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What new methods of launching space station, etc. would you like to see added

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The title pretty much says it, what new methods of launching space stations, satellites, probes, etc. would you like to see added. Personally, I would like to see claws added, to grab onto segments of a ship, and take them up into orbit separately, then dock it all together.

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Parts? Nah, you're thinking too small.

I'd like to see the ability to build a VAB-equivalent wherever I want, including in orbit. Then I could deliver the raw materials to the orbital VAB-equivalent, and build space stations that I could never dream of launching from the surface.

Thanks to the latest update, with an in-world space centre, this is sounding less crazy than it used to!

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Let's see...

Magnetic launch ramp

You would need part to set a center of thrust, those part would be "magnetized" and pump energy.

They would give some thrust as long are you are on the launch ramp.

Limitation : energy requirement grow squared

Sea Launch

The ability to launch from any latitude I want.

Limitation : limited rocket mass

Air Launch

I know, spaceplane already allow that. But not only it's hard to design, but you can't actually recover the "second stage" and the parent/child based structure make it hard to change the design and the center of gravity.

Limitation : very limited spaceplane mass

Orbital Launch

As said, gain the ability to build spaceship in orbit as long as you bring the parts to the station.

Limitation : the dimension of the rocket

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Parts? Nah, you're thinking too small.

I'd like to see the ability to build a VAB-equivalent wherever I want, including in orbit. Then I could deliver the raw materials to the orbital VAB-equivalent, and build space stations that I could never dream of launching from the surface.

Thanks to the latest update, with an in-world space centre, this is sounding less crazy than it used to!

This please!

Also orbital refinement and storage facilities, and rigid tubes for connecting facilities that are within a KM or so of each other. I'm thinking X3 complex construction kits here.. EVA your Kerbal to one facility, place one end of the tube. Fly over to the next facility, place other end of tube. *boom*, tube appears, attached to both facilities and ready to transfer resources between them. Could also work on ground level for planetary/munar/asteroid bases.

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(Not a serious suggestion)Ram Accelerator. A giant tube filled with explosive gas, into which a payload shaped like the centre bit of an aerospike engine is shoved at high velocity. It works like an inside-out aerospike engine, the payload causes the gas to burn as it moves up the tube until the payload exits at up to Mach 8. Wait until apoapsis, burn a small rocket to circularise, and you're in orbit.

Kinda rough on the Kerbals. Very rough on the KSC. But spectacular!

-- Steve

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Let's see...

Magnetic launch ramp

You would need part to set a center of thrust, those part would be "magnetized" and pump energy.

They would give some thrust as long are you are on the launch ramp.

Limitation : energy requirement grow squared

Reminds me of a 1950's SFi B Movie were the spaceship was launched along a massive ramp then up a ski jump to get it off the ground.

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