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I would love to re-discover this game


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Hi people,

I was just thinking to myself and i thought...I wish that i could discover this game all over again. Countless times i have really wanted to play this game, because i know its just soo good. I load it up get into the VAB and then just be like. Hmmm aww i cant be bothered :( The thing is, i really want to be bothered and i want to enjoy the game as much as i did when i first started. Especially when i look at people who are just starting out and how bad there designs are and when they crash. i liked that feeling when i didn't know what to do and failed...happily rather than miserably. Dont get me wrong i still really enjoy the game, just not like i did before. Its like wanting to be a kid all over again.


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That's a problem with sandbox games - sometimes, you get to the point where you don't feel like making your own goals any more.

When that happens, it helps to have some externally-provided goals to achieve.

I recommend trying some of the campaigns from the wiki: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Campaigns

or the historical missions: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorials

Start from scratch and do it historically - make a little Mercury-like rocket from stock and launch it straight up. Start emulating the mission goals of the Mercury program, then Gemini and Apollo... that's one possibility.

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  DaRocketCat said:
Just like I feel with Minecraft now.

It was simply amazing when I first touched it years ago, but now I haven't played in months.

It's been over a year with me. Once I finished my fortress, and I was invincible and had everything I needed to survive inside the walls... yeah, I was done.

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  HeadHunter67 said:
That's a problem with sandbox games - sometimes, you get to the point where you don't feel like making your own goals any more.

When that happens, it helps to have some externally-provided goals to achieve.

I recommend trying some of the campaigns from the wiki: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Campaigns

or the historical missions: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorials

Start from scratch and do it historically - make a little Mercury-like rocket from stock and launch it straight up. Start emulating the mission goals of the Mercury program, then Gemini and Apollo... that's one possibility.

I was practically forced to do some Mercury-style missions recently. I installed Deadly Re-Entry, FAR, IonCross Crew Support, and RemoteTech, all in the same day. Not only did it completely change the game, but missions like 'Mercury' were necessary just to figure out how to get my Kerbals home without killing them.

Having the issue now, however, that with the announcement of RemoteTech 2 coming out, my program has been put on hold because I find launching my initial comsat array boring as hell, and I just don't want to do it any more times than I have to.

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  DaRocketCat said:
Just like I feel with Minecraft now.

It was simply amazing when I first touched it years ago, but now I haven't played in months.

Basically, I discovered I was mining just to accumulate more resources, but doing very little with them. I'd already built all the grand stuff I had in mind in previous versions - and lost it over the successive upgrades. Didn't want to do it all again.

  espm400 said:
I was practically forced to do some Mercury-style missions recently. I installed Deadly Re-Entry, FAR, IonCross Crew Support, and RemoteTech, all in the same day. Not only did it completely change the game, but missions like 'Mercury' were necessary just to figure out how to get my Kerbals home without killing them.

Oooh, that sounds like fun, actually! I'm not sure how RemoteTech ties in with it but I can see how the others would make even early space travel really risky. I may have to try a build like that!

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  espm400 said:
I was practically forced to do some Mercury-style missions recently. I installed Deadly Re-Entry, FAR, IonCross Crew Support, and RemoteTech, all in the same day. Not only did it completely change the game, but missions like 'Mercury' were necessary just to figure out how to get my Kerbals home without killing them.

Having the issue now, however, that with the announcement of RemoteTech 2 coming out, my program has been put on hold because I find launching my initial comsat array boring as hell, and I just don't want to do it any more times than I have to.

That was my problem. I tried starting over on a new save, tried going stock on only. But it was always the same. 1st launch Jeb becomes first kerbal in space. 2nd launch Bill becomes first Kerbal to walk on the Mun.... In the end I came up with my own way to keep myself interested.

Worked out my own version of career mode. I get to run my space program as I see fit, but gave myself annual budget constraints nickle and diming myself in every way I could think of. Hell I even charge myself for fuel on top of the cost of the tanks... and pay my kerbals!

