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[1.1]Hullcam VDS - mod adopted by linuxgamer

Albert VDS

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Is somebody using this mod with the current version of RSS? It works fine with the Moon, but when I zoom at planets they just dissappear. Unfortunately this is something that makes the Pictozoom 2000 somewhat useless.

Perhaps someone has an idea what to change, also with regards to distant object enhancement.

Anyway, fantastic mod.

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Im just wondering

how add module of Hull cam to docking port?

Paste the module in the code window below into the docking port you want the camera attached to. Then you will probably need to manipulate the below values to properly aim the camera.

cameraForward = 0, 1, 0

cameraUp = 0, 0, -1

I'm away from my computer at the moment. But when I get back I have a Squad docking port with this module already inserted as well as the proper coordinates assigned So I will revise this post unless I'm ninja'd



name = MuMechModuleHullCameraZoom

cameraName = SciCam
cameraForward = 0, 1, 0
cameraUp = 0, 0, -1
cameraPosition = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
cameraFoVMax = 60
cameraFoVMin = 20




name = HullCamera

cameraName = SciCam
cameraForward = 0, 1, 0
cameraUp = 0, 0, -1
cameraPosition = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0
cameraFoVMax = 60
cameraFoVMin = 20

//This camera uses film resource to get science

usesfilm = false
specialExperimentName = photo-
specialExperimentTitle = #Anon# Picture
//you still have to set this to something or it throws an error when the part loads

experimentID = hullcampicture
experimentActionName = Snap Picture
resetActionName = Delete Picture
collectActionName = Take Photo
useStaging = False
useActionGroups = True
hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
xmitDataScalar = 0.8
dataIsCollectable = True
interactionRange = 1.2
rerunnable = True




name = Resolution
amount = 1
maxAmount = 15


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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, so I posted this in the Kopernicus thread, and was told to go here to see if you guys know anything about a workaround.

So this looks like a Kopernicus issue. To explain what happens: I was using the telescope in the Hullcam mod to try to get a good look at the more distant OPM planets (to be specific, Neidon) from LKO with the DOE mod. As I zoomed in close enough to where the DOE flare disappears, the planets themselves didn't show up at all, despite the disappearance of the lens flare.

Steps to reproduce:

Install the latest versions of OPM, Distant Objects, and Hullcam. Get the large telescope into orbit. Point at Neidon. Notice how it disappears if you zoom into it. Closer bodies are not affected.

Now before you point me to the OPM thread, I've tested this with the K2 rescale mod, and the entirety of the OPM planets disappear. Not entirely sure if this is a stock limitation on how far away planetary bodies are rendered, or if there's a workaround, but I just thought I'd report this here just in case. I don't use any other Kopernicus mods so I can't say for sure, but I'd think this would also occur on any submod which rescales the solar system or adds bodies at exceedingly far distances eg: Outer Dwarf Planets. Either way, if there's a workaround, it'd be nice to be able to use Tarsier Telescopes or the ones in Cacteye with larger rescales and far away bodies.

have you tried moving jool to a higher orbit? put it at the same distance as neidon and try to look at the two planets

maybe that can help

Hmmm.... Jool disappears when moved out to Neidons orbit as well. Seems Like it's a stock issue. Is it possible that there could be a workaround?

no idea, you can try asking also to the telescope mod devs :)

Anyone know what's up?

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Albert, great mod! If it hasn't been said already, you might want to increase the mass of some of the cameras, as they weight too little to work well with the stock thermal system. Some of the cameras weight like 0.00001 tonnes, and this causes thermal stuttering of the heat bars. Turn them up to, say, 1 kg = 0.001 tonnes.

I found these to have too little weight, and turned them up to 1 kg using this MM patch:

// Give these parts some more weight so they work better with the thermal system.
@mass = 0.001

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Albert, great mod! If it hasn't been said already, you might want to increase the mass of some of the cameras, as they weight too little to work well with the stock thermal system. Some of the cameras weight like 0.00001 tonnes, and this causes thermal stuttering of the heat bars. Turn them up to, say, 1 kg = 0.001 tonnes.

I found these to have too little weight, and turned them up to 1 kg using this MM patch:

// Give these parts some more weight so they work better with the thermal system.
@mass = 0.001

Thanks, I'll add that to the next release. :)

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The docking camera looks great. looking forward to it.

If possible, could the text be located away from the center point? maybe user movable or selectable?? Just wishing.

