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using action groups trough staging

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This suggestion is simple:to be able to use acton trough staging.

The first utility that I can think of is simplicity:with such a system,you wouldn't have to remember:"ok,just after I jettison these tanks,I have to press one to...."":you would just have to put the desired action group in the staging list!

In exemple,if you have made a escape tower that have to be ejected after a specific stage,you would just have to put the action group after that stage!

Thank you for reading this short suggestion,don't hestitate to post you opinion(even if your opinion is that suggestion is so bad that I shall be forbidden to make any suggestion!

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Yeah this would be neat, I had the thought that you should be able to generate a new staging icon when assigning an action to the "stage" group, then you could drag that into place and activate it with space in the usual way :)

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When i started to play the game i actually thought action groups were the staging .. :)

Yes great idea it would really be great to be able to do so - this would also help a lot when something fails - one could for example include the stut-down engine command in the next stage so getting rid of a stage early would be no big problem.

Also please combine this with a Time-Delay option in Action-Groups for elaborate "Abort" systems etc. :)

Edited by SpaceHole
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