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New to KSP - Basic functions missing?


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I just bought the game and am a pretty dissapointed maybe i am missing some things? Or are the most basic functions really missing?

- Flight data of past flights not saved?

- No way to replay and watch your past flights?

- no Hangar where you can watch your past creations?

I really enjoy this game but those functions are pretty important at least to me (especiqally nr 1 and 2)

Did i just miss those options or are they really missing?

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I'd love the ability to record, and replay inputs so we can watch our past flights, but KSP is still in-development. I mean, really, they just started working on a tech tree. I think people get confused because, at least to me, KSP *feels* like a finished game -- until they run into its charming quarks. And then they get upset because their favorite feature is missing, or some bug makes game "unplayable" to them.

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1 is not present in the game from stock, but there is a mode that can do that for you and more:


2 not present as well, no way to replay and I don;t know of any mods that could do it.

3 I don't know what you mean. Do you mean like a museum where you can go see your rockets in display?

I hope that helps.

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  SpaceHole said:
I just bought the game and am a pretty dissapointed maybe i am missing some things? Or are the most basic functions really missing?

- Flight data of past flights not saved?

- No way to replay and watch your past flights?

- no Hangar where you can watch your past creations?

I really enjoy this game but those functions are pretty important at least to me (especiqally nr 1 and 2)

Did i just miss those options or are they really missing?

This is not a finished game. It is a game in active development.

To your "suggestions" "wants" "demands" whatever you want to call them:

- some data is saved. In your saved game persistence file there is a section marked "progress". Some data is save there and will be used in Career mode to determine what missions to offer you. Career mode is not yet implemented.

- What game does this? Where in the games description anywhere did it say that it would do this ever? Most people when they want to record a game get a program like for instance Fraps to do that task. I know of no games that have this functionality built in.

- there are 2 hangers... you can load any of your past ships into them and look at them all you want... Though why you would want to just look at them mystifies me. I'd much rather be launching them and using them in space. You do know there is a save, and load button right? and that you can have multiple missions in orbit or landed on other planets at the same time right?

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  lincourtl said:
I'd love the ability to record, and replay inputs so we can watch our past flights, but KSP is still in-development. I mean, really, they just started working on a tech tree. I think people get confused because, at least to me, KSP *feels* like a finished game -- until they run into its charming quarks. And then they get upset because their favorite feature is missing, or some bug makes game "unplayable" to them.

Yeah i kind of relaize that yet some things like the DLC statements made it sound like it would be pretty much finished already.

Well favourite feature i think its kind of a basic feature for a game where the main aim is to improve your own creations and enjoy success when getting something done. Which is why it would be really important to be able to see that progress and rewatch your success.

Its not "unplayable" but it is affecting at least my gameplay fun.

And to be honest from my point of view a tech-tree is probably not that important at this time?

  suzin.felipe said:
1 is not present in the game from stock, but there is a mode that can do that for you and more:


2 not present as well, no way to replay and I don;t know of any mods that could do it.

3 I don't know what you mean. Do you mean like a museum where you can go see your rockets in display?

I hope that helps.

Thanks i have to read more about 1

1 seems pretty complicated. Yet i dont underestand why they dont just implement it. I played the demo and there were stats whenever a flight "ended" it cant be that hard to just save those stats ingame.

2 yeah i also was looking for mods already i wonder why this isnt a bigger "issue" - to make a bad comparison its like building something in minecraft but never beeing able to actually admire it since it dissapears once you finished ^^

3 yeah thats what i mean but thats just a sugestion its alpha but it would be a nice feature to see your creations.

  lincourtl said:
I'd love the ability to record, and replay inputs so we can watch our past flights, but KSP is still in-development. I mean, really, they just started working on a tech tree. I think people get confused because, at least to me, KSP *feels* like a finished game -- until they run into its charming quarks. And then they get upset because their favorite feature is missing, or some bug makes game "unplayable" to them.
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  FITorion said:

- What game does this? Where in the games description anywhere did it say that it would do this ever? Most people when they want to record a game get a program like for instance Fraps to do that task. I know of no games that have this functionality built in.

- there are 2 hangers... you can load any of your past ships into them and look at them all you want... Though why you would want to just look at them mystifies me. I'd much rather be launching them and using them in space. You do know there is a save, and load button right? and that you can have multiple missions in orbit or landed on other planets at the same time right?

1) Most games where it makes sense? Especially in a game like this where its not that easy to enjoy your success and not starting to fail while doing so? For example Starcraft 2.

I know Fraps the problem is that it will seriously limit your FPS and it will also require huge ammounts of disc-space. It would be way easy to just log game-data.

2) To look at your progress - see your failed and good designes and to get ideas for new crations?

