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Are the ground crew vehicle drivers sober?


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Seeing the new ground vehicles drive around is awesome, but the way they drive is pretty wild. You'll see them careening through the construction areas, swerving and drifting in circles, nearly slamming into each other in the process. If there were animations for Kerbal ground crews when they got hit by them, there would be a lot of dead Kerbals. What do you guys think?

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There is a minimum speed on those things. The Kerbals who drive them have to jump on while those things are moving around the place. The only reason that one stops on the lifts in the VAB is because of... err, stuff...

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They got the trucks from Dudski Kerman's junkyard and truck co. Which only gets the castoffs from Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co. and Bill Kerman's Junkyard and Building Repair Co. (Bob Kerman's Junkyard and Christmas Tree Depot has their own supply sources.)

Edited by Tiron
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Wait, what happens if they do drink and drive? The VAB gets reduced to a pile of flaming rubble? They drive really quickly because their vehicles have experimental high thrust shuttle engines with extreme gimbal range, allowing them to turn on a dime while traveling at suborbital speeds.

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