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MechJeb 2 - Patch test bed release (October 10)


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That's what it WOULD do unless there's a maneuver node. At which point it's already cut engines so it's time to start turning to face the node. The proposed behavior is just to keep it steady until the circularization has been plotted.

Maybe I misunderstood the proposal, then. Here's the behavior I currently see: Once apoapsis reaches the desired altitude, the engines cut off (other than small burps to overcome drag). The ship remains pointed prograde until it clears the atmosphere. At that time, MJ plots the circularization maneuver and turns the ship to face the node. Post-circularization, the MJ disengages and the ship typically tumbles a bit because the maneuver nodes drifts during the last little bit of dV.

What is different about the proposed behavior ("just to keep it steady")? Not chase prograde?

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The ship remains pointed prograde until it clears the atmosphere.
It actually doesn't do this bit currently. At least not actively. If you are flying a ship on an ascent path where the time between MECO and plot/orient for the circularization burn is long enough, the ship can begin to tumble. Most people don't see this behavior using the default ascent profile, but it does show up in cases of unwieldy craft on custom ascents that have long coast times before the maneuver orientation.

Sarbian:The only adjustment needed is for Mechjeb to turn on SAS after MECO and leave it on until it plots/orients for the circularization burn. Don't change when it plots/ orients for that circ burn.

Edit to add: I feel like Elon Musk when having conversations like this, lol.

Edited by sojourner
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I can't help but notice that this Mechjeb seems to completely ignore anything you've set in the ascent profile box instead trying to automatically calculate the best ascent path. Having this be a toggle option in the ascent dialogue box would be best.

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It actually doesn't do this bit currently. At least not actively. If you are flying a ship on an ascent path where the time between MECO and plot/orient for the circularization burn is long enough, the ship can begin to tumble. Most people don't see this behavior using the default ascent profile, but it does show up in cases of unwieldy craft on custom ascents that have long coast times before the maneuver orientation.

Sarbian:The only adjustment needed is for Mechjeb to turn on SAS after MECO and leave it on until it plots/orients for the circularization burn. Don't change when it plots/ orients for that circ burn.

I agree with all of this.

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It actually doesn't do this bit currently. At least not actively. If you are flying a ship on an ascent path where the time between MECO and plot/orient for the circularization burn is long enough, the ship can begin to tumble. Most people don't see this behavior using the default ascent profile, but it does show up in cases of unwieldy craft on custom ascents that have long coast times before the maneuver orientation.

Hrm. It must have something to do with my profile and ship configurations, then. Like I said, MJ holds my ship prograde while I coast out of the atmosphere, so MJ can make those corrective burns (burps) to keep the apoapsis from dropping too far. I tend to hit MECO around 50km or 55km, depending on payload. But I'm not launching anything unwieldy, either.

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For the ASAS not switching in AUTO mode I can't duplicate this each time, but I saw it append. Do you have a way to trigger it each time ?

I'll keep an eye out in case I stumble on a consistently repeatable case, but nothing yet. I'm pretty sure it happens at least sometimes, because I keep getting annoyed by it. :)

The "Time to impact" problem is most likely some NaN. Is there anything in the log ?

Caught it.

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/7535de4ca26c26ac/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 54)

ArgumentException: OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius: given radius of 600304.287238744 is never achieved: o.PeR = 326.617774150285 and o.ApR = 600301.697890357
at MuMech.OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius (.Orbit o, Double UT, Double radius) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebModuleInfoItems.SuicideBurnCountdown () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&)

at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.ValueInfoItem.GetValue () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.ValueInfoItem.DrawItem () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebModuleCustomInfoWindow.WindowGUI (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

That repeats intermittently, causing the window to flicker from full of data to completely blank.

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It's not that mechjeb is holding your ship prograde, it's that your rockets aren't tumbling on their own. Mechjeb isn't doing any active control at this stage in the ascent

I'll have to try this out with an unbalanced ship and see for myself. I've seen MJ leave a ship tumbling after circularization, but my ships have always maintained prograde from MECO to edge-of-atmosphere, with MJ firing occasional bursts from the main engines to maintain the target apoapsis, which left me with the impression that MJ was actively maintaining the heading.