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I start all over again with each new update, and I initially was building a Munbase. However, I encountered some bugs and it was getting quite tedious, so I instead decided to launch tons of missions to all the different planets. I've installed Kerbal Alarm Clock and whenever a transfer window opens up, I launch a mission to the desired planet. Right now I have missions to Eeloo, Jool's moons, and Moho in progress, as those three windows opened up in quick succession.

Point is, try doing something that you know is fun, rather than plodding along 'just because'. For example, if you find launching rockets tedious and boring, try planes and attempt to reach Kerbin's poles, use one to deliver a rover up a mountain, or even just search for Easter Eggs.

What you can do with the game is only limited to your imagination!

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  HeadHunter67 said:

Oooh, that sounds like fun, actually! I'm not sure how RemoteTech ties in with it but I can see how the others would make even early space travel really risky. I may have to try a build like that!

Since the vast majority of my flights are unmanned (un-Kerbaled...), using RemoteTech means that all of my exploratory probes and such require a working relay system. As I said earlier though, the initial setup in the Kerbin system can be a bit tedious since I toss the same four micro sats into LKO and the same six large satellites into KSO, along with one on each side of the Mun in an identical orbit.

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When I start a save, I tend to go try and do "natural progression." I start off with unkerballed flights at on a sub-orbital course, and then once my unmanned ships get to orbit, I send 1-kerbal ships up there. Then I evolve to 3-kerbal capsule and set my sights on the Mun. Then I send my ships into the GREAT UNKNOWN by getting a ship with enough Delta-V to escape Kerbol's orbit and leave the solar system.

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I felt the same way with Minecraft. It was so much fun when I first started, and now I can barely be bothered. There was one time where I decided to shake things up and generate a world that was entirely desert. It actually forced me to come up with creative ways to gather items because there were no caverns in the entire world, no trees in the overworld, not even cows, chickens, or pigs spawned. It made the villages absolutely essential for wood, water, lava (for nether portals), regular dirt, and food. Anything I couldn't get naturally, I had to trade for. It got me back into the game for a while. Try coming up with something like that for your KSP game.

Edited by AlternNocturn
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  swiftgates24 said:
I feel the same way...I really want to play it, I load it, then I think...I have nothing to do. And I don't want to do anything else. I liked learning how to get to orbit. Land on the Mun. Now it just isn't the same.

yep, you got it.

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I find that I need to do self-imposed challenges to keep things interesting. Like doing everything in my power to save my kerbals if they're in danger or stranded someplace has led to a great deal of my more entertaining adventures.

Like on my recent Duna mission, my lander ran out of fuel on the way back into space and was doomed to crash back down 3 minutes later. But I couldn't just let Bob doe like that. So at the height of his parabola i had him jump from the lander and achieve orbit with his EVA pack. Then the transfer ship rendezvoused with him in orbit and they all went safely back to Kerbin.

Edited by FenrirWolf
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If you're having trouble trying to come up with things to do, you could always check out the 'Mission Controller' plugin. It's basically a self-contained career mode that incorporates money into your designs. It gives you missions to fly (starts off with small unmanned probes and gradually gets harder). What i like about it, is that it forces me to reconsider most of my designs because i wouldn't have the money to build things the way i normally do. I almost never used SRB's in my designs until i started with MC. Now i'm addicted to them because they are so cheap compared to liquid boosters..haha.


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I loved Mission Controller in .20. But I couldn't get it to work in .21, even with the fix. :(

But it's a good point - sometimes all you need to do to make the game fresh, is to change the kind of game it is. I've never played with FAR or Deadly Reentry or IonCross (to be fair, I've only been playing for a few weeks anyhow). But if the game was getting stale to me, trying those three together would certainly make it different and more challenging.

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Tell me about it. I've recently found resupply missions more and more boring now adays. So with the new 0.21 update I basically started from scratch, and found assembling space stations, tugging payloads to the moons and preparing for a kerballed trip to Duna much more exciting. I've even had to augment KSP with Starcraft to keep from over playing it.

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