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[WIP] Compact Rocketry v0.1.1


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Good to see you're having fun with modelling Naten :)

As for the ram jet, not bad! Same goes for the nosecone. About the 40k thing, I *might have surpassed that limit with a certain quad nozzle engine.

Any who, about tweaking parts, I might not be able to pump out new parts anymore, at least, not quickly. School has finally started, meaning my free time is almost non-existent now, except for on weekends. I can make small twenty minute tweaks, if you want, but making something big like the quad nozzle engine takes hours. That engine took me five hours to create, for example :D

This doesn't mean i'm dead to the forums though, so if you still want help with anything, I can still probably help you out :)

Heck, if you want, I can probably make a video to show how I model parts.

*The quad core engine has 54k polys :cool:

Edited by Mr.Desmond Tiny
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*The quad core engine has 54k polys :cool:

When life gives you polygons, don't make polygonade. Never give up. GET MAD! MAKE LIFE TAKE THE POLYGONS BACK!

We should've been working on triangulating our models 30 years ago...


Heck yeah, we can use lots of polygons. See if you got the reference. :wink:

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I may be tweaking the shape of the intake. I hope to make the belly sorta fold into a flat plane onto the intake, as it looks not too great so far.

Also, after a while, I tried UV mapping it. I forgot that I'm not done with it, though. So, I keep ending up with a totally black texture that is getting annoying. How do you propose I remove this offending texture?

EDIT: The new texture was fixed, somehow. I think I reset the UV maps and unwrapped it to the blank placeholder texture. :)

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Here's the new intake.


It was quite hard to make, as for some reason, there were like 3 edges in one "edge," as I had to scale it down snapped to the Y (green) axis to make it straight. Then, as it was scaled down to 0, it scaled the edges into each other.

EDIT: Please tell me what you think. It's going to get uploaded to Sketchfab soon. :)

EDIT EDIT: Here it is, on Sketchfab! :D

Direct link:

Click here if you can not see the model above when clicked.

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Happy Labor Day (if you're in the US)! Oh, wait, do they have labor day elsewhere? :P

I hope that you guys have no school today, as I have to start school tomorrow, so I'd like to get some work in! We're doing something seeeeeeeecret. Sssshhh... :D

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After a good life of being responded to, Compact Rocketry's thread has been pronounced dead today just recently. We talk to one of his family members, the Snack Launch System development thread, who was just recently made, and is not responded to much, either. "We're born with this problem," he told us. "It's a killer disease among us threads, and lots of us die from it. Well, you know, it's normal..." A few minutes ago after they were called to the scene, the paramedics' autopsy showed that the thread's death was caused by its owner's neglect, who we will not name here today, to keep that person's privacy state intact. The owner did not change anything the thread showcased, slowly decaying the attention of the thread, lowering it to 2 times under the required weekly dose of 2 non-owner replies. This is anchor Munbin Kerman reporting from the scene. And now, we take you to Obbal on the scene of a spent rocket booster that tragically crashed into the snack repository. This has truly been a disaster.

Enough with this nonsense. :sticktongue:

I'm going to keep working on a new SAS model, and a new decoupler model.

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  • 1 month later...
Any news from you guys?

School. 'Nuff said. But I can fit in some time here. :)

Anyways, I've been working on some side projects. I hope the others are revived soon. :D

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School. 'Nuff said. But I can fit in some time here. :)

Anyways, I've been working on some side projects. I hope the others are revived soon. :D

I'll go out on a limb here and say school is more important than KSP. But I do hope that when you get some free time you can do some more on the compact rockets :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

EDIT: OH, YEAH, IT'S TIME IT'S TIME IT'S TIME IT'S TIME. Releasing the mod. Any objections?

Oh, hello, Mr. Tiny. :D

I'm getting Blender at better. (huge teethy derp smile) HAR HAR HAR


I like--no, I love cats. So this was fun for me. I actually have 4 cats myself.

I hope this will help me get better at rocket modelling. How hard can Blender be anyway?

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I had an idea.

We can make SABRE's

using just two resources.

Just by doing this;

If we make intakes

That intake just oxygen

we can do this now:

Fuel tanks that hold

our special oxygen fuel

that feed the engine.

When in atmosphere

one that contains oxygen

it can fill the tanks

As the engine burns

the intakes fill the tanks.

Oxygen and fuel

mix to burn and thrust.

When in space, tanks are drained out

Into the engine.

See what I mean? When you're in an oxygen atmosphere, the oxygen is scooped in. It fills the tanks as they burn away.

The engine also needs LiquidFuel.

High Isp in atmosphere and low in vacuum make it like a hybrid jet-rocket.

Also, you can disable/enable flow of tanks for more direct flow of intakes.

How's it sound? We already have SABRE engines (B9 aerospace, etc.,) but they need plugins, I think. So, what does everyone think? :)

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