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I went overboard when removing the ASAS control. MJ need to disable it when it take control, but I am not sure it should enable it back after.

For the ASAS not switching in AUTO mode I can't duplicate this each time, but I saw it append. Do you have a way to trigger it each time ?

I'll play around on Ike or Minimus to try and catch it, if you like, heh.

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Installed according to OP. Had to roll back to 2.0.9 stable.

Ascent doesn't work at all, only the staging. MJ doesn't even try to turn the rocket around for gravity turn, nor corrective steer.

Descent suffers the same fate. Smart ass doesn't seem to work either, not even with RCS enabled will MJ try to turn the rocket.

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I just did a test launch and think I know what your talking about. I use the default ascent profile and that coast period between the MECO and mechjeb reorienting the craft before entering timewaro only lasts about 3 seconds for me. So it hasn't been an issue. How much time is passing for you before mechjeb plots the next burn, orients the craft and then gos to timewarp for the coast to apoapsis?

note: this was with the previous .dll from Sarbian. haven't tried today's .dll yet.

I noticed Mechjeb will plot next maneuver only at 69 000 meters, ie. the atmosphere height.

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im having 3 issues:

1- I fly my rocket, everything is fine, then if I revert the flight, the same rocket will crash a few meters from the launchpad. I noticed that in theses cases, monopropellent is used even b4 launch once autopilot is engaged. I have to close and reload the whole game. Its like mechjeb still think its in space with the other rocket or something like that.

2- I sent a vessel to Duna but when it left Kerbin SOI all went wrong, every maneuver I tried, it would just roll the ship as fast as it can. Reloading the ship from the space center fixed it. But the same thing happened when entering Duna SOI

3- targeting system is fluctuant, sometime the blue target will start to drift even if im still in a burn and the rocket tries to follow it off-course. I think it should lock its target until the end of the maneuver, then proceed to next target, if there is.

more a request than an issue, could mechjeb keep its settings, why do we have to set up autostage and attitude controls every launch?

If id keep only one mod, it would be mechjeb

tx alot to work on it

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It actually doesn't do this bit currently. At least not actively. If you are flying a ship on an ascent path where the time between MECO and plot/orient for the circularization burn is long enough, the ship can begin to tumble. Most people don't see this behavior using the default ascent profile, but it does show up in cases of unwieldy craft on custom ascents that have long coast times before the maneuver orientation.

Sarbian:The only adjustment needed is for Mechjeb to turn on SAS after MECO and leave it on until it plots/orients for the circularization burn. Don't change when it plots/ orients for that circ burn.

Edit to add: I feel like Elon Musk when having conversations like this, lol.

Turning on SAS could work, but only if it can also turn it off. And currently, it doesn't do that. I think maybe it used to when there was an 'auto SAS' option but I'm not 100% sure. So it has to be able to work WITH SAS and turn it off when it needs to assume control authority...

And, we are ALL Elon Musk. (said in a mysterious, Kosh-like voice)

(actually I have no idea what I mean by that; it just sounded cool to say...)

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I'll have to try this out with an unbalanced ship and see for myself. I've seen MJ leave a ship tumbling after circularization, but my ships have always maintained prograde from MECO to edge-of-atmosphere, with MJ firing occasional bursts from the main engines to maintain the target apoapsis, which left me with the impression that MJ was actively maintaining the heading.

First, forgive me (everyone) for constantly multi-posting, I keep forgetting I can multi-quote until after I post. Sorry :(

Now then.... you can ALWAYS see control inputs no matter what the source of input is. Whether it's you pressing your keys, SAS trying to hold to a course or put you back on course or MechJeb controlling your ship. Left hand side, lower corner: Pitch, Roll and Yaw. Watch it during the entire portion of your ascent with MJ at the helm.

Also, it doesn't require an unbalanced ship though I suppose that could well provoke the behavior. The rockets I've been experiencing this with just happen to be very huge and they're not built like any other rocket I've ever seen posted before, mainly because they're built around procedural fairings. I encase the ship in an entire gigantic fairing and place four rockets around it: The four rockets are 2 stacked KW SB-4 LFT each with a Griffon XX. At the bottom of the fairing is some sort of auxiliary thruster. Either a DSM 400 kN thruster or one of the big final stage KW engines. They look ungainly as hell but they fly pretty well right up until the point that I'm approaching edge of atmo and MECO. That's the point where if I'm not sitting there with a watchful eye waiting to take corrective action on the instant that the ship starts to tumble. If I can keep it from starting then I'm going to space. If I'm an instant too late.... welll, it was nice being up here while it lasted.

