. Unless you cheat, you are then stuck

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For those of you wanting rectified tank costs, copy this into a cfg file somewhere in your Gamedata folder:

cost = 48113200

cost = 385577600

cost = 1301249400

You need ModuleManager for this to work. Also note I haven't tested this in the least; it's just an extrapolation of the solution already given in this thread.

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  FirstSecondThird said:
Nope, I remember from my astrophysics class in college about 2 years ago that the Alcubierre Drive, after a single jump, will revert you to your previous velocity, and your orbit around a celestial body will be retrograde.

If my understanding is correct, your velocity through space-time does not change, and the drive simply manipulates a bubble of space-time to form a wave, which you can ride on at FTL speeds; as, theoretically, space-time is not bound by relativity. As a result, when the bubble collapses, after you deactivate the drive, you maintain the same velocity through space-time as when you started; in its most basic form, its the futurama reference again: "The engines don't move the ship at all. The ship stays where it is and the engines move the universe around it"

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You know... with the variable thrust plate from the procedural fairings mod... you can make some pretty ridiculous launch vehicles AND stations... if you don't mind cylindrical.

Here's my 1200t at launch Jool Atmo station. See all those chutes? I gotta get the launch stage safely recovered. Don't want to throw away a 1.2m launcher!



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  NeoAcario said:
You know... with the variable thrust plate from the procedural fairings mod... you can make some pretty ridiculous launch vehicles AND stations... if you don't mind cylindrical.

Here's my 1200t at launch Jool Atmo station. See all those chutes? I gotta get the launch stage safely recovered. Don't want to throw away a 1.2m launcher!



Not bad. I am starting to think we need a better option for large-scale antimatter collection than stacks of normal-sized collectors; collector towers multiply part counts and bear an awkward resemblance to airhogging.

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  undercoveryankee said:
Not bad. I am starting to think we need a better option for large-scale antimatter collection than stacks of normal-sized collectors; collector towers multiply part counts and bear an awkward resemblance to airhogging.

Those aren't normal-sized collectors. That's a welded group of 14 AM collectors... 10 of them in a ring around a welded core of 15 3.75m AM cans.

That's right, 140 AM collectors and 4.1m storage, plus 30 struts and other goodies for only 67 parts.

...which is now in orbit of Jool at 9,000,000m



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Do the radiators only glow at a certain temperature? I've had them over 1000 K while still sitting dull on my vessel. I thought it might have had something to do with ATM, but editing an exception into the config did nothing.

Also, the Large Argon Tank uses the xenon model and scale, but seems to think that it's a 2.5m part, leading to some untenable construction. Again, editing the part file, even completely replacing it with a tweaked xenon tank, didn't change a thing.

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  undercoveryankee said:
Not bad. I am starting to think we need a better option for large-scale antimatter collection than stacks of normal-sized collectors; collector towers multiply part counts and bear an awkward resemblance to airhogging.

On the other hand, by antimatter collection increased surface area/volume makes physical sense... In any case - maybe Fractal could do something like USI does with the orbital atmosphere skimmer from the Karbonite mod - or for that matter, what wavefunction did in his KSPILite build - implement a node in the part.cfg that modifies intake rate so that larger AM collectors have higher collection rates (and then tweakscalable in the bargain) - a deployable collector similar to the the Karbonite+ gigantic scoop thingy would be nice too.

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  ABZB said:
On the other hand, by antimatter collection increased surface area/volume makes physical sense... In any case - maybe Fractal could do something like USI does with the orbital atmosphere skimmer from the Karbonite mod - or for that matter, what wavefunction did in his KSPILite build - implement a node in the part.cfg that modifies intake rate so that larger AM collectors have higher collection rates (and then tweakscalable in the bargain) - a deployable collector similar to the the Karbonite+ gigantic scoop thingy would be nice too.

Just stick a station like mine around Jool... you get a million units per month.... or however much it was. All I know is that it's more than I need.


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  NeoAcario said:
Just stick a station like mine around Jool... you get a million units per month.... or however much it was. All I know is that it's more than I need.


I only looked in the welding thread and saw your solution after I made that post. [Although, not to make offense, that is more of a clever workaround than a general/permanent 'elegant' solution.]

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  ABZB said:
I only looked in the welding thread and saw your solution after I made that post. [Although, not to make offense, that is more of a clever workaround than a general/permanent 'elegant' solution.]

I'm not a modder / coder... I don't try to make permanent or elegant solutions. I do what I need to do to make my creations work and not 'cheat' doing it.


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