To me this game is about progress - learing and succeeding in doing new and greater things ingame. The problem is that you also have to have some time to actually enjoy those things - which is a rather hard thing to do while trying to not crash your creations.

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  SpaceHole said:
- Flight data of past flights not saved?

At the end of a flight, or at any point during it you can press F3 to bring up your flight log. You can use F1 to take screenshots of it if you feel that it's important.

- No way to replay and watch your past flights?

As this is a persistent game there's no need for that. It would be a nice shiny addition of course, but at this point in development it would likely just bloat the game. You can use an external recorder program, or perhaps look for a mod (or create one yourself). You could even make hardcopies of your persistence file (or quicksave file) at the different stages of a mission/flight to be able to redo them whenever you like.

- no Hangar where you can watch your past creations?

Seeing as you have the ability to save your creations you can leave them in your save list, or move/backup the files on your harddrive, then load them up when you fancy. Alternatively, seeing as the game is persistent, you can park any of your creations anywhere you want for future viewing. You could create your own little museum at or near the space center, or a different location if you'd prefer.

If these functions are so important to you then you can make them happen yourself as I noted above. And if it'd be too much of a bother, perhaps they're not so very important after all?

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  FITorion said:
This is not a finished game. It is a game in active development.

- What game does this? Where in the games description anywhere did it say that it would do this ever? Most people when they want to record a game get a program like for instance Fraps to do that task. I know of no games that have this functionality built in.

GT5 does. I would assume other racing games do too. Also some fighting games IIRC.

Not sure what use it would be for KSP, except for maybe extreme low altitude flights.

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  FITorion said:
This is not a finished game. It is a game in active development.

To your "suggestions" "wants" "demands" whatever you want to call them:

- some data is saved. In your saved game persistence file there is a section marked "progress". Some data is save there and will be used in Career mode to determine what missions to offer you. Career mode is not yet implemented.

- What game does this? Where in the games description anywhere did it say that it would do this ever? Most people when they want to record a game get a program like for instance Fraps to do that task. I know of no games that have this functionality built in.

- there are 2 hangers... you can load any of your past ships into them and look at them all you want... Though why you would want to just look at them mystifies me. I'd much rather be launching them and using them in space. You do know there is a save, and load button right? and that you can have multiple missions in orbit or landed on other planets at the same time right?

There are a few games, mostly racing games that will do this so you can watch your old race, or race against yourself. Not a new idea to gaming either has been in one game or another since the SNES possibly earlier.

That said I could see the use of it in KSP. But for the very reason I see the use of it we have the debug thingy that tells us what blew up and why.

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Most games that have the replay feature optimize by not really recording everything. A lot of the time, they use precise and/or simple enough mechanics that all they need to capture is player input. In other cases - a majority of other cases - the recorded data is either simplified to reduce game-time load, or is not all that abundant to begin with. A prime example is FlatOut 2 - thousands of physics objects on the map, deforming cars, but you can see in the replays that only the motion of the cars and the initial states of the objects are captured, with everything recreated dynamically from that. It's good enough most of the time, but you do see lapses when cars hit things that were, but aren't there - or don't hit things that weren't, but are. IL-2 Sturmovik is also an example of "recreationist" replays, being generally accurate enough to recreate an encounter with nothing but inputs.

It's not really an option for KSP, neither of those. Every parameter of every single part has to be followed, because every part matters. So the limiting factor for KSP would be performance.

And even besides that. I hope I don't sound offensive when I say this, but in my opinion, KSP is not a casual enough game for action replays to be considered an important feature. It's a possible feature, and a possibly useful one - but far from "basic", "essential", or even "important".

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Even though this is basic features for you, I have never heard of anyone ever even mentioning that they want anything like that.

There are plenty of things i feel the game lacks as well, but most people would probably not agree with me.

And something like a replay function I think would be pretty complicated since you have a bunch of planets moving around in orbit so by the time you click replay they would be in a different spot.

And about saving your creations.. you could always build your own museum anywhere you want on any planet and fill it with your past creations.

Edited by boxman
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I can see the benefit of having replays or recording your flights. Honestly, though, just use some recording software as other people have already mentioned.

I don't know why you'd expect such non-standard things to be basic features in an alpha build of a comical space program simulator. You can save your vehicles then look at them in the VAB, but displaying them in a dedicated location is completely fluff.

Though we'll probably get a museum someday that may or may not be able to display particularly successful crafts that we've made, though...so there's that to look forward to, I guess.

