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Way to center spacecraft in VAB and more camera controls inside VAB.

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I just spent about 45 minutes assembling a very large spacecraft. I was unable to see the edges of the spacecraft due to the level of zoom so I moved the space craft away from the center position in the VAB. After various rotations of the camera and translations of the spacecraft I managed to get it wedged in the corner of the VAB without any way to move it out. I tried numerous camera angles along with shift clicking the craft and also tried saving and loading again and also launching the craft. When it spawns on the launch pad it isn't even placed on the platform because it is so far off to the corner in the VAB. If you want people to make really ambitious rockets you need to add more camera controls inside the VAB as well as an ability to recenter the craft after it's been translated around.


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Also nice would be for the "reset camera view" button to actually work; somehow, when I started 0.21.1, I managed to get my initial camera spawn point off to the left and up from the default, and I can't get it to go back automatically, much less reset that initial spawn point.

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