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Launches and simulations, hardcore mode

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Most of us treat a reverted launch as if it was a simulation. Some people would rather have a simulation defined as simulation from the beginning.

Suggestion: Launches are launches, simulations are simulations. There is a special simulate button next to the launch button that launches the rocket in simulation mode.

Aside from not being real, simulation mode would provide a lot of tools for testing rockets, planes and rovers, like teleporting the craft to another celestial body or orbit.

I'd also recommend to disable the cheats menu on "real launches" and make it part of the simulation tools where you can adjust gravity, change the atmosphere, make parts unbreakable and offer an option to change the contents of fuel tanks as desired. Additional tools that might be available are slowing down time, and pause-on-and-mark-structural-faillure.

Perhaps a simulation can also look like a simulation, where the world's textures are overlayed by a wireframe, glowing grid or 'matrix' appearance.

Suggestion two: Hardcore mode

Now that a simulations are simulations, we can scrap the revert option for those who want to play with an extra challenge. But not for all, as sandbox is sandbox and should keep the revert option.

On hardcore mode reverting would be impossible; all actions are permanent. Perhaps even quicksaving and loading is disabled. Simulations will be more than a few useful tools and are an important action before actually launching a rocket for real.

To keep everybody happy I suggest to simply split hardcore mode from the normal gamemodes. This gives us:


-Hardcore sandbox


-Hardcore career

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They've said before that they don't really want to implement difficulty settings though I'm not entirely certain why they'd be so against it. It'd be absolutely phenomenal for KSP if we had a realism or difficulty menu in the options wherein we could toggle various features like advanced life support, budget or science income and other such things to custom-tune our play experience just like any other good or decent simulator(or game for that matter).

As for simulations, it's been suggested before....kind of. I know it's been suggested that we have some kind of computer simulation building or wind tunnel room or other such things. I quite like the idea of having various testing environments or buildings where we can drive around rovers or drop landers to see how well they work and so on. For a lot of people, I think it'd just be fun...but at the same time, that's kind of what sandbox mode is for. Well, I guess sandbox is more for people who want to play KSP without the responsibility of actually managing a space program.

Well, whatever...I agree that having some kind of simulation or test facility would be awesome. Maybe incorporate a couple big fields into the R&D complex. Or behind, beside, in front of...just kind of surrounding the R&D building. An obstacle course for rovers, a small launchpad for testing out landers and things...and whatever other little test areas that people could come up with. Would be very fun, I think.

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