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High number of mods crash "fix"


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First of all, sorry if this is wrong category, or this was already mentioned, but I have found a slight "fix" for crash during loading when using a lot of mods. My KSP almost always crashed during loading when using only 1,3-1,5GB memory, and when I deleted just the exact number of parts for it to not crash, it was using 2,2GB max when fully loaded. So this was weird, it should be able to use 3,5GB as I understand it. Anyway, it always crashed when something "mk1" was loading, not sure what exactly, because it was very fast and there is no reference to it in KSP.log. So since I was not using mk1 cockpit or mk1 pod, I deleted them both, with internals as well. It is rather unfortunate to delete stock parts, but it did the trick and I can now use much much more mods, and KSP can run with all those 3,5GB without problem. Maybe there is something bugged with those mk1s? Or they somehow cause crash when used with certain number of mods? Or it's OS/system related, not sure. Still, hope it helps.

Ubuntu 64-bit

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Squads folder is one of the largest in the directory. And cockpits and there internals take up a nice chunk of memory. So just by deleting those parts you went under the memory limit. Me? Well I butchered squads gamedata folder. I have every major parts pack installed. Everything except KW. Nova, Soviet, American, Home, European, FASA's Gemini, LazTek's SpaceX, Kosmos, B9 and... That's about all I can remember but theres more. And my game data folder is 1.06gb. I strip each and every mod down to its essentials. I analyze every part and ask myself " will I ever use it? No? " delete.

A lot of mods have impractical cosmetic parts so they go and squads folder has been reduced by two thirds. It took a long time to run through everything with a fine tooth comb, but my god was it worth it. My game boots in 30 seconds and I probably have one of the most diverse part collection one can imagine. Delete your unused parts. Even the stock ones. Highly recommended

Edited by Motokid600
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Yeah, I just deleted most of the IVAs in the Squad folder. The only ones I kept were the cupola and the crew tank, because they are parts of one of my space stations and I like getting a view from inside. But that saved me almost 200MB right there.

Squad is even worse than KW when it comes to memory footprint and optimization - hopefully they will learn from how many modders do things.

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Well I do realise that squad folder is very large, so deleting two parts with their internals was not so important, it's just that everytime it crashed, it was when those mk1 parts were loading, even with different mods. So I thought it was worth mentioning. I never really considered deleting stock parts, it just felt ... "wrong".

Yes, 200MB saved is quite a lot, and now that I think of it, only stock internall I use is the cupola too. And as for SSTOs, I already use just the B9 parts.

So, I already take only really necessary parts from mods so I could probably do the same with stock parts. Anyway, thanks for recommending me this, I will defintely do some deleting in squad folder.

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I keep all of the stock parts, and use them as the guide for what parts from mods that I will keep.

I have NovaPunch, AIES, Fustek, some other parts mods. All of them were trimmed down. NovPunch and AIES both have fairings. I deleted them and replaced them with Procedural Fairings. Lowered parts count by 31.

NovaPunch has some 1.25 meter engines that were nearly identical to stock. Deleted them, kept the LV-T30/45.

AIES has some extra probe cores. They are identical in function to the stock ones. Deleted them.

I think I have a comprehensive set of parts covering a lot of things, plus mods like Kethane, RemoteTech, Procedural Fairings, Crew Manifest, Kerbal Alarm CLock and so on. In total, the mods use only 1/3 of the space that the stock parts do, and they have twice the parts that come with stock.

Trim what you don't need, trim the duplicate parts, and you get better performance.

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Well, I have LOTS of mods installed, and just downloaded about a dozen more, but havent installed them yet. Also, my GameData folder got really fat (2.27GB), so I trimmed it down over the past two days. I had KSP using around 2.7-2.8GB of RAM. I cut close to 600MB (around 212 parts), out of my Gamedata, (almost 240MB of it was the Squad Internals & Spaces! :o)...Now I'm running below the 2GB RAM mark, around 1.90GB... Yeee-aaahhh!! :)

Too bad Windows is so fat...If I know I'm gonna be playing KSP awhile, I disconnect from my network, and shutdown my firewall and anti-virus, and about half of Windows' core processes, so i can get system RAM usage down to about 735MB vs my normal 1.3-1.4GB...So that helps a bit, as now my TOTAL RAM runs about 2.8-2.9GB while playing... :)

Edited by Stone Blue
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Well, I have LOTS of mods installed, and just downloaded about a dozen more, but havent installed them yet. Also, my GameData folder got really fat (2.27GB), so I trimmed it down over the past two days. I had KSP using around 2.7-2.8GB of RAM. I cut close to 600MB (around 212 parts), out of my Gamedata, (almost 240MB of it was the Squad Internals & Spaces! :o)...Now I'm running below the 2GB RAM mark, around 1.90GB... Yeee-aaahhh!! :)

Too bad Windows is so fat...If I know I'm gonna be playing KSP awhile, I disconnect from my network, and shutdown my firewall and anti-virus, and about half of Windows' core processes, so i can get system RAM usage down to about 735MB vs my normal 1.3-1.4GB...So that helps a bit, as now my TOTAL RAM runs about 2.8-2.9GB while playing... :)

How much RAM do you have? KSP can only use ~3.5GB regardless of what any other process is using. Unless you only have 4GB total, you don't need to start slashing processes. If you do have 4GB total, buy more RAM! It's quite cheap these days.

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Yes, I know about KSP only being able to use 4GB...I actually have 6GB installed...But my computer has issues with lagging once I start using between 2.5-3GB under NORMAL circumstances, not even running KSP...

It cant multi-task worth beans...I'm really sorry I ever bought it, and I dont think I will ever be buying an Acer ever again, even though my previous Acer was awesome. This one is a V3-771G with an i5-2450 and an NVIDIA GT630M, 6GB RAM, 1TB HDD...A real piece of garbage...Its been having overheating issues lately....I think the fan is going on it...

Edited by Stone Blue
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Eh... 6GB is pushing it a bit. General rule of thumb is to give Windows at least 4GB on its own, so if Kerbal is taking up its 3.5GB chunk, that doesn't leave much for the OS.

If you're interested, you can usually replace even Laptop RAM, though if you aren't planning to keep that one much longer it may not be worthwhile.

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I accept as true I have a comprehensive set of constituents covering a allotment of things, in supplement to mods like Kethane, RemoteTech, Procedural Fairings, Crew Manifest, Kerbal alert timepiece and so on. In total, the mods use only 1/3 of the space that the provide constituents do, and they have two times the constituents that arrive with stock.


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Well, thats the thing...its NOT the RAM thats the problem....this laptop NEVER uses more than 3.5GB TOTAL before its lags so bad, or it locks up and I have to leave it set for awhile to do its thing before it comes back. Them putting 6GB in it was basically a waste, since it never makes use of it. I could put 16GB in it, and it wouldnt make a difference. I guess Acer took some mid-range PC components to make a nice laptop, touted as a "Desktop replacement"...But they cheaped out on the "package" to keep the price point lower than other brands comparable models, so bad that you cant even come close to taking advantage of the potential performance of the components.

And no, I'm stuck with this laptop for awhile....I just bought it new 10 months ago!!.. :(

As to me trimming down active Windows processes, I guess its been a habit since Windows 98 came out...lol With my OCD, I just cant let extra garbage I dont need, just run...I've been a fan of Black Viper since WAAYYY back...lol


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