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White Monkey Kitchenware and SpaceParts Factory - ver 0.4 - HOPE SHUTTLE


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I like it :D but just one little peice of Advice. you should add a control surface flap under the engines. would add some extra control perhaps too as well as look nice :) like the shuttle has.

and might want to make the windows actual polies?

also, if you really really like JSC Shuttle ii you might like to read http://beyondapollo.blogspot.com/2011/04/jscs-shuttle-ii-1988.html

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  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:

I like it :D but just one little peice of Advice. you should add a control surface flap under the engines. would add some extra control perhaps too as well as look nice :) like the shuttle has.

and might want to make the windows actual polies?

also, if you really really like JSC Shuttle ii you might like to read http://beyondapollo.blogspot.com/2011/04/jscs-shuttle-ii-1988.html

I was thinking about the body flap, and have even modeled it, but in the end there are more reasons not to do it - there are already 3 bottom nodes on the stern of Hope, correctly positioning the flap could be troublesome, second I already have way to much lift in the back of the craft. Last - there is precious little space down there, and I don\'t want the gimbaling engines to intersect with the flap.

I\'ve read that blogpost already - the images I took are from there exactly ;-) but thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Baker patten lander i have been having some issues. Though overall it looks very nice.

First, it seems the fuel canisters on the sides don\'t work as intended, like i can only use one of the canisters fuel and thats it...

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Agreeing with the guy above me here. The fuel drainage on the Baker heavy seems sort of wrong. For me, it uses fuel from the lander first and the external tanks second.

Also, the decoupler between the lander and crew module seems extremely weak. Almost every time I\'ve landed it on the moon, even a slight impact seems to cause the crew module to separate from the lander and roll off as the lander hilariously flies off into the background. As entertaining as this is, it tends not to be a good scenario for Mun landings.

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Hmmm, strange, but indeed there seems to be a problem with the fuel lines. I have not tested them in a long time when I was making the Hope... I\'ll look into it.

I apologize for lack of activity lately, I\'ve found a little gem called Buzz Aldrin\'s Race Into Space :) and it\'s been eating up most of my free time.

An update for the Hope will happen when I get my hands on the new dynamic loader thingie that\'s supposed to come out with 0.14.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nope, still alive last time I\'ve checked.

I\'m extremely busy with my freelancer gig, and I\'m moving from Japan back to Europe in two weeks. I\'ve got more than 100kg of luggage to pack, 3 applications to finish, and a hell lot of other stuff to take care of.

I\'ve had the time to play 0.14 twice so far :(

And there\'s the plugins I\'m desperate to get to play with :(

I\'ve got a satellite parts pack thats half finished, and the last time I was able to fire up blender was somewhere last month :(

And the worst part is, I don\'t really know when I will have some time to do kerbal stuff again :(

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  sarkun said:

Nope, still alive last time I\'ve checked.

I\'m extremely busy with my freelancer gig, and I\'m moving from Japan back to Europe in two weeks. I\'ve got more than 100kg of luggage to pack, 3 applications to finish, and a hell lot of other stuff to take care of.

I\'ve had the time to play 0.14 twice so far :(

And there\'s the plugins I\'m desperate to get to play with :(

I\'ve got a satellite parts pack thats half finished, and the last time I was able to fire up blender was somewhere last month :(

And the worst part is, I don\'t really know when I will have some time to do kerbal stuff again :(

Take your time man.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a feeling this might get a few people excited about the Hope again...

Hope Shuttle CargoBay Test

A working shuttle cargo bay! Will release in a few days, currently placing the cargo inside of the bay is a little too complicated for my taste. Will try to simplify it. Also the movie is rather dark, crank up the brightness of your screen.

Damn, if I was as good a modeller/texturer as I am a programmer.

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I suppose everything inside the cargo bay still creates drag?

Also, will it be land-able with a payload still inside?

*EDIT* For aborted payload releases and for satellite recovery. :o

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  RC1062 said:

I suppose everything inside the cargo bay still creates drag?

Also, will it be land-able with a payload still inside?

*EDIT* For aborted payload releases and for satellite recovery. :o

You assume wrong. There is a special cargo decoupler that makes all parts attached to it have 0 drag, and restores drag when it is decoupled. It is of course a solution that can be abused, but it works pretty nicely when used as intended.

As for landing with cargo - it depends on the cargo mass - Hope is designed to be empty when landing, it now even has a working fuel dumping system. Besides, satellite recovery, that\'s not a real thing now is it?

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Actually, the Shuttles retrieved the following satellites from orbit and returned them to Earth -

Palapa-B2 & Westar 6 were both recovered by STS-51A (Discovery) in Nov. 1984 after initially being deployed from Challenger during STS-41B in February. Their 'kick motors' failed, putting them in the wrong orbits, so Discovery recovered both satellites and returned them to earth. Palapa-B2 was eventually re-launched in 1990 atop a Delta II as the Palapa-B2R.

LDEF (Long Duration Exposure Facility) was a free-floating experiment rack that was launched from Challenger on STS-41-C in Apr. 1984 and returned to earth aboard Discovery on STS-32R in Jan. 1990.

EURECA (EUropean REcoverable CArrier), similar to LDEF, was launched on STS-46 (Atlantis) in Jul. 1992, and recovered on STS-57 (Endeavour) in June 1993.

SFU (Space Flyer Unit) was a Japanese experimental satellite that was launched by rocket in March 1995 and recovered on STS-72 (Endeavour) in Jan. 1996.

I believe there were either 2 or 3 additional DoD satellites that were recovered, but as those missions are still technically 'classified', it\'s never been officially confirmed whether the shuttle actually returned anything.

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Okay, so there actually were some satellite recovery missions. Not so many though. And damn you for mentioning that Japanese one! Now I want to make it so badly :/

Anyways, here\'s a couple of screenshots from my mission Polar Explorer I - deploy satellite to monitor the newly formed ice caps on Kerbin.

On launchpad, displaying the satellite in the cargo bay.


Delivered safely to target.


Deploying - decouple and move away on RCS. I kinda wish i\'ve made Hope bigger, would be abe to fit more stuff. Maybe next shuttle.


Antenna extending, panels deploying. Polar Explorer I is a go!


Close cargo bay and head home.


Whoops, will have to land in a forest.


Less-than-perfect landing. The cargo bay still works though, check out the progress monitor on the left.


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