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Kerbal Activities

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Hi guys, I think it would be amazing if we can have 'Kerbal Activities' so that the characters can run around doing activities while not in direct control of the player.

The idea of this is to 'level up' Kerbals, and you can then 'bank' their experience when (or if...) you return them to Kerbin.

In-orbit activities could be:

- zero G experiments

- operating space telescopes

- zero G exercises

Extraterrestrial activities:

- mining

- alien archaeology

- digging fossils

Each activity might require X number of equipment in a docked station, or require a specific number of characters to do.

It would probably work best as part of some sort of career mode, so that it encourages the player to take Kerbies out, do all sorts of adventuring, then returning them to Kerbin to unlock resources. It would also get players more attached to the individual astronauts.

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  • 2 months later...

I think one small and "possibly" easy thing to add would be to Science Transfer?

For instance, I just had a ship (without docking port) on a return journey from the mun and I ran out of fuel - So I sent a rescue ship to bring Bill back .. as soon as I had EVA'd across to the rescue ship, I remembered the science and wondered if I could get it.. I EVA's back but unfortunately not - I was only able to STORE.. not retrieve, shame really..

If only I could have transferred them across via EVA.. I would have gotten more science points.

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  • 5 months later...

before someone gasps "AHH NECRO" this thread is still entirely relevant, and hasnt ran its course yet.

More EVA activities would be wonderful. i think that there should be another science module, similar to the sci lab jr, that requires eva to do the experiment. it should be repeatable (in orbit, landed on a surface, no lab reset needed.) this would increase the use for eva to slightly more than the "land-report-surface sample-flag-liftoff". id like to have reason to stay on duna more than 2 minutes. probes of course could not use that experiment.

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I approve of all of the ideas except for one, specifically, which is

  Redbeef88 said:

- alien archaeology

- digging fossils

The aliens are simply not going to happen, as SQUAD has repeatedly said that they will not be adding aliens. For the fossils, I'm hoping that you mean Kerbin!

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  Maximus97 said:
I approve of all of the ideas except for one, specifically, which is

The aliens are simply not going to happen, as SQUAD has repeatedly said that they will not be adding aliens. For the fossils, I'm hoping that you mean Kerbin!

There's already a dead Kraken. I think that's pretty in line with what he's suggesting.

I think what Squad meant when they said no aliens was more like living aliens that you interact with.

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  Twreed87 said:
There's already a dead Kraken. I think that's pretty in line with what he's suggesting.

I think what Squad meant when they said no aliens was more like living aliens that you interact with.

The Kraken is an inside joke, not a canon game element. When Squad said no aliens, I'm pretty sure they meant no aliens.

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  Javster said:
Good idea. EVA is useless right now.

I have to disagree. Eva allows you to take experiments out of parts and store them in the command capsule as well as fix landing gear or wheels and deploy panels on probes that run out of power.

  Maximus97 said:
I approve of all of the ideas except for one, specifically, which is

The aliens are simply not going to happen, as SQUAD has repeatedly said that they will not be adding aliens. For the fossils, I'm hoping that you mean Kerbin!

They've never actually been clear if alien meant "any extraterrestrial life" or "little green men", well other little green men.

I cant thing of a reason not to add it given that it would only take a line in the science report fluff

as for alien architecture, it's already implemented.

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  That guy who builds stuff said:
I have to disagree. Eva allows you to take experiments out of parts and store them in the command capsule as well as fix landing gear or wheels and deploy panels on probes that run out of power.

They've never actually been clear if alien meant "any extraterrestrial life" or "little green men", well other little green men.

I cant thing of a reason not to add it given that it would only take a line in the science report fluff

as for alien architecture, it's already implemented.

What SQUAD meant by 'no aliens' was no little green men (besides kerbals) no space invaders or the like. But that doesn't rule out the possibility of implementing extraterrestrial life in a future version. Likely, we may have bacterial life on Laythe and possibly Vall (if theres an underground ocean). So i'd say that simple life will be enough for extraterrestrial life, at least until we actually find an entire ecosystem in Europa's underground oceans similar Europa Report, but by that time we would probably already have an entire Kerbal galaxy...and computers 20 times the capacity of a human brain

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  That guy who builds stuff said:
I have to disagree. Eva allows you to take experiments out of parts and store them in the command capsule as well as fix landing gear or wheels and deploy panels on probes that run out of power.

I wrote that in August. Before the science system.

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