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Poor kerbals need help :(

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I'm suggesting Kerbal damage system, medical system and more face animations (like tears). Why ? Because everybody killing poor kerbals and leaving them on far planets ;.; For example: Now, if you will leave the kerbal on mun you will probably say: "Phew, who cares about that little green idiot ? There is so much of them!!" But with my idea you will never left that kerbal. If he will be wounded, he will start crying and he will need medical help. It will be really useful in carrer mode, because decision to left kerbal on mun will decrease your reputation and volunteers to join your Space Program. You will also be sad, because that little kerbal must die on faar planet. :( I am suggesting 1 minute of silent for that Kerbals who died :(;.;

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Kerbals are totally still needed on missions. Driving a rover around is fun, but it's more fun when you see a kerbonaut's silly grin as he plows over rough terrain. Or even just bouncing around on the surface of a low-gravity body, like Mun or something. It's just more fun with a kerbonaut.

Also, I think kerbonauts are going to matter at least somewhat in career mode. I don't know any specifics(like pretty much all of us here) but I think we might have a PR mechanic of some sort. Maybe with a handful of successful kerbals, we can get more funding. Or maybe it'll be more simplistic, like...if you kill a lot of kerbonauts, that just means you have to pay for more over and over, taking funding away from other things(like research and development).

Even without PR or the funding problem, you probably won't be able to complete some missions if you leave kerbonauts behind or if they get killed during the mission. Or maybe your payout will be reduced per casualty or something like that.

I don't know, they've probably got something awesome percolating up in their minds, we'll just have to wait another month or two to see what it is.

Edited by Beeman
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I need kerbonauts (who will drive crazy rovers, plant flags, swim, fly along great river e t.c.) but i always try to bring 'em home. And if mission itself - one way, I'm always build rescue mission. So my poor brave green men almost always return home.

I think rescue - challenge itself :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

As a part of the physical aspects of kerbals there should be a random encounter ,or it could be joined with the stupidity factor, that during launch or upon achieving orbit the kerbal on board vomits. The animation adds a comedic value that the emotion faces already show. It could be something like a greenish splat on the visor of their helmet and gets cleared after a short while. This animation could also be used with space planes when they go spinning wildly. I'd never thought about this idea until my girlfriend asked me if they did vomit while she laughed at the faces they were making during the launch.

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  • 1 month later...

been spending all my time since before 0.21 was released trying to get some kerbals back from Duna...

The rescue mission has so far left several more of them stranded there though...

Maybe in 0.22 I'll send a colonisation mission instead, lol.

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an official life support system should definitely be in the final game, as well as penalties for harming Kerbals in career mode. I also like the idea of a new stat for Kerbals: sanity. Send a single Kerbal in a tiny capsule to the Mun and leave him there for a while? His sanity will decrease and any scientific experiments he does will yield less scientific progress due to errors and inefficiency. At some point of low sanity your Kerbal might be uncontrollable for short times and do crazy things. If he has 0 sanity he will be completely uncontrollable and you have to catch him with other Kerbals and send him into therapy (costs money and Kerbal is unavailable). Of course the Sanity stat is nothing I would consider a priority or must have. Just an idea I had that might be a cool addition after V1.0.

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