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Installed according to OP. Had to roll back to 2.0.9 stable.

Ascent doesn't work at all, only the staging. MJ doesn't even try to turn the rocket around for gravity turn, nor corrective steer.

Descent suffers the same fate. Smart ass doesn't seem to work either, not even with RCS enabled will MJ try to turn the rocket.

Do you have SAS enabled? I noticed this same issue on mine, until I turned SAS off and let MJ do its own thing.

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Turning on SAS could work, but only if it can also turn it off. And currently, it doesn't do that. I think maybe it used to when there was an 'auto SAS' option but I'm not 100% sure. So it has to be able to work WITH SAS and turn it off when it needs to assume control authority...
Well, yeah, mechjeb disabling SAS again when it needs to would be a given.
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Now then.... you can ALWAYS see control inputs no matter what the source of input is. Whether it's you pressing your keys, SAS trying to hold to a course or put you back on course or MechJeb controlling your ship. Left hand side, lower corner: Pitch, Roll and Yaw. Watch it during the entire portion of your ascent with MJ at the helm.

Okay, I fired one of my space station component lifters (115T on the launch pad, 13.8T payload + mostly-spent 2nd stage delivered to orbit). I use an 8km/60km/-5*/50% curve, since I find that leaves more fuel in my 2nd stage once the orbit is circular. I aim for a 90km equatorial orbit. My first stage is spent around 21km/2min, leaving stage 2 to finish the job. MECO is just shy of 54km and 5min after launch. The ship is prograde in a 91x48 orbit. I see occasional puffs from the engine when drag pulls the apoapsis below 90km, and the three control input axes show tiny twitches to pitch (I roll 90 degrees during vertical ascent, so the ground is "down" on the navball). The ship coasts for about 4 minutes before it clears the atmosphere and MJ plots circularization. While in atmo, if I tap a button to induce yaw or pitch, I see a counter input once I release the key, and the ship goes back to prograde (with a brief oscillation once it is there). SAS is not on. This leads me to think something is actively managing my facing. I don't have any other plugins that provide control input (as far as I know), so I assumed it's MJ.

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...The ship coasts for about 4 minutes before it clears the atmosphere and MJ plots circularization. While in atmo, if I tap a button to induce yaw or pitch, I see a counter input once I release the key, and the ship goes back to prograde (with a brief oscillation once it is there). SAS is not on. This leads me to think something is actively managing my facing. I don't have any other plugins that provide control input (as far as I know), so I assumed it's MJ.

This is exactly what MJ has always done for me, and I'm not even using the patch this thread is about. It usually happens that the ship's orientation at MECO isn't quite prograde so as soon as the engines stop, MJ adjusts the ship to prograde (you can see the control surfaces wiggle and/or RCS puff) and then it holds it there until out of the air, with occasional control surface twitches and/or RCS puffs. Then once the "in space" music starts, MJ plots the circularization node and rotates to face it.

SAS is off this entire time. I turn SAS on 1st thing before I launch as it reduces rocket wobbles on the pad. But as soon as I engage the autopilot, MJ shuts it off and keeps it off the entire time it's in control. I wish MJ would use the new SAS system--I think it would help MJ.

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This is exactly what MJ has always done for me, and I'm not even using the patch this thread is about. It usually happens that the ship's orientation at MECO isn't quite prograde so as soon as the engines stop, MJ adjusts the ship to prograde (you can see the control surfaces wiggle and/or RCS puff) and then it holds it there until out of the air, with occasional control surface twitches and/or RCS puffs. Then once the "in space" music starts, MJ plots the circularization node and rotates to face it.

SAS is off this entire time. I turn SAS on 1st thing before I launch as it reduces rocket wobbles on the pad. But as soon as I engage the autopilot, MJ shuts it off and keeps it off the entire time it's in control. I wish MJ would use the new SAS system--I think it would help MJ.

Same here including the wish that MJ would use the new SAS.

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