Anyways, just enjoy the game for what it is for now...I'd say hit the wiki and see what's planned and if you're really that disappointed with the game as it is...maybe read a game's actual features list and/or look up some planned features before buying it next time. Would also help if you didn't expect frivolous mechanics to be in a game that doesn't particularly benefit from them(except your first suggestion, that is) before all of the core features are implemented >_>

I have seen suggestions for replays and things like that, though...so you're not alone in wanting them. Just be a bit patient 'cause they've only just started implementing career mode stuff so all of those extra flashy showin'-off-my-stuff features are going to have to wait~

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I'd personally define "basic functions" as: Being able to build and launch spacecraft, flight control, orbital mechanics, rendezvous, docking, and landing.

While these other things would be nice to have, I'd consider them "optional" features, or certainly of a lower priority than the essentials.

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Blinkenlights. How can this be a serious spaceship simulation if there's no way to dress up your spacecraft with arrays of blinking lights?

I mean, no FTL drive, no anti-grav... that I can deal with. BUT WHERE ARE MY BLINKENLIGHTS!!!

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  SpaceHole said:

To me this game is about progress - learning and succeeding in doing new and greater things ingame. The problem is that you also have to have some time to actually enjoy those things - which is a rather hard thing to do while trying to not crash your creations.

I actually enjoy flying my missions, maybe you would be happier using mechjeb? You could just sit back and watch your flights being flown and enjoy your successes that way?

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  Blake Gates said:
This (constantly-developed-still-in-alpha) game probably isn't for you.

It is odd how some people seem to be offended here when someone asks for some features he deems important. I saw the same thing with a thread here about ENB-Mod. So because i would like a replay function to watch my successful missions this game is not for me.

Sorry but some of the people here seem to have fallen for something i deem to be a bad thing - "Elitism".


Yeah i realize that this is only an alpha build. I simply thought it would be a nice feature in a sandbox game. Especially since one actually rarely has the time to admire the game while trying to not crash.

The hangar part was just an optional idea i probably should have made that clearer.

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I think some people are just offended with calling the features you requested 'Basic'. I think the only one that comes close to basic would be saving of flight data for later viewing but even then I dont think too many but the hardcore would care about that. You may consider replays important but I think this is the first time anyone has even mentioned them so they obviously are not that important to most people. Even in racing games and sports games where replays are the most common, not all of them have them, and some only have like a 30 sec rewind that you cant even save.

I wouldnt mind seeing them at some point myself, but they are fluff features and not required for this type of game.

Edited by Artophwar
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I have to agree that none of those are really "basic features"... they're all "after the gameplay is over and you want to reminisce features."

That said, though, #1 will probably be included as part of the Career Mode, #2 would be fantastic from a movie-making standpoint (you can go back to record more camera angles without the inevitable "second take" variations that complicate editing) but there would be some challenging aspects to capturing and retaining all the required data, and #3 is sort-of already there (you can reload any of your past saved craft in the VAB/SPH and put them out on the launch pad or runway again, any time you want to).

And, if you just want to remember where you went, plant a flag or leave a rover, descent stage, or whatever behind to forever mark the site as a monument to Kerbal spirit of exploration:


Edited by RoboRay
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I find having a record feature fascinating in KSP, similar to what Starcraft 2 had.

Imagine having a rocket blow up unexpectedly, and being able to have an in-game replay feature where you can rotate the camera around your craft as it launches to pinpoint exactly where a rocket fault/structural failure happened. It'll be like how NASA examines rocket failures from their on board video footage and also from video footage from the ground.


Russian Proton-M

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  RoboRay said:

And, if you just want to remember where you went, plant a flag or leave a rover, descent stage, or whatever behind to forever mark the site as a monument to Kerbal spirit of exploration:

I was wondering about that so any part that didnt explode will stay where it was put forever?

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  SpaceHole said:
I was wondering about that so any part that didnt explode will stay where it was put forever?

If its debris, then it depends on what you have set for your persistent debris settings. Once you pass the limit you have set, some of your debris will start to go away, im guessing by oldest going first. Also depends on whether the part is moving when it survives the explosion.

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  SpaceHole said:
I was wondering about that so any part that didnt explode will stay where it was put forever?

As long as it's not debris, which will eventually be automatically purged. To be safe, install a probe pod on anything you want to be permanent. With that, it will never ever go away unless you destroy it from the Tracking Station.

Edited by RoboRay
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It's fine to suggest some things, but when you start your thread by saying how disappointed you are in KSP for not having these supposedly basic features(that are entirely low priority updates), it makes your suggestion seem a little iffy to the average user.

Aside from that, if you wanted to suggest these features, you could always hit the suggestion forum, rather than KSP general, where it looks like you're just talking about how bummed you are that you can't record replays in KSP. Of course, if you're going to post in the suggestion forum, I'd say do a search 'cause I think replays have been suggested before. So...I don't know.

Just don't expect a very positive reaction from a passionate community when you say something like "so I just bought this game and am pretty disappointed" >.>

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