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Future Features


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What kinds of future features could you guys come up with for this game?

My friend and I were thinking of a multi-player mode in which every player were to start off on their own planet and every solar system were a team.

From there, solar systems could have wars, commercial relationships, etc. It might be a little overkill for a server to handle so much, but maybe something along this concept?

We also thought it'd be really cool if the developers added the ability to build/add other buildings and such (pre-made or not), along with roads, water supplies, etc.

Put some more ideas on here! This game's future possibilities are endless! :D

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in fact multiplayer is on the do-not-suggest list.

As are weapons, by the way.

furthermore, IIRC, multiplayer has been flat out denied. could be wrong though, so dont quote me

weapons are already in the game. you just have to build em. and there are mods out there that specifically add weapon systems

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Since multiplayer and weapons are two things that are never happening to KSP for now, and since roads and cities are planned, I won't bother move this to the development forum where it should be since all the stuff is already on the what not to suggest list. People who want to suggest their ideas can do it there too.

That said, thread closed.

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