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[0.21.1] StretchyTanks v0.2.2 (updated 8-26-13)


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Kerbchem Industries is proud to present the release of

StretchyTanks v0.2.2

Latest release notes here

The stretchable (procedural) fuel tank!


Download here

Gone are the days of having to stack countless smaller fuel tanks only to not get the exact size you really wanted!

Made from a highly advanced material that can stretch to over 100 times its smallest size, with StretchyTanks you can get the exact the amount of fuel and oxidizer you want, every time! Or go wild and stretch it until it can't stretch any more! (warranty void if stretched beyond reasonable limits).

StretchyTanks come in all 5 common tank diameters and can be filled with LiquidFuel/Oxidizer, LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, or MonoPropellent! Now with tons of other neat stuff!


[B]Update - v0.2.2 (8-26-13)[/B]

-Fixed issues with saving/loading the tank type/texture
-Changed crash tolerance of tanks from 100 to 10
-Breaking Force/Torque now scale with tank size
-Added "Oxidizer" to the list of tank types

[B]Update - v0.2.1 Hotfix (8-21-13)[/B]

-Fixed a bug in the loading of LiquidFuel/MonoPropellent tanks

[B]Update - v0.2.0 (8-21-13)[/B]

-Fixed it so surface attachments stay on the surface even as the tank stretches
-Fixed some texture issues
Tons of new features added:
-Hovering GUI on mouse-over telling you how much of each Resource is in the tank along with the Total Mass and Dry Mass.
-Ability to switch a tank in the editor to store LiquidFuel or MonoPropellent (in addition to the standard LiquidFuel/Oxidizer).
-Introduction of the SuperStretchyTank that can stretch in width in addition to length.
-Ability to change the texture of the tank on the fly in the editor to an alternative "stock" looking texture.
(read How to Use for further instructions)

[B]Update - v0.1.1 (8-18-13)[/B]

-Fixed some bugs
-Added tentative support for Modular Fuel Tanks (unzip the cfg file in place to use)

[B]Release - v0.1.0 (8-16-13)[/B]

-Initial Release

How to use

After installation the fuel tanks will appear under the Propulsion tab. Add them to your vehicle like a normal fuel tank.

If you wish to increase or decrease the size of a tank while building your vehicle: mouse over the tank in question, hold "r" , and move your mouse up or down to stretch the length.

If the tank is a SuperStretchyTank, you can hold "f" and move your mouse side to side to stretch the width. The amount fuel in the tank will update automatically, and is now displayed on a GUI that appears when you hover over the tank.

While mousing over a tank, press "g" to change the fuel type and press "t" to change the texture.

Source included in Plugins folder of download. This is my first plugin for KSP and is by no means a finished work, so if you find a bug don't hesitate to message me or post it here. Thanks!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Edited by AncientGammoner
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  BlazingAngel665 said:
Procedural fuel tanks. God, I love procedural mods. I think you deserve a rep point for the awesome plugin. Though maybe a more "stock" ish texture would be a nice addition.

If anyone would care to make one that works with the mod I'd be more than happy about it. The problem is the mod poses a rather unique challenge to texture for, since the texture has to be stretched to many times it's size. Normal texture maps look terrible when stretched, so you have two choices, either make a texture that is completely symmetrical length wise so that when it's stretched it looks exactly the same or you tile a texture a lot so that when it's stretched it doesn't look so bad. I chose the latter, but this being the first model/texture I've ever made, if someone wants to make a better one by all means go ahead.

Edited by AncientGammoner
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  AncientGammoner said:
The problem is the mod poses a rather unique challenge to texture for, since the texture has to be stretched to many times it's size. Normal texture maps look terrible when stretched, so you have two choices, either make a texture that is completely symmetrical length wise so that when it's stretched it looks exactly the same or you tile a texture a lot so that when it's stretched it doesn't look so bad. I chose the latter, but this being the first model/texture I've ever made, if someone wants to make a better one by all means go ahead.

Might it be possible to write the plugin so that you can stretch the model, but keep the UVW coordinates the same instead of stretching them as well?

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  Letum said:
Might it be possible to write the plugin so that you can stretch the model, but keep the UVW coordinates the same instead of stretching them as well?

Not sure what you mean, the uv coordinates stretch to keep the model textured, if they didn't stretch when you stretched the model the upper portion wouldn't have any texture.

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  KhaosCorp said:
Well...goodbye every other fuel tank!

These are awesome and long overdue.

Thanks man, took me awhile to figure out how to make everything work right.

Curious if you have plans to expand on this? Maybe fuel tanks in smaller 3 sizes, possibly xenon, and kethane too??

YES! I will be expanding on this and I already wrote some of the code for other resources, but the main hurtle is tackling the GUI stuff (ugh). But yeah I hope to make a GUI that will let you select which resources you want in the tank, maybe tell you how much is in there, maybe be able to type in an amount of fuel and have the model update, etc etc etc. Main reason I didn't include other resources was I didn't want to add like 20 models to your inventory, but the mod easily supports other resources.

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  KhaosCorp said:
Well...goodbye every other fuel tank!

These are awesome and long overdue. Curious if you have plans to expand on this? Maybe fuel tanks in smaller 3 sizes, possibly xenon, and kethane too??

if this gets integrated with modular fuel tanks then you can do that

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  AncientGammoner said:
Not sure what you mean, the uv coordinates stretch to keep the model textured, if they didn't stretch when you stretched the model the upper portion wouldn't have any texture.

Not quite.

If the UV shrinks/stayed the same as the model grew in length, then the UV would start to repeat the texture as the model grew beyond the texture size. Any surface that extends beyond the UV limit just repeats the texture.

You will get a repeating texture, but without the stretching of the texture, it should give you some better texture options.

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  AncientGammoner said:
Thanks man, took me awhile to figure out how to make everything work right.

YES! I will be expanding on this and I already wrote some of the code for other resources, but the main hurtle is tackling the GUI stuff (ugh). But yeah I hope to make a GUI that will let you select which resources you want in the tank, maybe tell you how much is in there, maybe be able to type in an amount of fuel and have the model update, etc etc etc. Main reason I didn't include other resources was I didn't want to add like 20 models to your inventory, but the mod easily supports other resources.

You dont have to support other resources. Just Modular Fuel Tank mod. that mod and yours are like... red sauce on pasta. bacon on pizza. chocolate and peanut butter. it shouldnt require more than some config file editing. as soon as I'm done with this round of L4D2 ima gonna get this and see if I cant get it working with Modular Fuels

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Crazy idea, but can a tank deflate as it's fuel empties? As in, it shrinks to a minimum length? Minimizing a SSTO's length in orbit would be useful, especially if you could empty it of fuel and have it fold up into a cargo bay, or the like.:D

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