Also, if any of the diagnostic outputs that the old lazer system had, delta x, y, z / rot diff for axis , etc. again, just icing on the cake.

thanks for all of your work.

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The docking camera looks great. looking forward to it.

If possible, could the text be located away from the center point? maybe user movable or selectable?? Just wishing.

Also, if any of the diagnostic outputs that the old lazer system had, delta x, y, z / rot diff for axis , etc. again, just icing on the cake.

thanks for all of your work.

red cross-hair alignment overlays FTW :D

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I just recently started using your mod; Nice, I like it. I obtained it because the Clamp-O-Tron APAS mod requires it, which provides a docking camera view. This was my alternative since Romfarer's Lazor mod has apparently been abandoned. Nice to hear you'll be adding a docking camera view to your mod; I'll be able to remove the Clamp-O-Tron APAS mod then (I prefer my game with minimal mods).


I ran across this today, an NRE in my output_log file. I not positive, but I thought it might have come from your mod (first time I've seen it)... if not, sorry to bother you. The log entry is as follows:

[HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From SPACECENTER to FLIGHT (Async) =====================

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Transform:INTERNAL_set_localRotation (UnityEngine.Quaternion&)

at UnityEngine.Transform.set_localRotation (Quaternion value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SpaceCenterCamera2.UpdateTransformOverview () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SpaceCenterCamera2.UpdateTransform () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SpaceCenterCamera2.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

If you need additional information just let me know.

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The docking camera looks great. looking forward to it.

If possible, could the text be located away from the center point? maybe user movable or selectable?? Just wishing.

Also, if any of the diagnostic outputs that the old lazer system had, delta x, y, z / rot diff for axis , etc. again, just icing on the cake.

thanks for all of your work.

Yep I still search for a replacement of the old lazors mod.

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Aside from the two mentioned: FreeEVA-0.5.2, SCANsat-v14.1, StockBugFixModules.v1.0.4a.1, and x-science-v4.6.

FreeEVA was generating an NRE related to Blizzy's toolbar and you're not having it (the toolbar). That's since been fixed.

Currently, x-science is generating an NRE. I've posted about it, but no comments yet.

I'm not getting that NRE, maybe I accidentally fixed it if it's due to Hullcam VDS. :)

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Is it normal for the screen to go all black except for the UI controls when I rightclick a camera and say "activate camera"? I tried putting a bottom-facing camera on my lander and when I activated it I couldn't get back out of the all-black mode to pilot the craft, and thus crashed. It occurred to me that going to the space center and back might force the game to reload the craft and fix the problem, and it did, but by the time I realized that I'd have to do that I'd already dropped to low to recover in time.

I've consistently get thissame bug with the telescope and the pictozoom (and only these parts) irregardless if I go back to the space centre or not. I have tried it without any other mods and the lack of an image apart from the ui persists.

Would it be possible to attempt to resolve this bug as I would like to make a telescope!



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I'm not getting that NRE, maybe I accidentally fixed it if it's due to Hullcam VDS. :)

Well I've got a string of planned missions coming up (Moho again, Dres, etc). I'll continue to check the output_log file. I have a little program I wrote which I run after each KSP shutdown, which blows through the output_log looking for NREs and 'Serialization depth limit exceeded' errors/warnings. If I run across it again I'll post the information here for you. ;)

Looking forward to the new update!!! Docking cameras FTW!!!! :cool:

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I've consistently get thissame bug with the telescope and the pictozoom (and only these parts) irregardless if I go back to the space centre or not. I have tried it without any other mods and the lack of an image apart from the ui persists.

Would it be possible to attempt to resolve this bug as I would like to make a telescope!



I'll see if I can replicate it in the current version. :)

Well I've got a string of planned missions coming up (Moho again, Dres, etc). I'll continue to check the output_log file. I have a little program I wrote which I run after each KSP shutdown, which blows through the output_log looking for NREs and 'Serialization depth limit exceeded' errors/warnings. If I run across it again I'll post the information here for you. ;)

Looking forward to the new update!!! Docking cameras FTW!!!! :cool:

Alright, thanks.

The next update will have more changes to the cameras, mainly the starting cameras.

Also, there will be a new camera. :)

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Excellent, thanks a bunch. Granted you can track with hullcam as is, but it takes some building with infernal robotics and the use of smartass to get it done.

So it'd be great if I can just stick a camera on a rover and be done with it.

Something like this would be incredible.


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