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Store Opening E-mail (Login Info)


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I have pre-ordered Kerbal Space Program in the past, yet I still have not gotten the email containing the revised information for getting updates. Can someone please help me, since I already paid $7 for it? I know you have been having teething problems with the system you set up, so hopefully it will all get resolved soon.

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  aLeXmOrA said:

Did you check your dad\'s email? Cause you PM that the email registered in the preorder system is your dad\'s one.

I\'m pretty sure there it is. If not, let me know.


Yup, got him to check his email for the password I needed to change the email the store thinks I have.

It\'s not there.

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Can someone please help me? I still haven\'t gotten my revised password and details, even though I\'ve already paid the $7 Pre-order fee for the software. I\'ve been checking my emails, and there are no recent ones from your end. So if someone at your side can help me get the password and details, I would greatly appreciate it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  CLDavi said:

>:( I still haven\'t gotten my email confirming my new password, even though I have paid for the product before. Can you please look into it?

Sorry about that! You can now check your inbox! I also sent you a PM


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

i was gifted a pre-order though my log in but not my account so how dose that work, and will gift copies be part of the future as this game rocks and should be added to steam, if they aren\'t going to cut off your working with your fans directly on tech-support.

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