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Cargo module: More awesome than it sounds.

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Hello there! You might've seen my post on the Apollo Applications Program. No? Then here it is! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/45928-Beyond-Apollo-AAP-challenge

Welcome back! Back to the idea thing I had!

Do you remember this picture? It was a sketch of a "Block III" CSM, that unfortunately, never "took off".


Never will I find, someone like you...

This "cargo" CSM had space for stuff to be put into.


It's basically a cardboard box glued to a spaceship. You don't really need a visual aid.

Now, wouldn't it be the shizzle if this happened in KSP?


Literally as he was typing about the obscure piece of space history above, he remembered something that actually happened, and explained the point much better.

Remember the "toolbox" that was shown ages ago?


You do remember me, right? Guys?

The idea is that you have a container full of tools. When something breaks, a kerbal gets out a tool, fixes it, and puts the tool back in.


You pretty much have the description of a toolbox down to a T, Drunk.

Now, imagine something like the toolbox, but it can hold more than just tools.


I call it a "box".

In the VAB, you have a range of different "cargo modules", with different sizes, shapes and capacities. You put them onto your ships like any other part. Then you click on the "cargo" tab. You select a module to open it's inventory. Then you decide what goes in. You could put in experiments, equipment like antennae and floodlights, micro-satellites, even small crafts, like that manned rover you can't balance on your tiny-ass lander for the life of you. Their are limits on what you can put in. Every item has a set volume and mass. Once you reach the limit on either, that's it.

You get your craft to where you want to go, like the Mun, for example. You've landed quite a distance from that cosy habitat you landed ahead of your manned mission. Luckily, you packed a rover. Select a kerbal on EVA, and click on the cargo module. Select the rover, and press "unpack". The rover then materialises next to the lander. Worried you may lose sight of your lander on the trip back? No worries, unpack one of the lights, and the kerbal you have selected grabs the light, to deploy like a flag.

Why should this be a thing in the game? Well, if your like me, someone with a lower-end machine, part count is a thing you have to constantly worry about. That rover could be tens of parts that makes your mission more laggy and less fun. This turns it all into one part, only something for your computer to simulate when you're actually using it. Also, no more issues with balancing stuff. The way I see it, kerbals really like having holidays, so they're very good at packing their suitcases. This translates into the cargo module having a COM right in the middle. Yay for not getting killed in out-of-control landers!

Feedback and constructive criticism is much appreciated as always. Thanks!

Edited by Drunkrobot
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I like this. Do want. And it would allow you to carry spare solar panels up to a space station for the occasional MechJeb assisted solar panel collision. There is a reason I don't use the Balka solar wings from the KOSMOS mod.

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This should totally be a thing. It would add a new interesting dynamic to the game, add some incentive for manned missions (i.e. your kerbal can weld the engine back on when you land too hard), and add the EVA functionality the devs have been talking about forever.

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  allmappedout said:
Off topic...why is it that when you move something by land it's called shipping, but when it's on sea it's cargo? ;)

"shipping" is a verb and applies to all modes of transport, "cargo" is a noun and also applies to all modes of transport! ;)

I agree, space shuttle-esk cargo bays for shipping stuff to and fro would be great! I have to use the B9 mod pack for these. gimmee...gimmee...gimmee...gimmee! :D

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Love the idea and as always love your posts. :)

Make this now? pretty please? somebody?

PS: in the meantime procedural fairings always either single use or permanent storage of sorts, but nothing as awesome as this!

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This...or something like it will probably be implemented at some point since the shuttle project was HUGE for the two largest competing space programs on Earth. However, we'll probably have to wait 'till aerodynamics are reworked for better shuttle parts. On the plus side, the dude who made B9 Aerospace was hired on by SQUAD so perhaps we'll see some of his parts implemented to the stock game. Or maybe we'll see something new but just as interesting.

Either way, I wouldn't be surprised if we had little cargo bays and/or shelves or something where you could attach experiments and things. Would be really nice to be able to pull out then drop various experiments on other celestial bodies. Since Apollo-esque missions where you actually send and return kerbonauts will be the best way to increase your science data or tech level or whatever, I'm sure a lot of people would like to see those ploppable experiments like we left on the moon in real life and this type of shelving/storage system would suit it perfectly.

Yay science :D

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To clarify, I'm not talking about a "payload bay" like on the Space Shuttle (though that would be equally cool):


The modules I'm ranting about would be more like the compartments in the Lunar Module descent stage:


Instead of being an empty space you can put normal parts into, and then deploy by opening doors, the cargo module is something that looks a bit like a fuel tank, but has an inventory that can be accessed by a kerbanaut on EVA, like an Apollo astronaut taking out an ALSEP experiment or a Lunar rover.

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