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Screenshot Subdirectories By Craft Name

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I don't know about the rest of you, but my screenshots directory is a jumbled mess. I can be running a dozen or more missions at the same time and while I'm playing, I just take screenshots when I feel like it and figure I'll go back and organize them later. When later comes, I look at 3 dozen pictures and suddenly lose all desire to organize.

What if, instead, whenever you take a screenshot, the picture gets put into a subfolder named after the craft? That way, you'd have, off of your ksp/screenshots folder, a folder named "Kerpollo 11" and another named "Minmus Station Alpha" and another named "ThisWillNeverWork" or whatever. As you jump between those ships in game and take screenshots, they'll just go into those folders, creating new ones as you take screens for new ships.

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na I think no screenshots at all maybe must have camera on ship probe etc and they can take much higher res shots and must be downloaded to mission control from the memory in the probe or anywhere like to a sat in orbit to be transferred later

when downloaded to mission control they should then be saved to a mission to be viewed in game and zoomable etc there could be missions tied to it like take a picture of jools cloud tops from within its atmosphere a probe drops thru u take a pic and transfer it to the probe in orbits memory bank other data too like atmosphere comp density etc etc for hdd space keeping later u can delete the file but the game keeps a thumbnail of it as proof of it

must be downloaded to mission control before u can view it tho gives u a bit of work but I'd like to call it fun

maybe they can be tagged Eg jool cloud etc and then when searching the encyclopedia for jool it gives u all known info on jool and ur pictures

don't want any light speed delays tho just a dish line of sight will make me happy and will add some fun tp getting pictures and ur data back

Edited by Bessy
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