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Camera Unlock from Center of Mass

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Currently, the camera always points to the vehicle's Center of Mass. The control keys, and holding the right mouse button, cause the view to rotate about that point.

I suggest that the player be able to unlock from the CoM. The control keys would then translate and rotate the viewport free from the vessel, even to the point where the vessel is out of frame.

The player could then freely move about space and the planet. It would provide some real nice fly-by video footage.

If this functionality already exists, then I don't know how to access it.

Edited by Apollo13
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You can do a basic version of this by holding down the middle mouse button and moving your mouse. It still follows the spaceship though.

Thanks. I know the right button works that way. However, given that still rotates about the CoM, then it is not a basic functionality.

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Read what he said again.

To rephrase my suggestion, I want to move the camera to a fixed position in space (x,y,z,roll,pich,yaw)(initial placement of the camera may be locked to a vehicle; then I want to unlock that relationship), so that I can then move the camera about freely without the vehicle constraint. Scorpi15's post does not satisfy that requirement.

Edited by Apollo13
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I have only been playing KSP for almost 3 days now. I already have a 14 module space station in orbit. Its KILLING me that the camera stays centered on CM.

What is the point of being able to put all these kewl little parts that you can toggle to actually DO things, with a mouse right-click, when you cant get to, or access them because they are outside the camera field of view....

ABSOLUTELY frustrating to spend several hours building these modules in the VAB, and getting all the pieces to fit completely symetrical, when there is absolutely no point to it once they are in orbit...Might as well just throw a bunch of the larger modules together with some docking rings, throw on a few large solar panels and call it a day...

Even if the developers decide NOT to completely release the camera from objects, AT LEAST unlock the pivot point on at LEAST one axis...Like on the longest axis based on center of mass, or something...??..Just PLEASE, at least add in movement like what it is in the VAB when you can go ceiling to floor, not just around and oblique...

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As I said, you can move the camera around by holding down the middle mouse button/scrollwheel and moving your mouse. It allows the camera to pivot around a new center, but is still locked so when the ship moves the camera does. Double MMB to reset camera.

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Uhhh...Sorry...Maybe there should be at least some basic gameplay instructions (like a document or .pdf), that could actually come with the game?...I realise there are the in-game tutorials, and under Options there is a list of Controls, but neither of these work well when you are in the middle of actually PLAYING the game....At least with a concise .pdf or something, you could have that open in another window and switch back and forth as needed.

And I apologize if there ALREADY is some sort of detailed instructions out there, all in one place, but a new player shouldnt have too search the KSP Forums or Youtube for it...

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  • 4 months later...
As I said, you can move the camera around by holding down the middle mouse button/scrollwheel and moving your mouse. It allows the camera to pivot around a new center, but is still locked so when the ship moves the camera does. Double MMB to reset camera.
And thanx for the reply Scorpi....I saw your original post, but didnt understand it, till after I posted and actually tried it in-game. ;)


The camera is still locked to the COM, MMB dragging just tilts the camera around its own pivot point (which has limited degrees of motion). It would be nice to have the camera be completely unlocked from the ship.

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I second this. Having played another sim game (which will go unnamed for fear of ridicule :-)), I find it frustrating that the camera is locked to the CoM. I'd like a true free moving camera. In the VBA and SPA it would make construction much easier being able to zoom in/rotate around a specific component, rather than having to struggle to move the camera at a peculiar angle in order to see. At least there should be a keyboard shortcut to unlock/free the camera.

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