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Crew Transfer Vehicle mark 3

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CTV is an small vehicle designed for Training purposes and shuttling crew of 3 on low orbit, ship is able to perform unmanned missions.

Launch vehicle has enough fuel to get ship into 80 km orbit and deorbit second stage after completing it's task.


Action groups

Landing Gear: Toggle Solar panels

Custom no. 1: Toggle service module engines 1 & 3

Custom no. 2: Toggle service module engines 2 & 4

Custom no. 0: Toggle parachutes

Abort sequence:

+ Engines shutdown

+ First stage Retro motors

+ POD separation - Avoid pushing Backspace button during flight !


Edited by karolus10
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  • 4 weeks later...
I missed the original one.

It's not available anymore.

Mark one Here, for You :).

Very nice, way better than my modified version of the Kerbal X.

I presume you can slap 4 SRBs to let it get into a 100km orbit... *evil grin*

You can reach 100km orbit with second stage (sometimes it lack few m/s but few RCS bursts are needed :P) but You will not had enough fuel in second stage to deorbit it back to Kerbin.

You should easily made very close Munar fly-by (free return) after stretching first stage with 3rd tank, and it should made to Mun/Minmus orbit and back with 2 large SRB's added to stretched stack.


Edited by karolus10
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