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When you first visited the Jool system, which moon was the first you travelled to?


When you first visited the Jool system, which moon was the first you travelled to?  

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  1. 1. When you first visited the Jool system, which moon was the first you travelled to?

    • Laythe
    • Vall
    • Tylo
    • Bop
    • Pol

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First landed on Pol. Planted a flag, went to orbit, went to Bop, planted a flag, went to orbit, went to Laythe, descended into the sea.

Second mission was to Tylo. No success. Several crashes.

Third mission was to Vall. Landed, planted a flag.

Edited by lajoswinkler
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Haven't been there yet lol. I did make a 6-ton ship carrying 4 kerbals, a rover, 2 satellites, and a lander. 6 tons total. It's mostly Xenon. It turns out I had something like twice the dV I needed to get to Laythe, which was the objective for the challenge. It would have worked well if 1. there were seats, as you can't quicksave on ladders and 2. I had the time to control that thing for it's 8+ hour burn, because Mechjeb had it's own category.

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Laythe. I play with Deadly Reentry, so I wasn't too eager on aerocapture. So I decided to use gravity assists to save fuel on my first trip. Laythe just happened to line up better than Tylo, so I ended up entering Laythe's SoI first. The mission kind of failed as I ended up on the wrong side of Tylo on the second slowdown pass and I was on course for a Jool collision. Since I only noticed that very late I didn't have the dV to adjust my orbit and burned up in Jools atmosphere. I learned my lesson however and all missions since have functioned beautifully.

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I haven't made an attempt to land on one of Jool's moons just yet. I did a flyby in one of my previous saves and got fairly close to Laythe but not close enough to perform a capture.

As soon as I get my RMA's motherboard back from Asus then I will definitely try to get a lander there.

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Laythe + Pol. I was gonna set up 2 probes for a planned colony (never finished-the skeleton i had was smited by 0.21) and the first made it, but the second ran out of power during its burn after going round the dark side and trying to continue using the ION drive (I left it going whilst I had a cup of tea) and ended up shooting off and away from laythe. I managed to edit its orbit for a pol encounter and got an orbit on RCS and the tiny amount of fuel left

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Laythe + Pol. I was gonna set up 2 probes for a planned colony (never finished-the skeleton i had was smited by 0.21) and the first made it, but the second ran out of power during its burn after going round the dark side and trying to continue using the ION drive (I left it going whilst I had a cup of tea) and ended up shooting off and away from laythe. I managed to edit its orbit for a pol encounter and got an orbit on RCS and the tiny amount of fuel left

Don't get me wrong but you can't land on 2 moons at the exact time. Which mon did you visited FIRST!

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My first Jool mission was 3 small satellites. After random crash that made third one to vanish, Joolpal 2 was first to reach Jool system. While having no idea about aerobrake I slowed down with engines and ended up on orbit around Laythe while having encounter with Vall on the way. Other one orbits Jool between Vall and Tylo. During next launch window ill try to get some probes or landers there (if my Duna missions dont mess it up).

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Just visited Laythe for the first time today. With me being a heartless tyrant I sent Loner Kerman (no joke) by himself to the furthest habitable place away from Kerbin, and I left him there with the 4 man Hitchiker capsule so he has plenty of room... he won't be coming back.

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My method for Jool determines how i deal with where to call home when visiting.

Basically I point my final approach as close to Jool as I can. This way I can get multiple captures as I tear through the system, using Jool and Layth to aerobreak and keep me in the system, then finding a capture I can slide into orbit with.

So yeah...Tylo was my first jool home... by accident more then design... but I got there dammit...



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My first Jool mission was a transfer stage carrying four mini-probes (inspired by Scott Manley's video). They fell around the Jool system, one crashing into Laythe, another into Jool and the other two were slingshotted out of Jool's SOI.


My first successful landing was also my first manned mission, which landed on Bop in search of the Kraken.


My farthest Kerbals from home.


Edited by Brapness
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My limited exploration of Jool has actually been very successful.

On my first visit I sent an unmanned satellite probe. it was aiming for jool itself but got a change encounter with tylo, so I got orbit and left it there.

My second mission to jool was manned by a single kerbal and he managed to land on Pol and then return home safely. He was running a bit low of fuel and Pol was an easy target.

My 3rd encounter with jool was on my way home from Eeloo. I was running low on fuel and somehow managed to fling myself through jools SOI and get a slingshot back to kerbin for minimal delta V.

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When I first visited Jool, it was back in 0.17, The plan was to go to Duna, I overshot it way too much, ended up aerobraking in jool and then captured by laythe.. Now ( of course the save isn't working but it's orbiting jool...) R.I.P..

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My first landing was at Tylo. I had this elaborate mission plan that would involve using one lander to visit all five Joolian moons in one trip. The lander needed two stages to land on Tylo, but then the upper stage was reused for all the rest of the moons. So Tylo had to be the first stop. Alas, I ran out of fuel after Tylo, Vall, and Laythe, so I had to come back. I reshuffled the profile, added a second lander at Laythe, and then I was able to land on all five in one trip.

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