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Manu Aerospace Program Presents: The soyuz

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Hi, i´m Manu, i´m not a mod maker, i just download a lot of packs edit CFG and make spacecraft. I get the parts from mods paks somelike: Down under, Silisko edition... and make spacecraft. I will post a lot of spacecraft and orbital tutorials.

Today i will share with you my new soyuz.

Version 1.0 Link: http://www./?fhor4253us7qbbh


-Soyuz launcher

-Edited RCS fuel tank.

-And the soyuz with deployable solar panels.

its all, i cant take photos becauses my PC is broked, share your photos of the REALY SOYUZ

Sorry for my english i´m spanish.

Thanks for read.

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Did you get permission from the people who made those mods to redistribute them?

I\'m going to hazard a guess and say that you don\'t.

And more than that... we\'ve got a link to a mediafire and without any pictures on account of a broken PC. (oh, gods... I sound like one of those Minecraft forum idiots. (NO PICS... VIRUS! You know what I mean))

Then how did you upload this thing?

I\'m sorry to say that is all kinds of wrong.

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Also a suggestion:

Since its just a ship using existing parts, you would be better off posting it in the Ship Exchange - on the off chance you had to edit some CFG files to make it work, you can describe those there, and supply your .craft save file to share it, without having to re-upload other people\'s mod parts.

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