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Your Flag Plaque Texts


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  • 11 months later...

I always plant a flag at the base of the launch pad on the first flight of every new save, so I can see where KSC is in map view when planning landings. It invariably reads:

"Home, Sweet Home" - Motley Crue

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My first .24 career mode munar landing got a flag called Jebs Landing. Unfortunately the landing strut hit a little hard so the engine blew up and left the lander on its side. Since then Jeb has planted more and more flags, including Jebs Pissing Spot and Jebs Contemplation Place. After flag number 5 I gave up on plaque text altogether.

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Some of my favorites






This last one though that I placed last week kinda tops it all off and since then I haven't found it in me to really come up with anything since for some reason, give me time though.


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My last rather important one to my save:

Land! Sweet Land!

The crew of Skyrider One have returned to the KSC, landing lightly on the runway after a six hour flight. Where did they go? Around Kerbin, of course.

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