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White Monkey Kitchenware and SpaceParts Factory - ver 0.4 - HOPE SHUTTLE


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I used the .craft, and what I mean is that when I do a turn to bring it into orbit, it tries to flip end over end.

It tends to do that to me also when I decouple the launch stage, but when I turn off the ASAS and turn it back on it works.

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I used the .craft, and what I mean is that when I do a turn to bring it into orbit, it tries to flip end over end.

You mean when it\'s still attached to the carrier rocket? Yes, there seems to be a problem in some configurations - decrease throttle to around 85-90% and she\'ll be stable.

It tends to do that to me also when I decouple the launch stage, but when I turn off the ASAS and turn it back on it works.

Common problem in KSP - sometimes the ASAS systems doesn\'t take into account a dramatic change in the crafts mass.

Sarkun when do you do the next update? Able´s second stage woho 8)

The next update will be a cleanup for the last experimental - better plugin for cargo bay, maybe a new satellite? :>

I\'ll be working on second stage and Fuji after that.

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I can\'t manage to pilot the Able+Hope+Comsat, i er...hope... i will be er....able to put it in orbit tomorrow...

@sakurn : Second stage ? Fuji ? I\'m sorry i didn\'t understood.

@Gojira : Your new avatar... it happened on the SeaLaunch platform, no ?

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I have no idea, lol

It\'s just an exploding rocket =P

Because something like this happened on SeaLaunch. Jebediah, what are you doing ? Nothing, I just put the rocket\'s engine in REVERSE mode =P

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If you watch the SeaLaunch fail on YT, you only see it from so far away that you can\'t see the rocket while exploding...

Funny thing is that this was on their webcam and the turned it off AFTER the explosion, not WHILE ;D

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Just thought I\'d share with you guys how I fly the Able, she\'s a little top heavy at times and I find the wings don\'t have enough bite when trying to pitch over (or stop from falling over)

Rather than 4 LV-T30 engines I fit 2 LV-T30\'s and 2 LV-T45\'s, the weight on the LV-T30\'s is a bit high but a couple of struts from the solid boosters to the engine bells fixes that.

This simple change makes the Able rocket really nimble and a joy to fly whether lifting the Hope or the Baker.

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This is amazing, can\'t wait for the next update. The (pod) bay doors for the Hope don\'t work in 14.4, any chance we could get an update for that?

Are you sure you installed it correctly? The cargo bay was released weeks after 14.4, so that can hardly be the issue.

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Just downloaded this. I can\'t wait to fly the Baker.


I\'m not a big fan of this. The larger rocket with the baker lander is not very precise and it\'s very difficult to control on launch. I think if anything, I\'ll use this pack strictly for mix and match with other parts.

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Just downloaded this. I can\'t wait to fly the Baker.


I\'m not a big fan of this. The larger rocket with the baker lander is not very precise and it\'s very difficult to control on launch. I think if anything, I\'ll use this pack strictly for mix and match with other parts.

I think the Able needs one very simple change to be perfect, remove the quad engines and place a a pair of T30\'s and a pair of T45\'s one at a time like so:



With this change the Able becomes a very nice rocket to fly, even with the loss of 50 newtons of thrust, also I found the fuel lines on the Baker were faulty on my copy, and I had to reseat them.

Edit: Almost forgot, with the weight now on only two engines, they need a strut from the tank or the solids to the engine to reinforce them.

If you want I have done the change for my rockets, here are my .crafts, plus a version I made for the Baker standard.

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Is possible to attach parachutes to the Hope shuttle, so I can enter the atmosphere, fly to the desired landing area, slow the Shuttle down and deploy the chutes to land on water using the chutes? If yes, which ones should I use?

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